Need support losing 100+ pounds

I'm a 27 year old mother. I have made many bad choices since the time I have been pregnant and have gained a lot of weight. I am now 266 pounds and I feel terrible. I have no energy to play with my daughter and I am always binging my emotions away. I came here to find support from others who are trying to achieve a state of health. I don't care about numbers anymore, I don't care about the scale or what it says. I don't care about the clothes that I can't wear now. I only care about getting healthy again. I want to feel the freedom of being able to stand for more than 5 minutes without looking for a place to rest my feet. I want to be able to play with my daughter. Most of all, I want to be able to have another sibling for my daughter. Last time I went to the gynecologist, she told me that I was not ovulating and it seems to be because my weight has caused a hormonal imbalance in my body. I am not old enough to have these problems. I want to live healthily and I just feel like I don't ever have the support I need, and hopefully I will find some on here =)

I am trying my best to workout everyday and eat with better choices. Any tips and help would be great. Thanks everyone and good luck on all your individual journeys!


  • Stargirlsmiles88
    Stargirlsmiles88 Posts: 52 Member
    You can add me if you'd like! Welcome to mfp!:smile:
  • Dear winteryrose19,

    Don't be so hard on yourself! Everyone hits a low point at least once in their life and guess what... it's only up from here! You're right, you are young so let's think positively that you experienced this set back now and not later in life when things could be more dangerous. There's no such thing as mistakes, only lessons. You're a great mom because the first thing that worries you is not being able to play with your daughter. What I have learned through my experiences is it really is mind over matter. I think the matter is you're fully capable of exerting more energy than you say you can right now but it's your mindset that is used to the comfort of being safe in sedentary motion and comfort in food. Take one step at a time just do a little bit more everyday, one minute more on your feet each day. No matter how small or big, just do more each day and soon that will become your habit and what comes natural to your mindset and then your body will follow. Don't be so hard on yourself, you can do it!
  • You can add me. I trying to lose 100+ pounds too. I started yesterday. Good luck to you on your journey.
  • j_harley50
    j_harley50 Posts: 36
    I too am looking to lose a **** load of weight, you can accept my request if you want :)
  • ljk72
    ljk72 Posts: 2
    I'm new to this site and don't know how to use it or add people yet. I just wanted to let you know I was in your shoes at 27 and I'm in them again at 40. I want to encourage you and help you if possible to get this under control now. Find a better way to deal with your emotions and get all of the support you can get now. It is so much harder at 40!! Once I figure this site out, would love some friends on here :)
  • Vi4me
    Vi4me Posts: 1
    Hello! my name is cathy, I have battled my weight for a very long time, finally found a nutrional change but have it a wall early in my weight loss, I found by writing things down made it easier, but I don't always know what the food value is so I consume more calories than I should. My goal is to lose now 85 more pounds I have lost 15 already. I feel better already. I hope this works!!!!
    Good luck to all of the members and I hope to keep in touch
  • vonne06
    vonne06 Posts: 42
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me if you like. I to would like to lose 100 + lbs. I was diagonosed with PCOS a few years back so I feel your pain. I think you will love this site. Good luck!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hi there! I started losing weight in January at 238 pounds. I found MyFitnessPal 2 weeks ago, I was down to 214 pounds from January. Today I am 206.2 pounds! Soon I will be back in the 100s! Feel free to add me, as my goal weight is 130 pounds which would give me a total loss of 108 pounds.

    You can do it, we can do this! :smile:
  • sguer56
    sguer56 Posts: 13
    hello, I am trying to lose around 175 lbs, so I know what you are going through. Please feel free to add me if you would like.
  • add me , i am down 72lbs from 228, its not easy but can me done....