tips for balancing intake with exercise after anorexia

ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
I am hoping someone else is using this site that might be using it also to maintain and not loss weight. I have been back at home for almost a month after being in an intense outpatient treatment program for Eating disorders. I am starting back to being active and trying to keep the balance of intack and exercise would love some encouragement or tips.


  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    I'm not quite in maintenance (normal weight looking to lose the few pounds I've gained since last year). My biggest issue with using sites like this is that keeping track of my intake was a trigger for me - the warning sign that I might be slipping. For referrence, I'm well over a decade recovered and I still have control issues when it comes to food and exercise.

    So, here's my advice: If your doctor isn't specifically recommending you use a site like this, don't. You're way to early into your recovery.

    If you don't take that bit of advice, do what I do and make yourself accountable to someone. I've friended my mother on this site and my husband has my password. If I'm not eating a healthy number of calories, someone who cares about me will know about it.

    That's all I've got.

    Edited to add - except this - if you need a friend who will kick your *kitten* if you get out of line, I'm available. :devil:
  • ERRNjenn
    ERRNjenn Posts: 3
    I agree with the above post. If you are still having to track your exercise and your intake, it doesn't sound like you are fully "recovered" and my guess is you're supposed to be gaining not maintaining anyways. It's taking me years and years to be able to diet healthily without being triggered back into my eating disorder. Give yourself time and just focus on getting well right now. Good luck.
  • katielangley
    katielangley Posts: 152 Member
    This site would be great for you... It offers great support, and makes you keep track of your intake... It will help you see what your intake is throughout the days!! Most importantly this site is for ppl that want to get control of their lives and be healthy!! I wish you the best of luck! You can do this!! Do not be affraid to ask for advice:) :smile: