time to loose 60 lbs and not give up !!!

I have just joined here and hoping to find the right motivation to accomplish my goal. In the past I have always said that I was going to stick to a diet or a plan but I have always given up and only gotten worse . I want to do this for myself to be happy and maybe move onto feeling good about myself. I am single always bored and alone , so I tend to put a movie on and don't even realize that I eat it just happens . I have gained almost 100 lbs in the last year and a half due to stress and relationships. I am finally taking the step to so this for myself and be happy.........


  • Jodiekate
    Jodiekate Posts: 42 Member
    Good for you for taking the first step! I have found that the support on this site has been amazing and I don't think I would have got as far as I have without it.

    If you want to add me please feel free, the more the merrier!
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    Good for you!!!! It all starts from within. Feel free to add me for motivation, support, and team accountability. Good luck!
  • YamiDrizzles
    Good for you!!! I'm new on MFP too. Feel free to add me:)
  • determinedasever
    determinedasever Posts: 5 Member
    Great start by just coming on here. I too just started on here and there is so much support from the people on here. One day at a time and we will get there. :smile:
    Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • autumnpennell
    autumnpennell Posts: 196 Member
    Good luck, you can do it! Just stay motivated and disciplined! Once you get into the swing of things, working out and eat right actually feels good! Crazy, huh? <<<p.s. I suggest you do a combination of both eating healthier and working out! If you have cravings, it is okay to give in, but not too much! However, if you deny yourself of a craving completely, it can tend to be worse because then you will go make up for it by eating something else and too much of it. Trust me. Been there, done THAT.

    But good luck to you. When you're exercising and it gets hard, just think about that body you long for. Remember, this is a good decision. Obesity is an epidemic in America, and you want to be healthy and not feed into that epidemic!

    One thing I've noticed is easier for me to cut down over eating is exercise exercise exericse. It's crazy. But exercising actually does something in the mind. Once you work hard and sweat, you don't let yourself give in so easily. But a few days of not exercising and you'll be eating whatever you want. Again, trust me.

    Counting calories has also really helped me! You should read up on calorie cycling! It's the new fad, and it may make it easier for you as you start your diet. *speaking of 'diet' ...try not to think of it as a diet, try to think of it as a life change. When I think of diet, I think of eating real strict for however long, and then once I'm off my diet, going hog wild. However, if it's just a change IN YOUR diet, then it is easier to make it long-lasting.

    Again, best of luck to you!
  • jennelizag89
    WE can do it!!
  • autumnpennell
    autumnpennell Posts: 196 Member
    Good for you for taking the first step! I have found that the support on this site has been amazing and I don't think I would have got as far as I have without it.

    If you want to add me please feel free, the more the merrier!

    agreed! one last thing, whenever i'm about to give in, i run to my computer quick and post a little forum! people respond so quickly that it will encourage you so much! reach out to your MFP pals! :)
  • leika79
    leika79 Posts: 114
    good for you! i started here with 56lb to lose and i'm well over the halfway mark now. i've never been able to stick to a diet but after a while counting those calories, weighing food and being accountable become habit. feel free to add me
    and good luck!:smile:
  • baby_girl37
    Thank you everyone , I am hoping with the support I can do it . And the fact we all have a similar goal and I don't feel alone will help too. We all can do it !!!!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I don't work due to health problems and I sit at home all the time. I understand the mindless eating. This site is very helpful to understand what you eat and how many calories each food item has. I started out with 154 lbs. to lose, but only have 60 lbs. to lose. It has really gotten harder to keep on the healthy lifestyle, but I know that I have to do this for me. Feel free to add me for motivation and encouragement along your journey.