I am a new member that has to lower her cholesterol

paladyinred Posts: 15
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there,

I am trying to lose weight and lower my cholesterol. Any suggestions on how to balance each meal with the correct number of calories, carbs and proteins while keeping the cholesterol number low would be greatly appreciated.

I lost 15 lbs but now have been at the same weight for the last 2 months! Ugh, the scale just won't move any lower...HELP!!!


  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Well what are you eating? Need more info.

    The answer is usually pretty straightforward. More veggies, more fruits, more whole grain stuff - and less animal products like meat & cheese. Try to get more protein from vegetable sources like beans.

    So - what are you eating now? :smile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I would suggest changing your food diary to track your cholesterol. It really has helped me to make sure that I don't go over what I should. My cholesterol was high when I last visited the doctor and I need to fix it with diet before he puts me on meds. :noway:

    Good luck!!
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    MFP will give you a good % balance between carbs, proteins, and fats when you complete your goals section. To help lower cholesterol, get at least 30 grams of fiber per day. You can change that goal in your goal settings after you let MFP set your initial goals by clicking on the custom button. Dietary fiber removes cholesterol from the body (you've probably seen the Cheerios ads). Alos, get regular aerobic exercise that elevates your heart rate into the training zone (at least 0% of maximum heart rate would be good) for at least 20 minutes.

    I use Benefiber and Fiber Choice tablets and stick packs as part of my daily food intaake to help get those 30 grams and it has helped lowered my total cholesterol to 150.

    Of course, you should consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and have him approve it and any dietary changes you make.

    The good news is that you can be successful! Good Luck and let us know how you are doing.
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    70% of maximum heart rate. Got to proof read what I type before I hit the button.
  • Hi and thank you for your quick response. Since the doctor told me last July to lower my total cholesterol ( it was at 198 ) I have cut out a number of things from my diet. No eggs, only egg substitute; beef once a week only just to name two. I have added whole grain bread instead of white, fiber cereals for breakfast such as oatmeal and shredded wheat. I drink skim milk and 100% OJ every day. I try to get a salad a day if I can get it fresh each day.

    As far as lunch and dinner I pretty much rely on the Health Choice prepared meals, etc. stuff since I live alone and I hate to cook for just me.

    I had my blood work done again in October and the cholesterol number dropped 36 pts down to now being 162.

    I do travel at least one week a month so that can be tough but I buy stuff for the room and eat breakfast there. I get a salad for lunch and then dinner is up in the air depending on the plans for that eveniing. BUT I am conscience of what goes into my stomach.

    I was told that I do not eat enough of protein and that I do not eat enough of this, that and whatever and that is why I have been at the same weight for so long.

    Whatever advise you can give I appreciate it. I want to lose this weight and be happy with myself !!!!!!!
  • I am working up to doing 30 minute aerobic workouts. I had knee surgery 5 weeks ago so it limits me to using the bike or eliptical machine to get my heart rate up. Not up to 30 minutes yet. But I am trying! Thanks for the encouragement!!!
  • Hello Lady,

    I didn't see Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVOO). Don't use salad dressing; sub witj EVOO. Also, if you're cholesterol is high, stay away from pork (chops, bacon, sausage, etc). Buy chicken/turkey meats (lean). If I were you I'd TOTALLY stay away from "red meat" for right now until your next check up (say in about 3 months). Stay away from pizzas also. Buy a pizza stone and make your own pizzas at home, again, using EVOO. You may be eating allot of eggs. Eat egg whites (omelets, scrambled, etc). If you're cholesterol is high, I think you are eating hydro oils in cakes, pastries, cheese cake, muffins, etc....those are bad for you. Try Fiber one pancake mix. They also sell cereals and muffin mix. Stay away from potato chips. Try Baked Lays (or soy chips). Stay away from fried foods; french fries, etc., esp fast food joints.

    Gotta go now. I'm having lunch w/girlfriends and going to have a salad with NO dressing at Souper Salad as I alway sub for EVOO. Blessings! :flowerforyou:

  • Everyone thank you for your suggestions and encouragement. I find the food tracker an eye opener already. I knew the calorie counts from food packaging but the rest of the info is a plus to have.

    I look forward to posting a weight loss ticker that has my success recorded one pound at a time.

    Have a great weekend everybody!!!


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