Just a rant...

Okay, here's the deal. Dear husband and I went to get our annual physicals (okay maybe not so annual but every 5- 10 year physicasl). Blood test, pee test etc etc etc...anyway we were told that we would get a call back if anything unusal popped up or a card in the mail if everything was fabulous.

Dear husband was told he was vitamin D defincient (sp?)...take an OTC pill and see you in a week. The man eats cottage cheese, drinks a lot of milk, cheeses...blah blah blah... He eats junk food when he working, fast food, fried food, cookies and crackers and he is as fit as a fiddle (maybe a little belly) but perfect for me :)
I was told I have high LTL's (High cholesterol)....I eat no fried foods, eat healthy, watch my fatty intake, eat minimal processed foods, no store bought cookies or crackers, veggies everyday...and how is this fair? Dr. prescribes me a pill...take it and see you in 3 months...BLAH!

Just wanted to rant (people at work are tired of it already ....lol...I feel better now, thank you for letting me borrow a shoulder!


  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Yep, not fair, but something called 'genetics', which we unfortunately can't choose.

    Look at it this way - you probably appreciate your health better than him since you work more for it than he does.

    And look on the bright side - if that's 'all' they found, you're doing pretty good :flowerforyou:
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Yep, not fair, but something called 'genetics', which we unfortunately can't choose.

    Look at it this way - you probably appreciate your health better than him since you work more for it than he does.

    And look on the bright side - if that's 'all' they found, you're doing pretty good :flowerforyou:

  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    The gods just like him but not you....:bigsmile:
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    The gods just like him but not you....:bigsmile:

    Wow, you're a gem.
  • DebbieJohanesen
    DebbieJohanesen Posts: 8 Member
    It's totally unfair! I have high bad cholesterol, too, that's not going down sufficiently on the meds I'm on. So... now I'm on another one to see if it will drop. Ugghh! I know, in my case, that it's got to be in my genes. My dad died of a heart attack at age 43....his one and only and was dead before the ambulance arrived. It stinks, doesn't it!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    How much more active is he than yourself? Always something to consider :)
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Genetics for sure. My MIL wears a size 2 and eats like a squirrel. Her cholesterol and triglycerides were astronomically high. She went on a strict low cholesterol diet and they got even higher. Finally they put her on meds.
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    OH How I know what you mean. My husband and I did the same annual physical thing, not so annual like yours also.
    But he eats everything and anything. I have to think/watch/choose everything I eat.
    and YUP, he comes back HEALTHY!!!. I of course have high cholesterol.
    I do have to admit, his job calls for being on his feet and heavy lifting. Whereas I sit at a desk all day.
    But still, I wish for a happy middle. :wink:

    But don't get discourage, you aren't the only one.
  • Do not be discouraged! Like Esther50 said you are not alone. I too eat very well, and have been struggling to lose 30 pounds for two years. Excercising 6 days a week I am going to be 66 in July, and will not give up!!:angry: I encourage you to keep your eiye on the prize. I also have high cholesterol, as the family line dictates.:wink: I am rather new on the Myfitnesspal program....... love it Please keep up the good fight. Have a wonderful day!
  • KeriLoy
    KeriLoy Posts: 23
    How much more active is he than yourself? Always something to consider :)

    LOL...We are both quite active, he has a physical job during the week, much walking and running up and down stairs and I usally have trouble sitting down for any length of time.
    I agree It's my parents fault ....lol! I talked to my sister and she too is taking meds....said that both of our parents had high cholesterol. I'll take the silly meds and continue the good fight!