Help! i need to stop eating chips and french fries!!

I have a big problem, i can't stop eating chips, and french fries either, They're just so good, but so bad for me.
any suggestions?


  • cmhollis1
    cmhollis1 Posts: 35 Member
    Just say no. The hardest thing for me to give up was ice cream, but willpower and determination have kept me from indulging.
  • kkmarie11
    kkmarie11 Posts: 114
    dont buy them just keep them out of your house because if there not there you cant eat them!
  • Stagezz
    Stagezz Posts: 124 Member
    Anytime i felt the need for chips I would grab one of those very small lunch size bags...they have around 140 calories and gave me my fix...I didn't do it everyday, but was a nice treat.

    Fries...I finally gave up, once in a while I will eat them if my kids order them, but i only have one or two.

    My hardest to give up was Soda...I drank about 4-6 cans a day...Been soda free since April!! Woot WOot!
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Yes. Stop eating them.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Just stop, you have to stop to quit craving it.
  • ehatch711
    ehatch711 Posts: 2 Member
    If chips are in the vicinity, it's hard not to eat them. Just keep them out of your house; don't even go down the snack aisle at the grocery store! I also avoid fast food at all costs (if you go to a restaurant, ask for a fruit cup, or even a cup of soup instead of fries).

    I've also found that a great alternative is apples. If you slice them thin, they have a crisp crunch and you have a number of slices to eat, similar to potato chips (but healthier!).

    Hope this gives you some ideas :)
  • tina9988
    tina9988 Posts: 369
    We all have our trigger foods. You don't have to stop eating them, you need to control your portions and earn those calories with your exercise. As you start to see results it will be easier to resist those trigger foods. Get a food scale and portion everything out. I am losing weight and I don't deprive myself of anything. If I want it, I work for it.
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    I have a big problem, i can't stop eating chips, and french fries either, They're just so good, but so bad for me.
    any suggestions?

    I used to be a huge snacky/chip/salty food eater (like french fries are my guilty pleasure and comfort food). I've found with a lot of time, and replacing my "bad" snacky foods, it's greatly helped me to not want to snack as much. I'll get crackers instead of chips, or get super crunchy veggies as snacks, or veggie chips to satisfy the "chip" desire, but still get the veggie in my diet, or most recently I've gotten plantain chips instead of potato chips. I'm pretty new at the whole "eating healthy and avoiding bad foods" thing, so I'm trying to replace my bad foods with better foods to help curb the cravings. I've gotten to the point where I'm starting to crave more fruits and veggies than I am snacky/salty foods. It just takes time and a little refining. :)

    As far as french fries go...I'll treat myself every once in awhile to them. Sometimes you just need to quell the beast and then go on your merry way for a month or so. I make sure it's within my calories too so I'm not eating over when I do treat myself.
  • epmck11
    epmck11 Posts: 159 Member
    I have a big problem, i can't stop eating chips, and french fries either, They're just so good, but so bad for me.
    any suggestions?

    I would suggest just not eating them. Don't let your cravings dictate you.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    carbs are also one of my trigger foods. I just dont keep them in the house and I dont order them when I go out. I felt pretty miserable at first, but I found once I stopped eating a lot of simple carbs I stopped craving them.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    try air popped popcorn, roasted chick peas (super easy to make) or roasted cauliflower, sweet potato instead of white potato (although they're still high in carbs), popchips, rice cakes (with avacado on top is damn good), veggies and dip. I have a carb problem too, I'm trying my best, but it's a struggle
  • The worst thing you could do for yourself is deprive your body of its cravings. However, there are ways around it. If you get the craving for chips, make sure they're baked or all natural. If you want french fries, try making your own. This way, you're not sacrificing your weight loss goal and your body isn't being deprived :)
  • nicolynn33
    nicolynn33 Posts: 17 Member
    Anytime i felt the need for chips I would grab one of those very small lunch size bags...they have around 140 calories and gave me my fix...I didn't do it everyday, but was a nice treat.

    I have the same problem with crackers (MAINLY Cheez-Its and gold fish). I just cannot keep them in the house because I will eat an entire box in a day. Once or Twice a week, I will have one of the small packs that are around 200 calories.
  • jgunn81
    jgunn81 Posts: 243 Member
    maybe stop buying them? lol

    seriously though, look for better alternatives that give you the same experience, i.e. instead of chips, maybe some crispy veggies, so you still hear the crunch...

    there are also the healthier alternatives to conventional snack foods, just be smart when you buy
  • snake13211
    snake13211 Posts: 23
    Thanks everybody! you've been a great help !!, im gonna try and not get any chips, and i'll try to have sweet potato fries, i also heard having carrot fries is a good alternative so im going to try that!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Air pop popcorn, with salt. That satisfies my salt cravings without adding a bajillion calories.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Maybe make your own- if you put vinegar and salt on them they may just hit the spot? Slice/chip and par boil potatoes, Shake to ruffle them up then put on a baking tray, spray with fry-light and bake in hot oven for 30 mins or so.
  • Honestly, I have a horrible love affair with french fries. The best way to avoid that is to make fried potatoes....

    1 potato cut in half, slice both halves
    cooking spray
    favorite seasoning (i use garlic, pepper, cajun seasoning)
    1/2 to 1 tablespoon of olive oil (i use olive oil or coconut oil)
    2 tablespoons of ketchup

    Spray pan and potato slices with cooking spray. begin frying. Be sure not to turn them over too much you want them to brown some.(a crowded pan is okay! these dont have to be perfect, at the end they just have to be done)

    After some browning turn the heat to low and let the pan cool some.
    Add your favorite seasonings but be sure to measure cause there can be hidden sodium.
    Add your olive oil and begin sauteing (be sure to cook in the olive oil on a low heat, olive oil burns very easy and has a low smoking point

    When they have reached your desired tenderness turn off and remove to a plate then add your ketchup.

    I make this with turkey bleu/cheddar cheese burgers when Im craving cheese burgers and fries. It kills the craving every time and is a super healthy replacement. Just recently Ive been adding a carrot to every potato i fry and it is so delicious. I made this the other day with two potatoes and two carrots, the carrots work beautifully with the potatoes in a similar affect to carrots and potatoes in a roast.
    Good luck, I dont know if this is the right option for you, some people might disagree with me. For me this is a lifestyle change not a diet and honestly I cant live with out some kind of potato i put ketchup on, thats just me :/
  • Actually looking over the recipe i gave (i dont normally use just one potato since i cook the same for the family) 1 tablespoon will be too much olive oil in the sense it will make it greasy. Try a teaspoon first then maybe another half a teaspoon too that if its not enough. I normally do 2-4 potatoes at a time when i do it. Also if you have a hard time getting the potatoes done you can turn the heat up to medium and had a little water (2oz of water or so for one potato) then let the water simmer off.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    I have a big problem, i can't stop eating chips, and french fries either, They're just so good, but so bad for me.
    any suggestions?

    we can't make you do anything, sadly. i wish we could ;D

    you have to want it for yourself.

    stop buying them? spray the ones you do have with chemicals then put them in the trash and there you go.