Think I should include Dayquil and Nyquil into my diary?



  • p_barron
    p_barron Posts: 63
    I am not going to stop eating because of dayquil calories I was more wondering everyone else's opinions on whether or not they would put this in their diary or not.... I know I'm sick it really isn't that bad I mean the first few days were pretty rough but now I feel okay.... My doctor thinks it might not just be strep throat that maybe I have something else wrong too... We are waiting for the strep to clear before we move any further. It is just very hard for me to drink anything that isn't syrupy or to eat really anything .... otherwise I feel totally back to normal now.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I think I would.
    But I'm a bit inconsistent about that. I don't track my vitamins for about 15 calories a day... even though over the course of a year that adds up to about a pound and a half. I probably wouldn't track one or two cough drops at about 10-15 calories each.
    But for some reason, the high alcohol, dense calorie "shot" of cough syrup... I'd track. If it's only a day or two, it won't really matter either way. It's the things you do consistently that matter more (so I probably should count my vitamins :smile:!)
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I need the syrup to coat my throat that is the whole point.... I have tried other cough medicines but they don't coat as well

    I would think it only coats your throat until the next time you swallow something like saliva or water.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Dayquil is 93 calories per dose??????? Sounds horribly high in sugar. Come on, I'm sure you can find another medicine that's better for you.
    ... ok, I just Googled it and it's full of High Fructose Corn Syrup. Horrible.
  • new318
    new318 Posts: 27 Member
    why not just use throat spray to numb it...that way you dont feel it.
  • workitoffnow
    workitoffnow Posts: 17 Member
    Where are you getting your info that there are 93 calories? I've seen it mentioned a couple times on the internet, but not by the company itself, and it's not listed on the bottle. I really think this is one of those urban legends. I mean think about it. Have you ever heard of a liquid with that many calories in 2 tablespoons? Even hard liquor doesn't have that much. Not likely that this is true at all. 10 calories max.
  • kariberi84
    kariberi84 Posts: 186 Member
    When I was sick with the Swine Flu a couple weeks ago I logged all meds... even cough drops. When I use tums I log them. A calorie is a calorie no matter if it is from food or meds.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    It's a personal choice for you. I would just put it in my notes because when I had strep I was pretty much in be and drinking a little broth and that was about it. Feel better.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Dayquil is 93 calories per dose??????? Sounds horribly high in sugar. Come on, I'm sure you can find another medicine that's better for you.
    ... ok, I just Googled it and it's full of High Fructose Corn Syrup. Horrible.

    WOW!!! I wish I had known that this past weekend...I was taking the stuff like I was dying!!! AND!!!! I just found out that Nyquil has 13 grams of sugar and 96 calories per 2 tbs, which isn't even a full dose!!!!!!! I may have totally blown my calories this past weekend and not even known it!! How come the calories aren't listed on the bottle??? I thought by law they were supposed to be!!!!
  • squiggyflop
    squiggyflop Posts: 148 Member
    Dayquil for strep? Nononononono I have had strep so many times that they started hauling me to the doc to have my throat swabbed every time I had a sore throat. No idea why I kept getting it. Anyway, dayquil is not the thing for strep. chloroseptic and sucrets are the way to go. You need a numbing agent coating the whole throat. Sure sucrets are high in sugar, but they work far better than what you are taking. And FINISH those antibiotics or the strep could set up shop in your HEART and cause permanent damage (or you know, death)

    Also mint flavor is the best for chloroseptic