5ft ladies, what is your calorie number?



  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    I'm 5'0", I eat around 1,600-1,800 calories a day, but I exercise most days giving me a NET of around 1,200-1,400 calories - my food diary's open to the public :smile:
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    1390 but I struggle to stay at that to be honest. I have at least 60 pounds to lose though.
  • findingmyhappyplace
    findingmyhappyplace Posts: 75 Member
    I am 5' and 6/10 of an inch tall. I am maintaining my weight and eat 2200 calories per day on average. At least once per week I will hit 2700+, cuz food is yum.
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    1200 as well. I'm 5' and weigh about the same as you. I find it very easy to eat under my calorie goal/limit in a day. I find it difficult to even eat 1,000 calories a day sometimes.

    I feel the same way sometimes...some days I have a lot of calories left over and some I go over

    I am in the same boat as you guys. I eat lots of fruits and veggies and little to no processed foods, so my calorie numbers are usually low and I am full. I tried to eat my exercise calories back........that was a nightmare. I felt sick from overeating just to hit a certain number of calories. I now just eat when I am hungry and not worry too much about the number as long as I am not way under or way over my 1230.

    Good luck!

    This is me as well!! I think it might have to do with what people eat, not necessarily the amount. For instance, a 600 cal cheeseburger may fill you up for a bit but then your starving again. Where as a lean meat, couple veggies and a fruit may be between 250 to 350 and that fills you totally up for a good while! So someone who eats heavier cal stuff might have problems staying under a limit and not be hungry whereas someone who eats lots of light cal stuff throughout the day doesnt and sometimes has a hard time getting up to their goal. And please do feel like Im saying this is your case because Im not!! lol, Im speaking from what I have went through and realized myself because I did that too!:) But if you eat very healthy and your still hungry I would suggest you up your cals some and just add more exercise maybe:)..btw I am 5 ft tall also and am 160 lbs:) :flowerforyou:
  • Elisac2008
    Elisac2008 Posts: 83 Member
    I am 5'4" and in the 170's and eat 1200 calories a day on non gym days. On gym days I try to eat some of my calories back. I have steadily lost weight in the past couple of weeks. I will rarely go over, but sometimes I am hungry.
  • sahar87
    sahar87 Posts: 21
    hi, i am 5.1 ft (157 cm) and 213 pound (97 kg). i joined the site just today, the site shows me that i have 1320 calorie goal... it is a liittle hard for me, but i try to continue and dont give up, i should loose 88 lbs =( . seems so much difficult, but from tomorrow i will start some walking and mybe go to gym!
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    If you find this to be too low for now, I suggest you consider changing your goal to lose just 1/2 lb. a week- that should UP your intake to around 1400, 1500 ....that might be more tolerable for you.

    Once you get used to it, you can slowly start eating LESS but never drop below 1200. There's a reason why MFP suggests that number- and I don't need to understand physiology to follow good solid advice.

    Another suggestion- between your MFP friends on your list, and those in forums w/ OPEN diaries,
    take a look and see what others are eating-
    I got a LOT of good ideas by seeing what others were eating and being successful with their own weight loss(es).....

    I never knew how to choose healthy foods- and have learned SO much by learning from others.

    Best Wishes.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    I'm 5'2 and i've set mine at 1325 (mfp had it at some number i thought was stupid losing weight)
    It will probably be lowered come August.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I read somewhere that eating the TDEE of your goal weight will help you to lose weight consistently without plateauing or gaining a few pounds when you switch to maintenance because it trains your metabolism to function properly at that weight.


    Assuming you are 25 (I just ballparked it since I have no idea) at 115 and 5'0" is 1576 calories - about 275 down from your projected TDEE now, so it would take much, much longer to lose the weight if you went by this rule. But it's nice to keep in mind that anything below 1576 is helping you to reach your goal, so you don't have to feel bad about eating more calories if you need them!
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    I am 5ft and eat usually between 1200-1350 but stick close to 1250 area. I work out a lot lately so I've been having to eat closer to 1300-1350. But on days I don't exercise like my rest day(s) I am strict about stay at 1200. It all depends on what I'm doing for the day. And at
    first it is hard because your just starting out so it seems like all you can think about is food. But if my log was unlocked for the public I eat a LOT of fruit and vegetables and they are low calorie so you can eat more of them.

    My Snacks:
    Peaches 50 calories
    Carrots 1/2 cup: 15 Calories
    Strawberries (6): 12 Calories
    Apple(s): Usually around 80

    There are many many more but you can have snacks all the time if you eat those kinds of things and feel full around 1200-1400 if you add more low calorie snacks throughout your day.
  • LittleTrish
    LittleTrish Posts: 27 Member
    Im 4ft 11inc and also have an intake of 1200cals. During the week I have no problems with this and tend to stay within my intake by bulking up my meals with lots of veg but I do find wk.ends a battle so thats when the exercise has to kick in to balance things out. Week ends I like to have a couple of glasses of wine and a take-a-way which totally throws my calorie intake out of the window but as I say exercise is key :smile:
  • Emmarogers2008
    I'm 5ft 3" and i'm finding i'm fuller on 1200 than i was before mfp as i have stopped snacking on rubbish and started to make fresh fruit and veg snacks iin the morning when i do the kids lunches so that when i need a snack i can just grab them from the fridge. I also gulp a glass of water 5 mins before eating anything just incase it was thirst not hunger pangs.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I am 5' 2 " and I am at 1310. I eat some of my calories back if I am hungry, but if eating the right amount of protein with my fresh fruits and vegetables I do very well.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    I may not be a girl, but I agree with shaynak112...

    I am a short male though, so half equation is on goal!

    If eat healthy or the correct portions it is actually hard to eat enough according to MFP that most times I just don't bother... My joke with family is that so what? I just drink a few beers here and there and make it up lol!
  • ameskis
    ameskis Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'3 and eat 1800 a day - that's my minimum, if I workout I'll eat more. I've lost weight with this number (I weighted almost 130 at my highest...). I weigh consistently between 118-120. I used the Harris-Benedict equation (google it!) to get my number. I did not use the number myfitnesspal gave me. I hope this helps! It might seem high but I've never kept my weight at 118 for more than a few months in the past and with myfitnesspal and eating the proper amount of calories (meaning not starving myself) I've been at this weight for over a year now and have truly been able to make a lifestyle change and not ever be on a diet AND be happy!

    Other Tips:
    1. I'm religious about weighing my food. I know exactly what goes into my body. Get a food scale - it will change the way you look at portions!!! (People may think you are nuts but who cares - it's for your health!)
    2. I have adopted a high fruit/veggies diet with lots of protein and fiber in the AM (egg whites, greek yogurt, lean turkey, spinkle flax seed on my omelet, etc). You will stay full so much longer!
    3. Work out hard! This always suppresses my appetite so I'm not a crazy person when eating. But only when it's a good hard workout. When I dog it and have a lazy work out I seem to be more hungry.
    4. Be honest with calories in/calories out. I always err on the overestimate with calories in and underestimate on calories out. IT's all about the numbers. If I know that it's someone's birthday and I'm going to want cake later. I save up those cals to have some cake. Everything in moderation is key. I've learned that I can enjoy whatever but I have to do so in moderation and look at my calorie bank! :)

    Someone said once that I must have a paradigm shift from "I can't have it but I want it." to "I can have it but I don't want it". It changed my thought process about food, diets, etc. It's all about a journey to be healthy, not to just reach a goal number anymore for me!

    Anyway, losing weight and making a lifestyle change is tough! There are ups and downs and you'll figure out what works. JUST STICK WITH IT!!! Good luck! You can do it!
  • DyanCB
    DyanCB Posts: 138 Member
    So I see this thread has popped up again. This time I will post details here instead of just posting the link to the other thread. I am 5'0" and 56 years old, much older than you. My 2 month progress pics below show that I am making a dent in how my body looks, even as I eat more than many on this thread.

    I am firm in the belief that it is tough to survive on less than 1200 calories a day, although some seem to be doing it. That is simply not enough for me.

    I did a LOT of research and finally landed at a TDEE of 1810 calories, I set MFP below that to lose weight at 1448 calories/day. This means I had to learn to eat more than I was accustomed to but I eat very clean but believe in eating everything in moderation. I do not use any sugar or fat substitutes. I just eat good stuff. If I eat below 1200 it is by accident and poor planning. Since I have started eating more I am not tired or hungry.

    To make the same calculations for yourself please see these two links:
    To calculate TDEE, BMR, Fat % for yourself go to this link: http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/
    Another BMR calculator here - Easy & Accurate TDEE calculator: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    Although my badge below tracks weight loss I would very much rather track fat %/lean body mass change - and I do in my own records. I have some early proof of progress in the photos below. When I am at goal I will not be skinny fat, I will be lean, strong, fit, and defined - and looking much more healthy.

    I eat to fuel my body, to give me energy to get through my crazy day, to allow me to exercise (HIIT on an ARC trainer 5-6 times/week), and to allow me to lift heavy weights. The weight training helps to continually burn fat and helps to show definition.

    Eating below 1200 does not work for me. Eating more does.

    These photos start with my first week on MFP April 22, 2012. The second is from today - just 2 months. My weight has not shifted much but the composition of my body is changing just the way I want it too! But, clearly, I need new bikini bottoms!! :)

  • pbkrikit
    pbkrikit Posts: 5
    Hi Brian, I am 5'5, my daily calorie intake is 1410 though I am generally under my intake. I "try" to stick with 6 small meals a day to keep my metabolism going, but find it difficult at times to eat that many times during the day. I try to take in as much water as I can without feeling too bloated. Stopped drinking diet sodas. The only exercise I an tolerate is walking as I have stage iv metastatic breast cancer. I have left arm lymphadema (constantly) so I can use any weights for that arm :( I would truly like to lose 60 lbs sensibly in order to feel more energetic and better about myself. I have a huge ZEST for life, and refuse to let cancer bring me down. I believe that losing the weight I'd to and then maintaining that weight will make me feel better and less tired in the long run.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    Jillian Michaels is about 5 foot even also. You should check out her recommendation on the web. She gives proven advice.

  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    I am 4'10" and weigh 103 pounds (very muscular, think gymnast build). My BMR is 1200. Some days when I don't work out or I'm just not that hungry due to eating a lot the day before, I eat about that much. I can see it being enough for most petite, sedentary women under 5'. I don't think it's sustainable for anyone to eat below that for too long, though.

    My TDEE per most calculators is around 2100-2200, and I end up eating that much when I work out (which is most days, I run quite a bit, lift weights, cross train).

    I have a FitBit, which is awesome because the readings are pretty close to what most of the calculators state I should be eating. On a day when I'm not working out, I burn 1600-1700 calories a day just from my typical sedentary desk job, walking around work, doing errands, etc. If I wanted to create a huge deficit I could set my MFP goal to 1200 but that's just way too little for me. 1400 would work if I wanted a slight deficit, but right now I am training for a marathon so I set myself to maintenance (1600). On workout days I eat my exercise calories, which could go as high as 2400. I've been maintaining my weight for a few months now.
  • jcperkns
    jcperkns Posts: 109
    I'm 5'3 and I started out at 1200 calories and I was starving plus I started to plateau. I went up to 1475 and have been losing 1-2 lbs week ever since.