220's trying to get to 150

if anyone else is in this boat it would be great to hear from you and what you are trying. my family is always kicking *kitten* at losing weight but i just dont know what to do because none of them are like me at all. heeeeeeeeeellllllllp!!!!!!!!


  • sethharmon
    sethharmon Posts: 10
    I started at 225 and in 1½ months I am down to 205. Biggest thing for me is walking. Minimum of 3 to 4 miles per day in at least 2 sessions (morning and afternoon/evening).
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Do it one step at a time. You are 220 now? Shoot for 210. Just reduce your intake with balanced meals and put the move on. You can do it. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step... You have taken that first step... Just keep going. You will make it. One step at a time.
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    When I started in sep. 2011 I was 205 lbs. I currently weigh 178 lbs. I'm only 5'6" tall so you can imagine how overweight I was. I'm still 25lbs overweight. I believe my BMI is 150lbs. I think 65% of it would be dieting. You have to stick to your diet and avoid temptations that are everywhere. The rest is getting to the gym everyday and exercising. I would eat clean like lean cuts of meat and large servings of veggies as fillers. Veggies are so low in calories that you would have to eat an entire garbage bag full to get fat. Every now and then or more often than I like to admit, I still order a pizza and a 6 pack.
  • jenkidney
    jenkidney Posts: 149 Member
    I started last week at 231, headed to the 140-150 range. I am down to about 228 now, and it's the first time I've been under 230 since I can't remember when! Good luck to you!
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    I started at 296 in Sept, I'm down to 243 now. Take it one step at a time. it is not going to happen over night. This is a great site for motivation and support. Come faithfully and you will get to your goal
  • jennstevens21
    jennstevens21 Posts: 23 Member
    I was 245 and am now down to about 225 (need to weigh in at the gym) I have a few goals. my first is to get to 208 because that is my lowest since my second son was born, then i want to get to the 190's. Then finally to 150-160. I find it is very important to keep your info up to date on here. I wasnt getting as much excercise as i thought i would so i had to decrease my daily calories. Add me if you want.
  • KiwiKim25
    KiwiKim25 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm about 5'6" and started at about your weight and my goal weight is about yours as well. Feel free to add me! I try and think of it as one week at a time, and go from there. Thinking of the overall goal is just too dis-heartening for me.

    You can do it! Baby steps!
  • Started at 200 in January, and slowly dropping the weight by increasing activity. I find that life gets in the way ( parties, celebrations etc) some times but the exercise will make a difference. I found I actually like it now! The calorie counting on MFP is so simple, it has really made life easier. Carry on and don't compare your weight loss to others, keep your own goals and treat yourself too :)
  • Neblinosa
    Neblinosa Posts: 7
    I started at 219 in January and am now 170. I started by first making a health journal.where I have multiple section for tracking weight loss, picture, notes on how im feeling, etc. hen i started taking exercise seriously and reduced my caloric intake. I am about 10 lbs from my goal. I made small incremental goals. My first goal was to lose 10% of my weight. I rewarded myselfwh with stickers in my book to show when I hit goals. May sound funny but it is nice to look back in my journal or weight loss plots and see when I hit goals. It is motivational. I also have workout buddies who help keep me on track. We may not always go to the gym on the same days but we still.stay accountable to.each other.

    Sorry for the typos. I'm typing from my the phone and the cursor is acting.crazy.
  • thanks everybody for the advice and motivation this is the first time i have taken this seriously and i am so ready to see the results
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    i started mfp at 212...but i've been up to 220.....i am now down to 191.....add me if u want.
  • beubanks64
    beubanks64 Posts: 6 Member
    I just started AGAIN, this week at 221 and my goal is 178....but I know my body & my mind and I plan to take this adventure "ten pounds" at a time!! 222 was my 9 month pregnant weight with my oldest son & he's 22 now!! LOL So, I have NO excuse for this weight gain....other than loosing two jobs since January & being stuck at home having a pity party for myself & watching the Food Network.....and actually cooking!! Yes, I've lost this weight a dozen times in the last 20 years & my lowest was back down to 150, but of course I got pregnant...again! I guess I was too dang sexy!! lol I'm not sure how old you guys are on here, but I'm approaching 50 years young.....and my Mom has had THREE knee replacements, my sis has had a gastric by-pass & my other syblings are morbidly obeses as well......and three of my family members have sleep abnea & have to sleep with c-pap machine that blows air into their lungs. Well, life is too short & precious to me....and this last weight gain is the first time that I've "felt it" in my body....my knees have begin to bother me & I'm trying to be so careful until I get this weight off. I've missed so much with my Mom, because she's been homebound & in paid for many years.....and shen she gets out, it's painful to watch! Since that time she's lost 70 pounds, but the damage is done!! ugh. My oldest son who's 6'4" was approching 400 lbs but has recently made a life change & has lost 65 lbs! So my advice to you, is to look at your family, your loved ones & yourself....and make a decision that YOU are worth fighting for & life should be enjoyed.....and not hidden from! I would take this one day, one pound at a time & if you mess up, don't fall back into poor eating habits & give up.....just forgive yourself & do better tomorrow. Also, I read in a prevention magazine years ago that you should invest in something for yourself, maybe soem new make-up, earrings or a top.....to make yourself feel good NOW! Also, get out of the house, even if it's just walking to the mailbox or taking out the trash.....you've got to start somewhere! Eventually, walk around the parking lot or block where you live.....if you can find a walking buddy great, if not, push a kid in a stroller, walk a dog or listen to your favorite music!! Walking is like taking a xanex to me, no matter what is going on......you can walk it off & enjoying what God created while you are doing so, is just a big ole BONUS!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!! <3
  • Neblinosa
    Neblinosa Posts: 7
    I should add that I am 5'6". At a healthy BMI of 25 I should be almost 150 lbs.; however I've been 150 before and it is too thin on me. So my goal is 160 (actually 159.9l then I will reassess where I am. I also want to gain more muscle since I think some definition looks good on women. Small incremental goals will keep u motivated. Write down as much stuff as possible. I regularly go back and read things I wrote in my journal.
  • beubanks64
    beubanks64 Posts: 6 Member
    Great JOB!!! What an inspiration! :flowerforyou:
  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 290 Member
    I started at 223.... Now down to 170, aim is 150!!

