Need motivation!

Hello Everyone;

I have been trying to get back on track with my weight loss goals for about 6 months now. I'm not only trying to get myself healthy but my daughters also. Most days I feel that I can't move because I feel so tired from gaining so much weight. Please give me some motivation and helpful tips to encourage me to get moving!!!


  • zoelancastermann
    zoelancastermann Posts: 3 Member
    Try buying a simple pedometer, and just do your general walking all day. See how much youve done and then the next day try to beat it. Youll be up to 10000 steps in no time, and it really helps to get moving, without making too much effort. It can get addictive!
  • pauladick
    pauladick Posts: 85 Member
    hi there xi think as soon as u start eating properly u feel better and have more energy which in turn makes u more active and in a better frame of mind good luck x:happy:
  • joannejones3
    joannejones3 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I will give this a try!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    After I had my surgery in November, I started exercising again in February. Given my health issues I felt like crapola so I set mini goals for myself. I will walk to that church or that house or wherever and then home. In two more days I will walk to the end of that block. When the two days came and I'd walked to the end of the block, I'd set a new goal. I walked in the morning. It was the time of day I had the most energy.

    Another thing. You can walk more than once a day and you can stretch. You'd be surprised how invigorating stretching can be. It helps with circulation and it can be done slow and easy. Your daughters can do it with you.

    If you need help with cals, you should look into what you can substitute. I eat Special K chips for potato chips (not every day but probably 2 days a week). I eat sugar free jello and pudding instead of ice cream (add some 5 cal redi-whip and some strawberries with 4 or 5 almonds and I feel like I've got a 100 cal sunday). I eat sugar free orange sherbert (it can be tart if you get the one with minimal artificial sweetner). I eat chicken fajita salads instead of chicken fajitas, etc. Changing your diet can really help with the energy level.

    Good luck!! :drinker:
  • KatyLBC
    KatyLBC Posts: 354 Member
    Try setting small goals! If I lose 5 lbs, I will treat myself to a _________! Add me, we can motivate each other! I get "down" sometimes too!!
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    motivation right here! Its attainable and in reach you just have to be willing to reach out and take it. Take it one day at a time, set small goals to work towards the bigger goal, and you'll get there in no time, we'll within reason. Eat and eat healthy as you can it doesn't have to be perfect just within reason. You can do this if you want it bad enough..good luck"
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    I have found that going through and reading the "success" posts have helped me from time to time when I have needed an extra push. When you can see stories (and pictures) of real people who have had great success it helps motivate you to work harder and stay on track.

    I am not sure how many MFP Friends you have or how active they are on here but I have also found that having several really supportive MFP friends goes a LONG way in helping me stay motivated. (with that said you also need to be a good MFP friend and offer lots of support to them too)

    Set small goals for yourself. Things like -this week I am going to log everything I eat. Then the following week I am going to log everything I eat and not go over in calories. The following -log everything I eat, not go over in calories and exercise 2x. The next week -log everything I eat, not go over in calories, exercise 3x and drink 9 glasses of water. (Obviously, these don't have to be your goals, just saying start with one small goal, concentrate on it for 1 week then the following week do it and add another small goal).

  • joannejones3
    joannejones3 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks everyone for your motivational tips!!! I will give them all a try.:smile: