Not a veggie fan.

I have tried to eat veggies and just can't swallow them without gagging. This has gone on for years. There is such a bitterness to veggies. I can eat fruit all day long but have never been able to eat veggies. Is there a way to eat healthy without eating a lot of veggies or no veggies? I do like BBQ beans, purple hull peas, and potatoes.


  • tas3980
    tas3980 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm another non fan of vege's... I can eat some raw but not alot cooked... I think it stems from my mother boiling the flavour out of them when I was growing up! :) What about making them into a soup or a smoothie??
  • tikyut
    tikyut Posts: 12
    I'm with you on that. But I eat them with some kind of food I like. Kind of like I blend/mix them together. For example cooked broccoli mix with mashed potatoes etc.. or I buy one of those frozen healthy food. I love the healthy choice (top chef) brand. They'll have chicken Alfredo with some veggies. (very yummy)
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    Veggies have a lot of good nutrients u need. You may wanna try eating veggie the Chinese way, the veggie turns out sweet eg boiled brocolli, stir fry Choy sum, boiled kailan. Start with small amount,once u acquire the taste, u will be able to start liking it for all the nutrients u need from veggies.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I'm not (never have been) a fan.....will eat some (cukes, toms,raw cauliflower, carrots, steamed broccoli, green beans) but getting in my daily servings of the things just isn't happening here. Not a huge fruit fan (and now need to limit the ones I do like due to the sugar content). So you are not alone
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Have you tried blending veggies with a protein shake and fruit?
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Don't eat them. Find whatever it is you think you need from them in some other form - another food, supplement, vitamin, etc. Sure, it may not be as good as the real thing but it is probably better than forcing food down your throat.