    I'll add you :)

    Good luck xx
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    hiya. welcome to mfp.
    i started in jan 2011 at 230lbs (and i'm only 5'2"). i've been hovering at about 175lbs for about 6 months now! but that's ok.
    i never really had a goal weight, and for me this was never about getting thinner. changing my thinking about 'diets' has changed my whole approach to this journey. diets have never worked for me before, so i flipped my focus onto getting fitter.
    i started to run (1st to the lamp post, then street corner, etc). what happened was that over the course of a few months my attitude towards the food i was eating changed- i started to look at food in terms of fuel. i also knew how much running it takes to burn calories created by munching on a load of cookies, so i just stopped wanting them as much.
    because my goals became fitness related, i started to do more fitness stuff to achieve them. i wanted to get better at running, and so started to do a few weights and core stuff in order to improve my running.
    18 months later i have achieved things that i thought were impossible- i ran a marathon! an actual, real life, 42.2k marathon. and i'll be doing another in 18 weeks.
    so, what worked for me was to not obsess about what i could and couldn't eat. what worked for me was getting a goal which related to me becoming fit, not thin. which is good, because i'm still a far way away from thin, and if getting skinny was my goal i would have quit a long time ago.

    good luck on your journey. i hope you enjoy mfp.
  • cwelch2677
    cwelch2677 Posts: 69 Member
    I started out at 238 in April and am down to 223. My goal is 165lbs. Exercise definately helps, even if it's just walking for 30 minutes. I wasn't able to run this week due to a bum knee and just did strength training yoga and my weight went up 5lbs even though i only went over my calorie allowance once this week. That said, I think MFP is great! This is the 1st week I've hit any kind of snag.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I started at 213 with a goal of being in the 140`s range

    currently 167 :) or less I weigh in today

    it takes time that is the best addvice to remember. There is no quick fix I started May 1st 2011 so its been alittle over a year now and I`m still working on my goal but getting oh so close.

    weights don`t be afraid to use them I really wish I would have started lifting sooner its shapped my body so nicely and helped with looseing as well
  • furby1
    furby1 Posts: 114 Member
    I started 10 weeks ago at 230lbs and have lost 9lb, but have plateaued over the last 5 weeks, even though I have kept to my calories and upped my exercise. What is saving me from getting really fed up about it is that I measured myself the first week, and I am loosing inches if not pounds.....so if you haven't already done so measure yourself now so that if you end up having a plateau you may get some encouragement from the tape measure..:)

    The other thing that has helped is having found some really motivating and helpful friends on here. They keep me going with their encouragement and also seeing they're journey as well.

    I decided right from the beginning not to have an end goal but to go from one small goal to another, so my first goal was to get down to 224 lbs (achieved), then the next is 220lbs (1lb to go), after that my next goal will be 217lbs, then 210lbs and so on...that way I can look back and see the goals I've achieved, rather than continually looking at a goal which seems a long way ahead!!!!

    I'm not looking to be at an ideal weight, but to be at a weight which when I look in the mirror makes me smile at myself...that may be after loosing anything from 2- 6 stone!! I am definetely on here for the long haul though, so if you'd like another friend please add me :)...I have noticed though that you would like some friends around your own age, and I understand that, as I feel the same but I have just turned 61, so if you don't add me, I hope you achieve everything you want to...good luck :)
  • I'm exactly 220lbs and I have no motivation to get smaller although I desperately need to. I did zumba yesterday which really helped. I am trying for 120lbs by next year. Add me and we can supporet eachother.