messed up big time, disspointed in myself!



  • bp716
    bp716 Posts: 68 Member
    I had one of those mornings, came home from work and hadn't eaten enough, and made bad choices.
    Drinking lots of water and back on track in the morning, all ready made a chicken salad for tomorrow to help me make better choices!
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    first thing:
    forgive yourself. weightloss is not about one day... its about averages. So you start back at zero in the morning.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Don't get on the scale tomorrow .... get back in the groove and see what the next week brings you. You might actually be surprised ... sometimes a " big " day is just what our body needs to get out of a routine .... and well, it definitely got you in the right mind set !

    So just chalk this day up to a " good time " ... and roll with the next day like the machine you know you can be !

    Don't let one day rain on your parade ... trust me, there will be a lot of puddles along the way ... sometimes we jump over them and other times we just take our shoes off and splash in the water ! Either way ... remain positive and always remember that tomorrow the sun will rise again ... giving you another opportunity to do whatever you choose to do !

  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    1. This is a one time thing; don't sweat it. It takes 3500 EXTRA calories to gain a pound of fat.

    2. Try not to eat less than 1200 calories on a regular basis... This will cause more problems than an occasional cheeseburger...

    A one day problem one way or another (too much OR too little) is not a problem... it is what you do on a regular basis that will cause more problems.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So you ate 2500.
    Normally would have eaten 1200.
    Extra 1300.
    Your deficit from maintenance with no gain/loss is what, 500 cal?
    Extra 800 surplus.
    You walked 3-4 hrs with probably 300 cal burn easy.
    Extra 500 surplus.
    You can't absorb all the calories in your food - it's called poop.
    Extra 300 surplus.

    So, if you actually gain more than 0.1 lb - then you have confirmed that you are underfeeding yourself for your level of activity.
    Because the only thing that will make you gain weight besides pure water retention from higher sodium meals, is storing glucose/water for exercise energy needs that were ALREADY depleted for some reason.

    The reason they would be depleted - you don't eat enough to replenish them normally.

    So if you gain more than 0.1 lb, you aren't eating enough normally.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Use it as modivation to drink lots of water and get more exercise in this week. It is good to fluctuate. Not that much on a weekly basis, but you didn't exceed your calories enough today to gain a single pound, except in water weight from all the sodium. Don't stress, that won't help. Pack you back pack full of water and healthy snacks and go for a hike somewhere beautiful and get energised. Sweat it, don't stress it.
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    I'm very disappointed in you ... you should have slipped some ice cream in there as well. It's all good.

    LOL Don't feel bad at least you didn't eat 6 krispy cremes and 4 brownies! The donuts alone came to 840 cals. I am ashameed, and was almost in tears. Just imagine-I used to eat like that a couple times a week and not even feel bad. I bounced back today and burned 1400+cals working out for 3 hours. We can't excuse ourselves from this type of behavior, we have to get back on and push harder. No more days like today!
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over one day. It's just one'd be different it was was a whole week or month of it. I agree with some of the might've just jump started yourself & "reset" your system. Keep pressing on & keep your chin up. :flowerforyou:
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    Forgive yourself. It happens we are human. I slipped up last week myself. Just get back on track and you will do fine. One day is not going to undo all the hard work. Keep up your good work.
  • jryan83
    jryan83 Posts: 72 Member
    thanks everyone .. it helps to know people are in the same situation! I am hoping to get right back on track tomorrow. I am not weighing myself haha I usually do everyday but will not be tom.!! Yes, dinner boxes are amazing and I enjoyed everything I got to eat today. Im glad its out of my system!

    Unless your the type to not take the scale results too seriously I wouldn't weigh in daily. In theory, the calorie deficit you create should gradually take off your 1-2 lbs a week. So you may not see big results from day to day. This is especially true if it's your time of the month, your eating alot of sodium, are stressed, or any number of hormonal or minor dietary fluctuations.

    P.S. - I do weigh-in almost daily, but I don't do it because I'm afraid of gaining. I log EVERYTHING and I know I cannot be gaining, but I like to track how much I'm loosing and what pace.