Husband and Wife teams



  • Starqueg
    Starqueg Posts: 39
    My fiance and I are both trying to get into shape/lose weight before our wedding. He's on Weight Watchers, I'm on here. We support each other, but have different ideas about working out, so we aren't fitness buddies.
  • emom3boys
    emom3boys Posts: 84 Member
    While I'm on here, my husband is on Lose it. I'm trying to bring him over here for the community aspect. He is just so into only logging his meals on his phone though.
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    My husband and I are both on MFP. Proportionately, he's much thinner than I am, but in actual pounds we have the same amount of weight to lose. We started MFP at the same time. It makes it much easier to plan dinner with us both trying to lose, although his calorie goal is much higher than mine. He makes up the difference with bigger portions and higher calorie breakfasts and lunches than me. We go walking together after dinner, and I make sure if I buy goodies for the kids it's things he doesn't really like so that he's not tempted to eat them. So far it's working very well for us. He was sent to South Africa at the beginning of June to work down there for a month, and we thought this would mess up his weight loss. I bought him a travel food scale, and he's staying in a hotel that has a small refrigerator and microwave, so what he does is go to the Woolworth's that's only a 10 minute walk from his hotel, and buys bread, cheese, lunchmeat, fruit, salads and ready made packaged meals. He weighs everything to get an accurate count. I found a Woolworth website that lists all the nutritional info for the products he bought, did the kilojoule to calorie conversions for him, and he's been able to stay with the program. We talk to each other every night on Skype and have been encouraging each other with our diet and exercise, and if he eats out with the people from work, he takes a picture of his meal and I research and figure out what he ate, estimate the portions, and log it for him. We'll see how well "we" did with his intake when he comes home on July 1st, because he's had no access to a scale to weigh himself. But yes, we are definitely doing this journey as a team!
  • fliesdonotbelong
    fliesdonotbelong Posts: 109 Member
    My husband is on here, I've lost 20lbs since I started dieting and 13 since joining MFP. My husband is currently on a relapse. He joined to support me.
  • Dangerdede22
    Dangerdede22 Posts: 33 Member
    my husband started on mfp and brought me along for the ride, he mainly uses it for the daily summery but is looking to make some friends and Im on here constant trying t see what Im doing wrong or what i should do. Any couples wanting mutual support ad us! his username is Jjw1125

  • jenmfpal
    jenmfpal Posts: 124
    My husband isn't on yet... recently he started going to the gym with me. And after that he started eating healthier. He's been "participating" with me when I log or use my MFP account at night on the tablet, so I think he'll get an account soon.

    He's doing well, MFP strategies that I'm sharing with him are helping him be successful, so I think he'll want to get involved :) Either way, I'm OK; just happy he's supportive of what I'm doing (wasn't in the past) and isn't jealous of all the time I'm spending in the gym!
  • ShellRaymo
    ShellRaymo Posts: 13 Member
    My husband joined before I did and he has lost about 20lbs. We both have a considerable amount to lose but working together sure does help :)
  • Kitzey
    Kitzey Posts: 214 Member
    My husband hasn't joined MFP but we started this lifestyle change together. We are both down almost the exact same weight!! It's nice to have a good support system at home.
  • rmalford
    rmalford Posts: 58
    Both of us are successfully following MFP. Frankly, it would be very difficult to do wo her involvement because as is common she runs the kitchen. Think we've lost something like 35# combined. I started a little sooner
  • brittaney_lee
    brittaney_lee Posts: 14 Member
    As of today, my husband and I have lost a combined 50 lbs in 8 weeks, using MFP, P90x, diet and elliptical/ weight training. I know we've both never felt better, and I'm loving it.

    We support each other on a daily basis, and I couldn't even think about doing it without him.
    He's my whole world! <3

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Warren_Carrol
    Warren_Carrol Posts: 21 Member
    that's my wife in the post above.
    couldn't ever do it withour her...not just for the motivation, but for the science side of why my body does what it does sometimes.

    as She said, we've never felt better and we're just getting started.
    I love her more than anything

    p.s....I think it's time to retake my profile pic...I hope that's not how I'm looking these days...

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jenmfpal
    jenmfpal Posts: 124
    My husband joined yesterday! Happy dance :)
  • mrsfickle
    mrsfickle Posts: 34 Member
    My husband got me started on MFP and is my biggest supporter! Now we have some of our friends and our BIL on too! My husband has lost 20 pounds with about 10 more to go! I am halfway to my goal!
  • kiwigal41
    kiwigal41 Posts: 1,059
    My husband started on MFP before I did. I saw how much it was helping him so I joined a month or so later. We are both doing really well!! He has lost 87lbs so far and I have lost 37lb!!! We look and feel so much better!!! I've only got 10lb to go, while he wants to lose another 25!!!!! I know he will do it too!!!!
  • tmfpartyof4
    tmfpartyof4 Posts: 125 Member
    Mrs Wife and I are both members of MFP and encourage each other throughout the day. Are there any other husband/wives/partners etc on here and how are you working together ?


    yes. my husband and I are both on MFP, and we support each other. :)
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    My wife (BrigBug) and I are both on here too! We've lost around 130 pounds combined.
  • ExWallStreetGuy
    ExWallStreetGuy Posts: 4 Member
    I joined about four months ago but didn't get serious until my wife joined me three weeks ago. Combined we are down 20.

    Glad to see other committed couples (traditional or not!)
  • dan95130
    dan95130 Posts: 78 Member
    My wife and I are here together. It's great because we see the little changes in each other, that friends and co-workers would never notice. We point them out and offer encouragement and support. As a team we are down sixty pounds.