Wondering about Stevia....



  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    I use stevia drops have all kinds of flavors
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    I use Truvia. Love it.

    Did you know splenda is 2 molecules from DDT....the use DDT in pesticides.

    Did you know that water is one atom from hydrogen peroxide... they use that to bleach hair and if you drink it, it will kill you nastily?

    And yet water is considered by many to be HEALTHY.

    Learn the truth about this invasive chemical that causes death and destruction worldwide at


  • muchadoaboutme2000
    muchadoaboutme2000 Posts: 86 Member
    PS, I know everyone is different, but the two times I attempted incorporating Splenda into my diet (this was about 3 years apart, too), I experienced really weird heart or chest muscle pain that I'd never had before nor have had since. Just FYI. I'm really scared of it.

    I had "gut" issues with it. It was almost instant diarrhea LOL I guess my body knows the difference ;)
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    Also curious about this.

    Is it *actually* natural?
    Is it *actually* zero calorie, or is it like on other food labels where if the serving size is <5 cals they can just say it's zero? Cause I'm sure the serving size is like a teaspoon, so for baking or whatever it might add up...


    That's a good question because I use to use about 10 packets of Truvia every day :ohwell:
  • rosiecotton24
    rosiecotton24 Posts: 81 Member
    I have never liked any artificial sweeteners and frankly have never trusted them. I can't stand Splenda and can always taste when something is made with it. I may have to try the Stevia though. A friend of mine uses it and loves it. I didn't think it had much of a taste when she let me take a taste of it.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I have some Stevia-based hot chocolate which is really nice.

    I couldn't care less about a handful of calories so that is no big deal (I believe a healthy metabolism can handle a reasonable variance in daily calories). And it is clearly way better for me than other sweeteners.

    But I am not sure about training my body to like 'sweet' things as a rule so I limit my consumption.

    Since cutting the sugar and most refined carbs I am more sensitive to the natural sweetness in food so I guess I just don't need it.

    Shedloads better than something that contains Aspartame though :)
  • morgandy
    morgandy Posts: 21
    I have a stevia plant in my greenhouse :) Definitely natural! This is my first summer experimenting with the plant, but I think all I have to do is dry the leaves and grind it. I plucked a leaf and put it in my mouth once and it was an explosion of sweetness. Very cool plant!
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    I find Stevia to be sweet, for sure, but not an exact match to the taste of sugar. I am absolutely fine sprinkling it over fruits or making small subs in recipies, but I find too much stevia can give a "bitter" aftertaste when used in a recipe. I'm not sure if this is due to the brands I've tried, or that's just what stevia does in large quantities (1/3 cup+).
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    I suppose I could post something USEFUL :)

    In my coffee, I use Splenda at work, where it's provided gratis - at home I prefer Stevia extract (pure, from Trader Joes, just a FREAKING TEENY AMOUNT works wonders).

    I hardly ever use sugar in anything, although I don't do much baking, and I tolerate aspartame in diet soda just fine.

    Everything in moderation, eh?
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    stevia is all natural and chemical free unlike splenda. That being said, make sure what you are buying is actually stevia and not stevia + added chemicals.

    If you don't like the "diet" sugar taste you should try xylitol (can find it at any natural food store). It has the best sugar taste and texture and is safe for diabetics and is 100% natural. I think it actually tastes better than sugar! The only downside is it's pretty expensive.
  • joy31021
    joy31021 Posts: 216
    I like liquid stevia- just a few drops in lemonade- no dissolving issue
  • kajin1
    kajin1 Posts: 9
    Wow, thanks for all of the replies. I can't have sugar for heath reasons, and I want to wean myself off of the Splenda. I think I will try the Stevia in the Raw and see how that goes. I just can't do the plain greek yogurt without some kind of sweetner... I am going to try adding just plain fruit jam with out added sugar to see if that will work. The more natural I can go the better.

    Thanks again!
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    I have a stevia plant in my greenhouse :) Definitely natural! This is my first summer experimenting with the plant, but I think all I have to do is dry the leaves and grind it. I plucked a leaf and put it in my mouth once and it was an explosion of sweetness. Very cool plant!

    Where can you buy stevia plants?
    CATHYGAYM Posts: 31 Member
    It's a plant you can find in a garden centre, you can pick the leaves and eat them fresh or dry them and use them as others have suggested. I use the small pkgs of Stevia, it is much sweeter then other sweetners as I find I can get up to 4 coffees or teas from 1 pkg. It takes a bit of getting use to though as I find it has a little bit of a bitter taste also. Sounds contradictory - bitter and sweet , but that's been my experience with it. I use it only and no other sugar subsitutes.
  • Ninalicious
    Ninalicious Posts: 3 Member
    I just bought some stevia.. It had extra chemicals in it (maltodextrin, Talin MD90..????). Tasted HORRIBLE and stayed on my tongue forever. I will have to seek out the natural version of it in the hopes of a better taste.