Fell off (again!) but I'm back (again!)

So, hi!

I used this site for a bit at the end of last year and I just loved everything about it. And then the holidays came and I completely fell off every good habit I had created... and then January passed and February and by March I was like, "Ohgod this is so embarrassing, I can't show my face around MFP or the gym anymore so fuhgettit!" and quit altogether. And then come May I was like, "NO I'm gonna do it! ...tomorrow!" and now, nearing the end of June, tomorrow is finally here and I'm restarting.

So even though I'm not really a new face, I may as well be. I have to relearn all my good habits and kick my soda/sweet addiction again and I'm just really looking for some people and friends to help me along the way. :) I'm looking for a real support system though, please. I was gone for almost 7 months and NOBODY messaged me, called me out, or even checked to see if I was alive, minus one person who actually messaged me just a few days ago and was the catalyst to my coming back. I did get defriended by 11 people, though!

Ugh, that sounds terrible. I'm not trying to make it sound like it's anyone else's job to keep me on track, not in the slightest! It's just that I'm just looking for someone who will say, "hey, you didn't log any exercise in a week!" and call me out on slacking, so that I will be shamed into doing something because I crave approval more than I crave chocolate, so it really is a good system for me. That and dieting and exercise really is just a whole lot easier when you have someone helping you along the way. And I promise to give just as much as I get, so I will absolutely go out of my way to help my buddies, too. :)

I have over 100 pounds to lose (I lost 21 before the end of last year and have gained 10 of it back), so hopefully I will find more people out there with 'big dreams' like me !


  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    I will support you! Add me if you wish!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I can do that!!!!

    Let the beatings commence!!!

    Oh wait...that's not what you are looking for.


    Let the messaging commence!!!

    Feel free to add me. I'm goofy but mean well :-)
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    i lost and gained some back too so feel free to add me too
  • AmelodyAngel
    AmelodyAngel Posts: 152 Member
    Sending a friend request now!!! :)
  • AinatSkram
    AinatSkram Posts: 25
    I have also fell off (again, and again, and again)... to the point where I closed my old account and started a new one. Fresh new start!

    Friend me if you'd like another friend who WILL message you!! :)
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    All right! Tons of friend requests heading your way!
  • lhinds85
    lhinds85 Posts: 66 Member
    I am the same way as you. I have a midnight sweet attack constantly. Add me if you want.
  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    Request sent
  • megan_witczak7
    That has happened to me to. I just started Curves Complete, Im on the first week and its working so well. Feel Free to add me.
  • MrsRando
    MrsRando Posts: 155 Member
    You can definitely add me as long as you promise to call me out too!
  • flanary888
    flanary888 Posts: 158 Member
    I need the same thing! Someone to literally tell me to get my butt up adn move. Friend me if you would like :)
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    welcome back! Looks like you are ready to roll! Work it girl! :)
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    I got u!!
  • Neraks
    Neraks Posts: 30 Member
    Hi there!!

    You back and that's all that matters!! We all stumble and fall off but the fact is your back up on your feet and doing what you know to do! I too have 100+ to loose, so feel free to add me.
  • josephine0701
    josephine0701 Posts: 37 Member
    adding you now!
  • kuteme
    kuteme Posts: 17 Member
    Hey Shannon, your post made me smile cos i also fell off and decided to come back today. This road is a long difficult one but i'm sure we'll get there eventually. I have about 20kg to lose. You can add me to your friends list if you so wish
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hello! I'll add you. I log on every day and post to my friends! :smile:
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    You can do it! Trust me I know all about falling off the wagon! I've been on here for 2 years. I lost 26 pounds gained some back, lost over 30 pounds..recently gained a bit back. I am getting back on track today! Add me as a buddy if you like.:flowerforyou:
  • IleanaMargot
    IleanaMargot Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in! Add me, we can call each other out.
  • BeachBobbie
    It's a lifelong process.....keep your head up and do your best. I'm on the falling off part right now. I've been working so hard since January, that I'm feeling burnt out. I am eating a lot of garbage and am not working out as much as I'd like.
    It's summer and I'm so busy.....just hope I don't wait too long to feel the motivation again.
    Good luck on your journey. I hope things happen for you this time :)