Friends needed!

Hello everyone. I'm a 36, step-mum to twins, I work full-time, I'm overweight and sick of it. I've had this app for ages and used it to track my weight gain???? ! Ive been amazingly creative and found every excuse not to make this a priority, or even to have that extra piece(s) of cake! I've woken up this morning and decided to wipe my old account start a new one and this time look for people to share this journey with. I've thought about the process for long enough. As well as thinking about it I've also put on about 44pounds since December (at which point I already needed to lose 25 pounds) and I'm really starting to feel the effects of it now. Tiredness, aches and pains, demotivation... more demotivation.....So its time for me to suck it up, get off my *kitten* and actually do something about it!
If you would like to share this journey with me, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the successful add me as a friend!


  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    You can add me; I'd be happy to support you.
  • ell_jay
    ell_jay Posts: 68
    Welcome to MFP! I hope you do really well on your weight loss journey :) I'll add anyone who needs any support and motivation! :D & I welcome any in return :p

    So, add me if you'd like :) Im 21 and a University student from the UK :) x
  • missmj35
    missmj35 Posts: 3
  • jrlja5
    jrlja5 Posts: 59
    Welcome to the journey! feel free to add me!
  • angelalawsons
    angelalawsons Posts: 30 Member
    Im a thirty six year old mother of three. My youngest is almost three. My heaviest was 217 and Im at 149 now. For quite a while i ran on the treadmill then i added in a light weight fulll body toning video. But when I really started to see good results was when I purchased the 24 hour fitness membership (through costco) and started going to the gym every morning at 9. Ive been taking zumba classes and their body pump class. Ill also run on the treadmill sometimes and roller blade with the kids in the park. Its very hard work. But you CAN make it happen. I lood forward to seeing your progress and sharing mine. I fall off track every once in a while. Sometimes for months. :-O But I always get back on track. Nice to meet you . :-)

    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Sending req.
  • lizlo76
    lizlo76 Posts: 7 Member
    Add me! I'm 36, and was completely disgusted when I re-signed back on. I started back up 17 days ago and am down 7 pounds with the help of my pals, gym and diet. I've a 2.5 year old and quit smoking. I've gained some weight. Currently about 50 pounds overweight. I'm shooting for 10% of my body weight to lose and hoping to lose 30 by March 17th. I'm very competitive and just want to lose weight and someone to call me on my ****....which my gal pals do.

    Add me-
  • BlondeMom6
    Sent a request. I'm new here too :)
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    Hi, I'm 46 and also a step-mom. Mine are grown on their own now, but know what it's like raising someone else's kids. I have been overweight since High School, but the past 20 years have put myself on the back burner because of the children.

    I also had joined previously, but did not bother to log in everyday and track all my food and exercise. I have just started again two weeks ago, but have logged n every day and am all ready seeing results.

    Feel free to add me if you like.
  • tinytinam
    tinytinam Posts: 57 Member
    Hi. I have just started too. I look forward to sharing the journey.
  • MrsB724
    MrsB724 Posts: 247
    Feel free to add me! I am pretty new to MFP myself....I am 36 and the mother to 3 boys, my youngest is about to turn three. I only have a couple of friends added I am a little shy....even on the internet :blushing:
  • alienrite
    alienrite Posts: 314 Member
    You can add me. I'm always up for extra friends
  • todd6977
    todd6977 Posts: 400 Member
    You can add me.
  • foxontherun03
    I'd be delighted to have another friend or ten. Feel free to add me.
  • Ahanaz
    Ahanaz Posts: 353 Member
    Add me too! :D