This 30 Day Shred..

I just ordered the DVD off of Netflix (haha my mom is gonna be mad because I'm making here keep this DVD for over a month). After reading all these success stories I'm SUPER excited. I'm 5'4 and I currently weigh somewhere between 208-206 I believe.

What should I expect doing this? What do I need for it? And what is this people mentioned about a "round 2'? Did the do the same work out for 2 months or is it different? Am I allowed to drink water during this? Some review I read said there was no time to do that D':

I'm sorry for all of my questions...But thank you for helping me.


  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    Yea id like to know what equipment you need for this? Im starting on Monday :happy:
  • boogiewoman1
    Just plug it in the DVD and I'm sure all your questions will be answered. :) It works. I do it e/o day. A set of weights, water, and something to wipe off the sweat!
  • sarah692
    sarah692 Posts: 136 Member
    Level 1 is available for free on Youtube if you wanna take a look,

    You just need light dumbbells. It is kind of fast paced with basically no breaks but if you need to drink water you can of course, it's your workout. Also when people say they do round 2, they mean they do it all over again. It's just a simple DVD with 3 levels that you do over the course of 30 days (or longer if you need to.)
  • ELM1414
    ELM1414 Posts: 28 Member
    Yoga mat and hand weights. I use 5 pound and 10 pound weights for some of the big muscle groups. You may want a set of 2 or 3 pound weights depending on your fitness level.

    Jillian doesn't give you water breaks. If I need a water break or a quick recovery, I pause the DVD and take it. This won't improve your endurance as much but it will allow you to give 100% during the 20 minute workout. My rule is that everytime I pause, I have to do 20 jumping jacks!

    Round 1 of level 1 seems tough but don't give up-once you get through the push-ups, it gets easier. I think you are supposed to stick with level 1 for 10 days and then move on to level 2 for 10 days, followed by level 3. I have 3 DVD's: 30 Day Shed, 30 Day Shed and Shred, and Ripped in 30. I switch it up daily to keep it fresh. I wish I could do Level 1 of 30 Day Shed and Shred everyday but that wouldn't be effective. I absolutely hate Ripped in 30. I am quite fit and I still have trouble doing that series.

    I hope this info helps. Her workouts are great and they get results. I wish I had taken pictures before I started. Be sure to add extra workouts because 20 minutes/day isn't enough. Stick with it. Good luck.