I'm back - oops

Hi,I'm back - was here in Jan 2012 at 252lbs - with the help of MFP and the lovely people on here I got down to 222lbs by March 2012,then I slipped,slipped some more and now June 23rd 2012 I'm 239lbs :-( - Gutted,however I've stopped myself getting back to my start weight.. looking for my old friends,new friends and support to get me on the straight and narrow..

Ta Muchly xxx

P.s - I know what happened,lack of exercise,too much booze and far too many takeaways.


  • Decca1
    Decca1 Posts: 7 Member
    Back here with you petal, we will do it!!! xx
  • WillJaques
    WillJaques Posts: 16
    I've been similar to be honest. It's easy to yo-to back. However gratz on coming back. Feel free to add me if you want new friends
  • Bub1971
    Bub1971 Posts: 106 Member
    Feel free to add me like to have lots of support and give it.:smile:
  • ama1978
    ama1978 Posts: 6 Member
    tell me about it! lol im back too feel free to add me x
  • violetta88
    violetta88 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm exactly the same - joined in January after Christmas, did great for a couple of months then fell off the wagon!

    The important thing to remember is that you're not back at square one, plus you found the motivation to get back on track ... be confident, you can get there this time!