Calories - pulling bike trailer

I've been cycling for the past week and I've been going 3.5 miles at avg. 11.6 mph, and burning 155 calories (I'm 140, 5'3"). My toddler's trailer arrived today so she'll be tagging along. I haven't weighed the trailer (not sure how!) but I'd guess it's about 30 pounds. My daughter weighs 23 pounds.

I've searched here and online and can't find a good answer on the extra calories I'm burning. I did find this:

and he says to double the calories burned. I feel like that's too much. Can anyone help? I would like a definitive answer because 1, I'm a neurotic numbers person, and 2, I'm getting close to goal, am more active than I've been, am losing more now than I did in the beginning, and am having trouble getting enough calories in (I bought prunes, nuts, and trail mix today for snacking!)

ETA: I don't have a HRM, and won't be able to buy one anytime soon - I just bought a bike (used, but still $75), trailer, tent, and a $200 cocktail dress for a wedding at the end of the month :P


  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
  • Push4it
    Push4it Posts: 1
    I was wondering the same thing. I did find an answer that I am satisfied with. Use a calories burned calculator like this one...

    Pick the average pace that you are biking at and then add the weight of your child and your trailer to your weight. I think this is probably pretty accurate, but maybe someone else will have a better answer. I know mine will depend on if I have one or two kids in the trailer. Hope this is helpful.