5ft ladies, what is your calorie number?



  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    My allowance is currently at 1120. With this amount of calories I have a daily deficet of 500 and my projected weight loss is 1 lb per week.

    BUT... That's not enough food to fill me up. I exercise a lot. Burn a lot of calories - 300 to 500 nearly every day. Even on a rest day, I do something - house cleaning or ??? Because I need the food. I EAT ALL THE CALORIES BACK, and often go over by 50 to 100.

    Some days, I am just really hungry, even though I over my allowance. I eat anyway, but my rule is I must eat nutritious food - No junk.
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    I am 5'2" and my calorie intake is all over the place but it averages out to about 1400 a day at the end of the week.
  • VisBella
    VisBella Posts: 21 Member
    I am 5ft 2in, and my history is painfully close to yours. I read your profile. I can't lose weigh on a "regular" diet, or without being horrendously hungry 90% of the time. I am Insulin Resistant, and for people like me, the only way to control our weight is to control our carbohydrates. My family has a history of diabetes (grandmother, father, brother, and even one of my daughters). A Low Carb diet can allow you to burn fat without the feeling of constant hunger. I lost 85 lbs through cardio exercise, strength training, and most importantly, following Atkins. AND I kept 75 of those pounds off for over eight years. Regrettably, I stopped following my low carb lifestyle, and my exercise routine, and the natural result was a gain of about 25lbs over the winter. Now, I’m back on Low Carb and reestablishing my exercise routine, so happily I’m losing weight again.

    Do you have a family history of diabetes? Are you hungry again shortly after you’ve eaten? It could be that you also suffer from Insulin Resistance. Unfortunately, Low Carb has gotten a bad rap in much of the media, and even MFP is centered on the calories IN vs. calories OUT mentality. I would encourage you to check out low carb diets for yourself. There is a lot of great information on the web, but one of the best places to start is http://www.atkins.com/Home.aspx. Contrary to popular belief, low carb is an extremely healthy lifestyle; Dr. Atkins was a cardiologist before he became famous as a fat loss expert. Make your own decision based on your own research. For many of us, low carb has been the ONLY way we can lose weight (fat). If you have more questions, just let me know.:happy:
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    1200 as well. I'm 5' and weigh about the same as you. I find it very easy to eat under my calorie goal/limit in a day. I find it difficult to even eat 1,000 calories a day sometimes.
  • I'm 5'6" and MFP gave me 1,570 calories because my goal is to lose 2lbs a week (I have 100+ to lose), I set my exercise to two days a week for 30 minutes and I have an office job so I spend most of the work day sitting at my computer.

    If you feel like you're starving, you perhaps need more filling foods like fruits and veggies...or drink a big glass of cold water.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my calorie goal has been 1200 since Memorial Day last year. Yes, over a year at 1200 and I eat back my exercise calories, and I've lost 65 pounds. (I'm 62 years old.) I expect to be on 1200, plus exercise calories, for the foreseeable future. This is just "my way of life" now.
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    I am 5ft, 103 and I eat 1610 and then add in exercise. It usually is around 1900 calories. Today I will eat around 2300.
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 5'2 work out 5x a week and throw in some strength training 3x a week. I recently just lowered my net to 1450. Was netting 1550 and lost 10lbs on that. Can't imagine eating anything less. I have a massive appetite!
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    1200 for weight loss.. my maintenance is like 1450. Sucks :(
  • DyanCB
    DyanCB Posts: 138 Member
    There is another thread with the exact same question. Answers vary:

  • courtneylee31
    courtneylee31 Posts: 178 Member
    Mine is 1200. I find the best way to keep on top of my calorie count is to LOG LOG LOG everything I eat. It really helps me to be accountable for what I am consuming, and realized "how many calories" vs the "quantity" of food.

    Try to find some low calorie snacks that you like, so that when you feel just plain hungry, you have on hand things that will help cut the hunger while not hijacking your calorie count. Some ideas:

    Hard boiled egg
    Quaker caramel rice cake
    Low fat cottage cheese
    Lettuce (as much as you want!) with spritzer dressing

    If you don't learn to count your calories, then how do you plan on getting control over your eating? If not calorie counting, then there are other types of plans that might work, such as pre-packaged food plans (Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, etc), or alternative ways of measuring your consumption (Weight Watchers, etc).

    You CAN succeed if you want to .... now it is just a matter of finding which system works best for you. Good luck.

