struggle with sweets



  • cburnett2698
    here are a few recipes for your sweet cravings. . .sugar substitute is stevia, truvia, or liquid vanilla creme stevia (organic aisle of grocery store)-0 calories 0fat in sugar

    Make as much as you like and freeze it. . .When u have that craving it's already prepared for you! If you add these ingredients in your calorie calendar, each dessert is less than 100

    "Strawberry Sorbet"
    You can also add banana or fresh pineapple, but it’s just as good without. The kids love this one, too!
    - Strawberries
    - Juice of 1 lemon - sugar substitute (as needed)
    - water (if needed)
    1. Freeze fresh strawberries about 1 hour.
    2. Blend fresh frozen strawberries, lemon juice & sugar substitute in blender until very well blended.
    3. You can serve immediately or place in freezer to allow it to firm up even further.

    "Orange Julius"
    - 1 orange - ice
    - 5-10 drops vanilla creme liquid stevia (to taste)
    - water (as needed)
    1. Peel orange and place orange sections in blender.
    2. Add about a handful of ice.
    3. Blend.
    4. Add vanilla creme stevia.
    5. Blend to desired consistency. Add water as needed.

    "Iced Fruity Green Tea-"
    - Boil 1 cup of water
    - Soak 5 green tea bags for 3-5 minutes (3 pomegranate-raspberry and 2 mangosteen or mix and match)
    - Pour into 2 quart pitcher and fill with water
    - Add juice of 2 lemons (about 1/3 to ½ cup)
    - Add 4-5 droppers full of stevia (plain or flavored, we like apricot nectar, Valencia orange, and lemon)
    Serve Cold**

    Strawberry/orange smoothie- FAVORITE"
    - 1 cup of frozen or fresh strawberries
    - ½ orange or 1/3 cup of real orange juice (not from concentrate)
    - ¾ cup of crushed ice
    - Stevia flavor of choice (1/2 dropper full or 1 packet)
    - (optional) 1 handful of frozen spinach leaves (you won’t even be able to taste these)
    *Blend in blender till smooth

    "Strawberry shortcake-"
    - plain melba toast
    - add 1 drop of stevia (vanilla crème flavor)
    - top with sliced strawberry
    - add another drop of stevia (vanilla crème flavor)

    "Candied Apples"
    -4 apples - 4 packets of truvia or stevia
    - 1 tsp. of cinnamon - 2 cups of water
    - 1 tsp of vanilla
    Place 4 apples in a baking dish. Pour the water over top. Sprinkle sweetener and cinnamon over apples. Bake at 350 degrees for an hour. Take out of oven and add vanilla to the liquid and stir. Take apples out and pour sweetened water mixture over apple and enjoy!

    "Hot Apple Cider"
    4 apples
    5 C water
    4 packets Stevia
    1 tsp cinnamon
    (opt) can add cloves or pumpkin spices too
    Place 4 sliced apples in a sauce pan and cover with water. Put sweetener, cinnamon, vanilla and any other spices you like. Simmer over mediumheat for 30-40 minutes, or until apples are soft. Remove apples and divide into 4 baggies to use as a fruit snack. Serve the cider in small mug. Store remaining cider in fridge and drink up to 1 cup a day.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I have this same struggle... so what I do and it seems to work for me... when I'm out and want a dessert, I only get one if they come in those shot glass sizes... If I want candy, I get three small sizes... I devour the first one without thinking about it, then the next two I savor and eat very slowly... that way my brain registers what I am treating myself to.... this helps me from going back for more or eating more than I should but still getting a treat.
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    Try a Tootsie pop! It takes awhile to eat it!
  • Juanna15
    Juanna15 Posts: 2
    I just take it plain - because it is only a teaspoon and I rather just down it and get it over with but you could mix it in yogurt or put it on top of a salad if you cant tolerate the taste. It really just tastes like a teaspoon of oil - the kind that I have is called lemon flavor but still just tastes like oil. I get mine from a health store but most well stocked pharmacies should have it. All it is is the liquid form of the fish oil tablets that they sell everywhere. The nutritionist advised against the tablets though because he said that the liquid form is more concentrated. I have definitely noticed a change in my belly fat. I had been working out like crazy and coming down everywhere BUT my belly and now I can see it starting to flattening out and I am even starting to see some of the muscle that was hiding under all the fat before!
  • BleuTree
    BleuTree Posts: 15
    thank you everybody for your ideas and accountability! i've got some butt to kick
  • HoneyRiot
    HoneyRiot Posts: 27 Member
    I have a struggle with sugar too. There is a lot of good advice in this thread...thanks for contributing! :)
  • glamsam8
    glamsam8 Posts: 39 Member
    How I deal with sweets is a bit strange, I bake. I know you'd think "Oh, if you bake, then you must eat them more." This isn't true at all for me. I know exactly what I put in my sweets, and how long it took me to make them, it makes me think before having some of them. I put more effort into making them, so it wasn't nearly as easy as going to the store and picking some up, so they're more of a special occasion thing for me.