400 Calorie Fix

Has anyone read The 400 Calorie Fix?? I just got it this weekend and I think I may give it a try. I already eat 1200 calories, but I usually save the majority of my calories for dinner. This method is saying you should aim for 400 colories every meal (some people get more meals than others depending on exercise level) and you will feel fuller and more energized throughout the day......what do you think????


  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    I am just trying it today, looking for others who have tried it, love recipes so far!
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    Okay, so I see this thread is a few months old, but I am obsessed with the 400 calorie fix book. My husband loves it too because the meals are tasty and filling. Eating dinner on a diet is much less depressing when you can eat the same food the rest of your family does.
  • mightyfrances
    mightyfrances Posts: 14 Member
    I like the "Cook This Not That" books from the "Eat This, Not That" people. Tasty generous portions, real food. Recipes for things like baked ziti and fajitas all under 400 calories.