    I totally agree with this. Also I find that when Im "hungry" I'm just actually bored or thirsty so I get a big glass of water with ice, crazing as it sounds the ice helps. If I'm still hungry after a half hour Ill eat an apple. They are low in calories and keep me full.
    It's not gonna be easy, but it will be worth it. Try reading Bob Harpers "Skinny Rules" I just read it and Im dropping pounds like crazy (knock on wood) lol . Good luck to you!!
  • jumpyjavajawa
    jumpyjavajawa Posts: 36 Member
    1600 but technically 2100 because of 500 cals for breastfeeding. I usually try to go around 18-1900.
  • tizzie_14
    tizzie_14 Posts: 72
    I'm at 1200. I tend to go over a little on rest days, but on the days I work out, I eat most of those calories. If you log EVERYTHING it is easier to stay at the 1200. You'll figure out quickly what foods work and what to avoid.
  • sammijoq
    sammijoq Posts: 1
    Seems that 1200 is the general amount. I'm just under 5'3" and MFP has set me 1200cals a day.
  • MissyMastery
    MissyMastery Posts: 13 Member
    1200 as well. I'm 5' and weigh about the same as you. I find it very easy to eat under my calorie goal/limit in a day. I find it difficult to even eat 1,000 calories a day sometimes.

    I feel the same way sometimes...some days I have a lot of calories left over and some I go over
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    1200 as well. I'm 5' and weigh about the same as you. I find it very easy to eat under my calorie goal/limit in a day. I find it difficult to even eat 1,000 calories a day sometimes.

    I feel the same way sometimes...some days I have a lot of calories left over and some I go over

    I am in the same boat as you guys. I eat lots of fruits and veggies and little to no processed foods, so my calorie numbers are usually low and I am full. I tried to eat my exercise calories back........that was a nightmare. I felt sick from overeating just to hit a certain number of calories. I now just eat when I am hungry and not worry too much about the number as long as I am not way under or way over my 1230.

    Good luck!
  • swingkid1975
    swingkid1975 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm part of the Eat More to Weigh Less group so my total calorie intake is roughly 2100, and my average burn is about 250-300, so I'm netting 1800. I've been doing it for a couple of months now and I've lost 11 lbs. I can't imagine eating only 1200.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    I'm 5'1. Honestly, not all 5ft or lower should eat just 1200. It depends on body weight, how much your BMR is, and basically whatever else that calculates into finding out your calorie goal. I'm 107 pounds, and eating 1500+ is too much for me ( determined by fullness ). I was told to eat that much ( but with a disorder it's hard ) I couldn't. My BMR is also pretty high at 1300+. I decided to go with 1200. I'm not starving at that, but I'm not like super super full either. Sometimes 1200 is too much on most days, and most days it's too little. I don't go by a goal, just as long as it's not over 1400 for me. I try to burn about 500-700 calories a day. I don't eat them back, as sometimes MFP is not accurate with their burnings.

    Anyways, just saying, all people who are 5ft of shorter are usually at different weights, so we all have different requirements based on BMR and other such things.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I am 5'2" and also older, which means I'll never get to eat a ton of food again if I don't want to be fat. I did use MFP all the say. Here's a calculator if you don't like MFP values: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    You can do it, but if you don't want to starve you need to switch to eating more vegetables, lean protein, unpackaged foods, less sugar, less fat, less bakery. You know, eat clean and healthy, then you get more food than you can eat! Here's some ideas about like I did the last 2 years. I almost always exercise. I always eat the calories back, so I really ate around 1500. Which is about my maintence amount now that I've reached my goal. I use a HRM because I burn MORE than the database on some things. I did lose all my weight set at 1200-1300 and added in my exercise. Check this out: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/640175-what-does-1500-calories-look-like

    The more you eat like this, the more food you get: DSC03775.jpg
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    Mine is 1200. I find the best way to keep on top of my calorie count is to LOG LOG LOG everything I eat. It really helps me to be accountable for what I am consuming, and realized "how many calories" vs the "quantity" of food.

    Try to find some low calorie snacks that you like, so that when you feel just plain hungry, you have on hand things that will help cut the hunger while not hijacking your calorie count. Some ideas:

    Hard boiled egg
    Quaker caramel rice cake
    Low fat cottage cheese
    Lettuce (as much as you want!) with spritzer dressing

    If you don't learn to count your calories, then how do you plan on getting control over your eating? If not calorie counting, then there are other types of plans that might work, such as pre-packaged food plans (Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, etc), or alternative ways of measuring your consumption (Weight Watchers, etc).

    You CAN succeed if you want to .... now it is just a matter of finding which system works best for you. Good luck.

    I totally agree with this. Also I find that when Im "hungry" I'm just actually bored or thirsty so I get a big glass of water with ice, crazing as it sounds the ice helps. If I'm still hungry after a half hour Ill eat an apple. They are low in calories and keep me full.
    It's not gonna be easy, but it will be worth it. Try reading Bob Harpers "Skinny Rules" I just read it and Im dropping pounds like crazy (knock on wood) lol . Good luck to you!!

    And did you know, ice cold water burns about 17 calories per 500ml?