RAW food diet?

Rizzo_D Posts: 15 Member
So I am thinking about going on a RAW food diet, not forever just for a week or two. Mainly I just want to cleanse out my body get the taste for natural healthy food (I hate veggies... seriously they are GROSS) and hopefully get over my cravings for fast food and all of that crap that I turn to because it is yummy and quick.

On that note I do have a few questions and I was hoping that someone or hopefully a good many people can help.

1. Is it true that it costs SO much more to eat healthy/raw foods?
- I really don't make much money at all and when I buy groceries I do lean a lot towards already prepared meals (I know that's so bad for me blah blah blah, but that's why I'm trying to change) because I just don't have to time or know how to cook

2. Are the raw foods only really beneficial if I get them fresh from a farmers market or would fruit market or grocery store veggies and fruits be basically the same?
- A stupid question I know but if i'm going to do this I might as well do this right.

3. Would there be a nutritional difference between eating the whole food or juicing it?
- I know that you are not supposed to cook the food, hence raw, because the majority of the nutrients are lost in the water but would juicing lower nutrient value for any reason because you can't necessarily get juice out of the entire thing?

I think that's all the questions and these seem to be the questions that get tip toed around, especially the first one, on "informational" sites. And if there is anything else that I should know or if you have tried it and have some tips or tricks or RECIPES ( I could REALLY use some recipes) please let me know. All information is good information at this point. Thank you :D


  • Pinknspooky
    Pinknspooky Posts: 34 Member
    ok if you really hate veggies are you sure that going full raw is the way to go? It takes between a month and 3 to change mindset and tastebuds - rather I would suggest adding in elements into your diet and seeing how it goes rather than throwing your self into it and hating every second. How about adding in a green smoothie in to your day - the easiest way is to pick your fav fruit smoothie and chuck a cup of spinach into it - honestly you wont taste it but you will reap the benefits - especially if you avoid them normally - and build from there

    No it doesn't cost more for healthy stuff - shop around and freeze it - when you are starting out stocking your store cupboard then it can feel like it but in the long run you will realise that you can make a much healthier version of the pre packaged stuff for a fraction of a price - cook in larger batches and freeze your excess - so it is handy for a quick meal if you are pushed for time.

    Fresh fruit and veg is good for you where ever you buy it - shop around, buy what is in season, explore flavours with small amounts and learn what you like before you invest in a ton of it

    Juicing will loose you some of the fibre but most of the good stuff will make it into the glass - if you are worried try smoothies rather than juices as then you get everything (although it does depend on how you feel about pips and bits in your drinks)
  • KRaemondH
    KRaemondH Posts: 120 Member
    I live in Champaign/Urbana IL and I am originally from Anchorage Alaska and LET ME JUST SAY, IT IS HARD AS HELL to get good fresh food for the price. My husband and I are not ness. on the RAW food diet, more of the the Clean Eating and Rabbit/Caveman Diet (no processed, preserves, all natural, sprouted grains and very very little and when there is very lean meat) but if you would like some help and some hints, support with your Raw foodness you can friend me :)