Strength results?

Hi...I started a very basic strength training routine this week and it nearly killed me! 10 lunges in and my legs were like jello! Three days later....I'm still feeling the muscle soreness.

I'm interested to know how long it took for those starting a strength routine to notice strength improvements.



  • BigRich822
    BigRich822 Posts: 681
    If you are not used to it then it may take a while. You may want to consider getting a recovery supplement to help with the sorness. Also when you exercise be sure that you stretch afterwards, when you work out your muscles and joints build up with lactic acid and you need to stretch when your done to get rid of it, otherwise it will hang around longer.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Within six weeks you should see some significant strength gains, primarily due to more efficient nueromuscular reactions. This is commonly referred to as "newbie gains". It is kind of the body's way of going "Oh crap, they are actually using that!. Lets scrape the rust off and oil it.".

    Once past that the gains will slow down but still continue. Persistence and patience are required with the sweat and proper protein rich diet.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Hi...I started a very basic strength training routine this week and it nearly killed me! 10 lunges in and my legs were like jello! Three days later....I'm still feeling the muscle soreness.

    I'm interested to know how long it took for those starting a strength routine to notice strength improvements.


    The next week. If you're on any decent strength training program, progressive loading should be part of it. What this means is that you increase the resistance every week. For the first few weeks (as trelm said), the strength gains come quickly.
  • latsirk
    latsirk Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the quick responses!
    I just could not believe how weak my body is! Basic movements were such a challenge!
    I am looking forward to seeing some results. More so from the fact that I just feel that I need to be more 'durable' if that makes sense.