Weight Loss with PCOS w/out Low Carb

Has anyone with PCOS found success without going low carb. I have greatly reduced my carbs, about 75 net grams a day. But I'm not sure if I want to stay that low. I know many people here preach calories in/calories out and with PCOS its a bit more complicated. I do try to always have a carb with a protein but just curious to hear from other PCOS women who are getting results.


  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    PCOS and very controlled Type 2 Diabetic. I don't go by net carbs, so I can't answer what mine are. My carbs are set at 45% on here. I get about 180-200 gm of carbs a day. That's worked to get my numbers all back in normal ranges, cholesterol included.

    Yes, it can be done. :)
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I refuse to go low-carb! I love pasta/rice/breads/etc. I have PCOS, I have lost 25 pounds in the last 5 1/2 months. Just counting my calories, I did increased my fruit and veggie intake. I walk and do Zumba. Not much else, it's slow but I'm getting there, I just have 57 pounds to go :happy:
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    That is great to here. I have been struggling to reach and maintain 1200 calories on low carb. I want to raise my calories, but whenever I do I go over my carb goal, so I'm thinking about lifting the carb limit a bit.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I'm not saying this will work for you or anyone. I just recently upped my calories and backed off working out so much/so hard. I lost a little over 2 lbs. after my body adjusted 2-3 weeks. It took a great deal of patience, which I suck at. haha Then, I got sick this past week, so I got to work to get off what I gained back, thanks to ice cream, soups and crackers. lol

    I hope you mean 1200 net. :) Low carb isn't the answer, unless someone is doing like hundreds and hundreds of grams. What I've learned, when you have a large amount (for me, that's like 40-60 grams), just move. It doesn't have to be exercise. Just move to burn it off. That sleepy feeling a person gets after a big meal, think of it as the carbs that need to be burned off. :)

    My workouts come after my largest carb meal. That fuels my workouts. Then, I have a snack afterwards.
    For me, meals are 40-60 grams of carbs. Snacks are around 15-20 grams.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • Moviedust
    Moviedust Posts: 110
    I didn't do low carb exactly, I did low glycemic index so the carbs I did have didn't spike my sugars.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I think I am going to up it to 40 percent and see how that goes.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
  • Cris725
    Cris725 Posts: 81
    Good question. I can tell you that I watch my carbs, but I'm not super low carbing it like some people. I've lost quite a bit of weight and I'm feeling great. Now, this obviously wont work for everyone, but its possible. You won't know unless you try. Good luck and I hope you find success!
  • Xenastrah
    Xenastrah Posts: 36
    I am currently doing the Low GI lifestyle diet, and so far so good. I read a lot about it helping with my PCOS and decided to give it a go. 14lbs in 4 weeks so far!
  • emma_louise_23
    Hi all ive just started Low Carb not really low though 80-100g per day! i too struggle with losing the weight just counting calories, im always craving sugar and now i know that its due to spikes in insulin i am giving the low carb thing a go as its worked for many others with diabetes an pcos, really hope it works for me please feel free to add me :)
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I think the problem is most people view low carb in so many different ways. When dr.'s tell women to go low carb, it is really meant to cut crap carbs and sugars. I did the super low carb and i did like it because it cut my cravings for sugar. But when i originally did it, i did it wrong and just ate anything with no or low carbs. I know clean eating gets some flack on here, but it is very beneficial for women with PCOS because we have a hormone problem and certain foods can directly mess with our hormones. I have been doing a lot of researching on ways to rid PCOS symptoms and in some cases completely eliminate them. The ones I have seen have gone raw and vegan. I am taking baby steps to test this approach on myself, taking baby steps by starting pescatarian and gradually moving to vegan with as much raw as i can handle lol i eat as clean as i can, still have somethings to work on, but I feel way better eating this way. And now that I'm not eating meat and just fish, and not daily either, my protein is coming from veggies, beans, whole grains, etc. it is not impossible to get high protein and my carbs are usually netting around 150 or under by eating a lot of fiber and less sugar. So far so good! Its been about a month, i do feel really good and just need to work on my weekends to really see the effects. Now I know this approach seems impossible for some, but I have had PCOS for about 15 years now, I am willing to give a good effort to try and rid myself of it. I will say I was a HUgE meat eater, and thought it impossible to cut it out, but wasn't hard and is getting easier the good recipes I find :) even cutting down meat consumption is beneficial, there are a lot of hormones in meat which can also effect our hormones. Just some alternate ideas to low carb, I have tried every approach and no matter what it is difficult but whats most important is you finding what you can live with and alter as you go :)

    Good luck and friend me if u need support :)
  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    AWESOME post gals thank you!!
  • remisenforme
    remisenforme Posts: 180 Member
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I tried low GI before and it only made me cranky. Now I just watch my calories and work out a lot. And take Metformin. And you can see from my ticker I've been successful. It's slow going for sure, but doable.