Lame reason to binge, but...

My first baby was born eighteen months ago, after a long and painful fight with infertility. I've been wanting to try to get pregnant with another baby now for about six months because I'm scared it may take another several years, but my husband and I decided to be responsible and wait until we are in a better place financially and just focus on our beautiful little boy. Aaand today a close friend tells me she's pregnant with her second one. And I know this is immature and petty, but I'm really jealous. Like, cry and eat cheesecake jealous. :( they don't even take good care of the one they have. They live in a one bedroom teeny tiny house that's essentially paid for by charity and the baby never has her hair fixed or anything and if her clothes fit it's because someone gave them clothes. And it just stinks that they couldn't care less about being responsible and get to have another baby :( so I'm feeling like a sixteen-year-old wallowing in self pity with carbs for company tonight. And maybe tomorrow. And Saturday I'm gonna go back to being awesome and I'm determined that while she's pregnant I'm gonna get smokin' hot. Sorry to pour out my heart on the interwebs, but all my friends ans family are out if town tonight. [/pityparty]


  • jenkidney
    jenkidney Posts: 149 Member
    I understand where you're coming from. I'd like another baby so badly, but the husband doesn't feel like we need to have a 3rd child. Meanwhile everyone I know is getting pregnant, tons of people that shop in the Target I work with are pregnant/have newborns it seems...and I just want to kick all of them in the shins! lol So I say enjoy your cheesecake tonight, heck, enjoy it tomorrow. But then pick yourself back up and hop on that treadmill (or whatever it is you like to do!), and get back to you and your goals. Your time will be soon!
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    So you feel crappy about your friend being pregnant, and because of that you make yourself feel even crappier?

    Don't use this as an excuse that justifies you eating badly. It's not. It's painful and seems unfair, yes. But part of being a good parent is also showing your kids how to deal with negative emotions.

    Treat this as a learning experience for yourself, so you can teach your baby boy and other kids in the future about how to deal with negative emotions. You're being handed an opportunity to become an even better parent. So, decide for yourself to not give that bad example by overeating, but instead practice giving the right example. The boy is too small now to understand this, but practising this now will help you do this in a right way in a more automatic mode in the future.

    How ever bad it may feel, try to get the good from this situation, rather than smothering your jealousy in crips.
  • monyango
    monyango Posts: 166
    I had my 4th child in October and he passed away in January (he wasn't due till February). Obviously devastated. Trying to be a good person and live my life in a way to honor him. Today my best friend tells me she is pregnant with her 4th and is due in February. I'm happy for her....she'll be a great mom to her 4th. She's a wonderful person. But it brought up a tonne of junk for me. I held it together almost all day but then after dinner I had a huge (and I mean huge) brownie. Totally ate my feelings. Then I felt guilty and worked out.

    I obviously need to learn how to deal with my grief and all kinds of emotions in a better way because life will continue to go on regardless of how I feel.

    Don't beat yourself up. We make mistakes!
  • SpanishRapunzel
    SpanishRapunzel Posts: 53 Member
    My heart goes out to you, monyango. I can't imagine the pain :(

    FWIW I stayed within my calorie budget, I just knew I could'be used the calories better. I've been trying to work on the emotional eating issue but its like everything else when it comes it losing weight-easier said than done. But I need someone to help me be held accountable for my goal-128 by March 1. If there's anyone out there who has emotional eating problems and wants to be friends for support, send me.a request :)