Discouraged and tired of it all :/

I feel like I've been stuck at this weight for a hell of a long time.

I've tried eating more, and at first it worked, I lost about 3 lbs, then it just stopped. So I dropped my calories again. And I've been stuck at that 3lb drop (or actually, a bit more) since. And I think that was like, 2 months ago?

I'm getting more exercise now than I ever have in my life. I'm doing C25K 3 times a week for the past 5 weeks, using the stairs every day at work, I've just started going to boxercise, I usually eat back most of my exercise calories, and it's a rare day (this week being the exception) that I go over my calories.

What am I doing wrong? I feel like I'm doing everything I'm 'supposed' to be, but the weight just isn't going ANYWHERE.

Feel like I'm at my wits end. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks :)


  • falamoyacrava
    falamoyacrava Posts: 63 Member
    I drink loads of water, also, just don't really log it as I tend to forget how much exactly.

    I don't know. I feel like I'm complaining, I just can't figure out where I'm going wrong. I've been tracking religiously since January.
  • LouisaMoo
    LouisaMoo Posts: 11
    If you've been working on this for a few months and restricting your diet, you have probably altered your metabolism so that your body now expects to eat at the level you're feeding it. That's great, because it means you're not hungry for food you don't need, but it also means that you're not burning fat as quickly. Try upping your calories (I know, it's counterintuitive) and seeing what happens for a week or two. If it doesn't help, try something else. I feel like this site sometimes encourages people to think that if they follow the magical formula, they will definitely lose weight - sometimes you have to accept that a website can only know so much about you, and just experiment and see what happens. How much more do you want to lose?

    I'm also stuck at the moment, I haven't lost or gained more than a few grams for a fortnight, so I'm going to try eating a bit more consistently - some days I do loads of exercise and there's no way I can eat the 1000 calories MFP says I've burned, so I'm going to spread those extra calories out across the week.
  • falamoyacrava
    falamoyacrava Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for your reply. Since I exercise 4/7 days (sometimes more) I usually eat around 1700 - 1800 calories. If I do increase my calories, what would you suggest I increase to?

    I'm looking to lose at least another 35-40 lbs.
  • 302cupcake
    302cupcake Posts: 34
    Your Food Diary shows that you are often over in Carbs and under in Protein. I find that I lose best if I'm fitting my Protein goals.
  • stephelan
    stephelan Posts: 81
    I'm in the same boat as you and it's really hard not to get extremely discouraged! I've been plateaued for MONTHS now and I can tell you some of the things that people told me? Maybe one of them applies to you?

    -Try taking your measurements. You could be losing mass and not weight necessarily.
    -Vary what you eat, your body could be getting tired of the same thing.
    -(This one is naughty but...) DON'T eat back ALL of your exercise calories. MFP is really horrible at estimating how much you burned and tends to ballpark high.
    -Pay attention to nutritional information other than calories.
    -Add something new to your exercise routine. Maybe you're not trying as hard as you think or your body is used to that?

    I don't know about you but I'm thinking of petitioning to have MFP get rid of the "YOU HAVE LOGGED IN FOR 270 DAYS!!" message. Because it's extremely discouraging to see that I have been logging for 270 days with almost no results, I'm sure you feel the same!
  • therfc
    therfc Posts: 11
    I was in a similar pattern until I increased my fiber intake to be more than recommended while keeping my carbs under my goal, then I starting losing a pound a week with vigorous exercise 3 times a week. A couple of years ago, before a personal watershed change in my life and living arrangements, I lost more weight when I included weight lifting at least twice a week. I highly recommend The New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women, try to find it at your local library. Another alternative is to try some of the routines on the Women's Health Magazine site, Oxygen Magazine site or Muscle and Fitness Rx for Women magazine (far more intense, but the quote journal articles).
  • femmecyclist
    femmecyclist Posts: 27 Member
    Do you weigh your food or do you visually guesstimate? Sometimes portions can creep up, I know I have to weigh my nut butters now and then otherwise it definitely starts to creep up. What about your activity level when not exercising? Something that can happen is that as you are devoting more of your energy to exercise, you start doing less activity that's "non-designated" - walking to the corner store, riding your bike to the park, longer walks with the dog... etc. You get tired because you've exercised so hard/long and so you justify being less active in the rest of your life.

    I think the protein thing is spot on, I also think that you could be getting more of your carbs from vegetables.
  • falamoyacrava
    falamoyacrava Posts: 63 Member
    Your Food Diary shows that you are often over in Carbs and under in Protein. I find that I lose best if I'm fitting my Protein goals.

    I have my protein set quite high and my carbs set quite low.. As to try to encourage myself to actually meet those goals. Which (obviously) I usually don't..
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    When you plateau you just need to mix things up a bit. I had plateaued for a couple of months.... here's what I did. I increased my protein intake (I had been doing ok with calories, but kind of sloppy with my macros). I started following leangains style eating - 16 hours fast, 8 hour feeding window. And I added more serious strength training 3 days per week. Previously, I had been doing mostly cardio - which my body was very acclimated to. So it took about 3 weeks, but suddenly I dropped 3-4 lbs.

    You can also try calorie or carb cycling...... LeighPeele.com has a lot of great info on this topic. HTH
  • spunkybunny
    spunkybunny Posts: 33 Member
    Another thing to consider it that your body might just need a few weeks to adjust to your weight loss. I know that every 10-12 weeks or so I have a 2 week period where I don't lose any weight as my body adjusts
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    What are your stats?

    Body fat%

    This info will greatly help anyone knowledgable in weight loss to help you lose weight!
  • punkypenny
    punkypenny Posts: 99 Member
    I agree with all of the above, weighing your food, upping your protein, getting in more fruits and veggies. I'd also suggest keeping track of your sugar intake and making sure most of your sugar comes from fruits and veggies. Try different things, mix up your exercise routine. You will get there! You are here and trying, and that's half the battle. Don't give up.
  • falamoyacrava
    falamoyacrava Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your replies.

    This has been a really poor week for my (financially) and I've just been living off the food that's already in my house for the most part, the fresh veggies and fruit that I usually stock up on ran out just over a week ago. Sad days!

    I take my measurements about once a month, and even though my weight has been the same, my measurements seem to be going up. Which is extra discouraging!

    My new exercise is boxercise, I had my first class this week and it absolutely kicked my *kitten*, so I am definitely exerting myself! And with the C25K program, every run day is different, and I struggle (but in a good way) towards the end of it.

    I've upped my fibre goal from the mfp recommended (15g - for me anyways) to 28g and most days (when it's not a poor week) I'm getting about 38g. And definitely feeling the effects of the extra protein.

    I weigh and measure nearly everything that goes into my mouth, except for fruit, I just go by the mfp database for 'large' or 'small' or whatever. Except strawberries and fruits like that, I measure those.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Your Food Diary shows that you are often over in Carbs and under in Protein. I find that I lose best if I'm fitting my Protein goals.

    I have my protein set quite high and my carbs set quite low.. As to try to encourage myself to actually meet those goals. Which (obviously) I usually don't..

    Looking at it I agree with the other post....Your protein goals don't seem high and you are always below......sometimes by a lot. I would get more protein and eat less overall.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Agreed on fiber, and more unprocessed foods, instead of cookies swap in an apple or something now and them, steam some fresh veggies, stuff like that.
  • falamoyacrava
    falamoyacrava Posts: 63 Member
    What are your stats?

    Body fat%

    This info will greatly help anyone knowledgable in weight loss to help you lose weight!

    I am 26, 5'3.5" and currently weighing at 181.2lbs (as of this morning)... my lowest weight is 180. I think my body fat% is around 35%, but I'm not 100% sure, that's what my weight watchers scale says.
  • falamoyacrava
    falamoyacrava Posts: 63 Member
    I've been trying to add in more protein and I've bought some protein powder to try to help this.

    Like I said, it's been a VERY poor week (I haven't gone to the shops in about a week and a half, I actually can't afford it and I hate being in the red with my bank account and I don't like to use my credit card) so I have been just eating what's in my cupboards. I usually don't eat cookies.

    My usual lunch and midafternoon snack is a piece of fruit.

    The cookies have only come into play this week when I've 100% maxed out of fresh fruit and veg.
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    awww...I know exactly how you feel:) Nothing makes me more upset than the scale not moving. I've plateaued for over 6 months..losing and gaining the same 3 pounds. I've since increased my calories to match my workout and it's been 5 weeks and my scale has began to move. I'm not sure if it will stay that way but it moved.

    2 years ago when I started on this journey I weighed 194 pounds. Today, I weighed in at 154.6. 2 years ago I had trouble walking 1 mile without aches, pains, and being out of breath. Today, I RUN yes run 3.5 miles 3 times a day..In addition, I bike, swim, elliptical. So my point is... I still have 30 pounds to lose, however, I have gained health. I run 40-60 minutes without stopping which is huge.

    So, our scales may not say what we want or in our case as fast as we would like.keep doing what you are doing and your health benefits will pay off.

    Now, that I'm done with the lets think positive...I simply just plain sucks and is not fair! How can some people lose 50 pounds in 6 month or a year and others like us..it's is sllloooowww. Pisses me right off in fact:)

    Keep your head high and don't give up. Feel free to add me if you'd like

  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    I've been trying to add in more protein and I've bought some protein powder to try to help this.

    Like I said, it's been a VERY poor week (I haven't gone to the shops in about a week and a half, I actually can't afford it and I hate being in the red with my bank account and I don't like to use my credit card) so I have been just eating what's in my cupboards. I usually don't eat cookies.

    My usual lunch and midafternoon snack is a piece of fruit.

    The cookies have only come into play this week when I've 100% maxed out of fresh fruit and veg.
    Sorry to hear of your struggles.... I would say that you have all the steps in place.. you just have to keep doing what your doing and it will all work out. I admire you for keeping at it. You say this has been a "poor week"... STRESS will wreck havic on your body.. I am no doctor.. nor do I claim to be an expert... I have just lived those "poor weeks" too and have seen what it has done to me... without much change in my routine! Keep at this... maybe do some meditiation for stress... :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and your body will thank you! :wink: Hoping for the mean ole scale to be nicer to you!! :bigsmile: Good Luck!
  • Weight_less
    Weight_less Posts: 102 Member
    I'm in the same boat... I've been plateauing for 2 months (even more). I change things... I change what to eat, how to eat... I change my exercises, I added weights. But it still doesn't work. My weight stuck, so did my measurements. It's sooooo frustrating!!!! But I won't EVER give up!!!! I will break through this plateau!