I don't want to eat just veggis and fruits!!!!



  • njhotsauce79
    Having said that: I'm not sure I've ever met a chili cheeseburger I didn't like, so I certainly don't deprive myself - I just moderate. Remember: you can't outrun your fork :)

    Love, love, love the chili cheeseburgers from Farmer Boys! AND they show the cals right on their menu board. :)

    I agree w/ most everyone else. You can eat what you want in moderation and still lose weight...and get in shape. Do some research online to see if your fav restaurants have nutrition info available. If not, try finding a restaurant that does and serves similar foods. An estimate is better than nothing. I've managed to meet my goal and haven't really eliminated anything from my diet. But it been a slow process. I lost the 50 pounds over a period of about 4 years. And I took some time off for holidays and vacations along the way. Getting back on the wagon is always hard, but you just have to keep at it.

    "you can't outrun your fork " I LOVE this!!! I'm stealing it!!
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    You have to exercise more the day you're going to indulge and ask someone to split an entree with you. Realistically you just need to cook them yourselves so you control the calories. The last 2 weeks I've been cooking up Asian dishes for lunch.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Yes. I usually have one "cheat meal" a week and thats when we drive the 60 miles for groceries and spend several hours in town. We go out to dinner (or breakfast) when we are doing our errands. The last few weeks we've both wanted Chinese (hubby uses MFP too) and gone to a chinese buffet. We've eaten what we wanted and I don't even try to log it.

    I still loose consistantly even with my one cheat meal a week, whether its mexican, chinese, italian...whatever!
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    Having said that: I'm not sure I've ever met a chili cheeseburger I didn't like, so I certainly don't deprive myself - I just moderate. Remember: you can't outrun your fork :)

    Love, love, love the chili cheeseburgers from Farmer Boys! AND they show the cals right on their menu board. :)

    I agree w/ most everyone else. You can eat what you want in moderation and still lose weight...and get in shape. Do some research online to see if your fav restaurants have nutrition info available. If not, try finding a restaurant that does and serves similar foods. An estimate is better than nothing. I've managed to meet my goal and haven't really eliminated anything from my diet. But it been a slow process. I lost the 50 pounds over a period of about 4 years. And I took some time off for holidays and vacations along the way. Getting back on the wagon is always hard, but you just have to keep at it.

    "you can't outrun your fork " I LOVE this!!! I'm stealing it!!

    ^5 This.......for sure you have what you want...just have to plan and account for it! I WILL not ear just veggies and fruit on ANY DAY!!
  • njhotsauce79
    I eat whatever I want as long as it is in my calorie range. With that being said....I feel much better when I eat healthier foods so I do that 90% of the time but there is no way on earth that I would give anything up. I have to live with this the rest of my life so it has to be doable forever and to say that chocolate or chinese are never to touch my lips again then I would fail miserably. I have lost 105 pounds so far doing this. I have a free day once a week. I still log my food but I don't stress about a thing. Usually my free days don't amount to too much overage because I never restrict myself from anything (again as long as it is in my calorie range).

    People will tell you that you have to eat clean or you won't lose weight, they will tell you that you can't have pizza or ice cream. But from my own very successful experience I have found that I can have those things in moderation. I workout a lot too so that I can have more calories in my day and you will hear a lot about this subject too but I eat the majority of my exercise calories back, I consistently lose weight and inches and I am happy. Good luck!

    This is me, I eat 85-90% clean 90% of the time. I find that I don't crave the crappy food, but when I do, let's say flaming hot cheetos (one of my weaknesses), I have them. I don't eat the whole bag like I used to, only because I don't want to. I can actually have a handful now and be done with the craving and move on. Then I won't crave it for weeks... It's weird because sometimes people think you are cutting yourself from it against your will, but you're not. Yesterday they brought me a cupcake to eat. I honestly did not want to. I had a cupcake the day before (a bite), and I was good with that. I left the cupcake on my desk until I went home and gave it to my son (he is a kid and can have a cupcake here and there). It was his desert! I didn't miss a thing!! if I had been craving it, I would've eaten at least half of it, or the whole thing.

    By the way, great job on your journey!!! Your results that you speak about sound AMAZING!!!!
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    There is nothing wrong with any food when eaten in moderation. :wink:
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member

    I barely eat vegetables myself because there's just no way they're going to taste as good as pizza or a cheeseburger.

    Awww, this kind of made me sad. I would totally choose some grilled asparagus or a yummy spinach salad over a piece of pizza now, and I can barely stomach red meat at all. But maybe I'm just a weirdo...hahaha
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My advice is to learn to make many of your favorites at home. That way you can control the ingredients. It's so easy to make helathy food, whether Chinese, Mexican, Italian, or other.

    When eating out it's difficult because you never know exactly what you are getting. I try to limit bread and fried foods. Order a veggie dish or a lean meat with a veggie side. Avoid salads, as restaurant salads are often full of bacon, cheese and high calorie dressings.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    Having said that: I'm not sure I've ever met a chili cheeseburger I didn't like, so I certainly don't deprive myself - I just moderate. Remember: you can't outrun your fork :)
    "you can't outrun your fork " I LOVE this!!! I'm stealing it!!

    Have at it - I like it WAY better than "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" 'cos it focuses on keeping your diet clean AND your exercise routines! ^__^

    I try to do really awesome with staying in my personal goals 85% of the time, and just be conscious. I have found - like many of us - that when I let myself have stuff periodically, I don't feel like I'm missing out... and that I don't actually crave it, I was just in the habit of it. If that makes sense? Like, when I cut sugar out for a while, I kinda... Stop thinking about it. There's some recent research that shows the human body's response to sugar is really similar to how it responds to thinks like cocaine, nicotine, and heroin (!!!). So I think of myself as a sugar addict.