Could really use some support

Hi. I have never posted in any forum here, so the fact that I am actually typing this is a big step for me. I desperately need help and support. I joined MFP several months ago and had been following for a while. For whatever lame reason I got off the wagon and never got back on. Like most of you, I've tried it all, Weight Watchers, TOPS, etc. I stick to a plan for about a month or two, then I stop. I don't know why I do this to myself, I just do.

On the outside, I am a great actress! I'm the life of the party, funny and make everyone laugh. On the inside, I'm the saddest and loneliest person I know. I am married to a wonderful man who loves me at any size and is always very supportive. I'm a mom to a wonderful little boy who is the light of my life. I so need to lose this weight so I can be the best mom that boy could ever wish for!

I have about 100 Lbs to lose. WOW, just writing that makes me tear up :( I'm sorry to sound like such a downer, but I really could use a friend or some encouragement from someone who's been there. I've been reading some of the motivational stories and success stories, and they are really inspiring.

Hoping to hear from you!:smile:


  • Moviedust
    Moviedust Posts: 110
    Sorry don't have 100lbs to lose but I've lost 30 and am planning on losing another 10! Good luck to you!
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    :smile: Hi,

    You are not in this alone.
    This site is full of people who are supportive and motivating.
    Feel free to add me.
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    Friend request sent!! Smile you can do this!!:flowerforyou:
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hello there! Feel free to add me, by the time I hit my goal weight I will have lost 108 pounds!
    Started in January on my own at 238 pounds...slacked off by April though I had lost some weight.
    Joined MFP at 214 pounds. The first week I only lost a pound, because I was having Lady Days.
    The second week I lost 6.8 pounds!
    I am now 206.2 pounds and shrinking!!
    As I am only 5'6, my goal weight is 130 pounds.
  • iroze
    iroze Posts: 78 Member
    Friend request on the way. I understand about needing support and hope we can help each other in the long run!
  • duhblond
    duhblond Posts: 138 Member
    Hello :)
    Just wanted to wish you the best of luck.
    I do not have any great motivational stories but I'm on everyday and would be happy to try and encourage you :)
    I'm sure you will do it this time!!!!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    You don't need to lose 100 pounds. You only need to lose 10 pounds, 10 times. You can do it! Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm a former WW member too, occasionally fall off the wagon, and want to lose weight while still enjoying life!
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    I don't have 100 pounds to lose, but I've struggled with self-image and my weight my entire life. Friend request is on the way.

    Don't think about how much you have to lose. Go step by step, day by day, and you'll get there. Just be gentle with yourself. This is going to be hard, but nothing worth doing was ever easy.

    You can do this!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • HeathyEater05
    I can relate to you and how you are feeling. This is a huge step and it is great you did write this. Working out may not be easier but I can definitely say it gets easier. You sound like you have a great life and Im sure you are an amazing person. You can do anything you put your mind too and just keep telling yourself that you can do it and youll make it through your workout. I would recommend starting off slow. Do one week by changing one week in your diet and workout and increase the changes as the weeks go so its a gradual change. I notice that works better for me than starting off big and shocking my body. Good luck.
  • ReadyToShine
    I sent you a message I am always looking for new friends to help cheer me on and vice versa!! If anyone would like to be friends please feel free to friend me!
  • niceMarly
    niceMarly Posts: 89 Member
    I too have a large amount of weight to lose, but I've got a good start on it....been here around 20 weeks and am down by 46 lbs........already have had many NSVs....I know you can do this.......friend request sent!
  • tracyhall63
    tracyhall63 Posts: 84 Member

    You must learn to forgive yourself and move on, every day if needed. It is a painful cycle . . . fall off wagon, feel guilty, fall further off wagon, feel even worse. Feel ashamed eat some more . . . I have done it all and it was not until I learned to forgive myself, be honest with myself and deal with the issues that caused me to gain weight that I found success. I have lost 36ish pounds over the last year and a half.
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member

    You must learn to forgive yourself and move on, every day if needed. It is a painful cycle . . . fall off wagon, feel guilty, fall further off wagon, feel even worse. Feel ashamed eat some more . . . I have done it all and it was not until I learned to forgive myself, be honest with myself and deal with the issues that caused me to gain weight that I found success. I have lost 36ish pounds over the last year and a half.

    ^^ THIS!!!!!!!!!
  • therfc
    therfc Posts: 11
    I totally hear you, posting is something I am just starting to do in hopes I will stay on the healthful wagon in spite of life's tribulations. So I will send my friend request to you and others, because more support is always good. :flowerforyou:
  • roseombre
    roseombre Posts: 7 Member
    See! Look at all the people who are willing to help you out. Isn't that great! I too had 100 lbs to lose. Actually more like 107 to get down to 140 lbs. At this date I have lost 45 lbs. It helps to log in here everyday and count those calories. If you count the calories as you eat them, you'll be more successful. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I also write some really good blogs!
  • debra4647
    debra4647 Posts: 71 Member
    I have tried everything also, but this time I am doing it!! I'm on everyday so add me if you'd like. Anyone may add me I try and motivate people. We all can do this!! I have over a hundred to lose yet. Thanks Debra
  • blueyez78
    blueyez78 Posts: 5
    I feel your discouragement. Been there ... done that diets or workout programs. I have read other peoples motivation stories and how this worked for them or that and when I try it, NOTHING!! happens for me!
    I am the same way, the life of the party, I make everyone feel great! But just like you, in the inside I feel horrible. My husband is the same. No one is more beautiful than me, He loves me at any size ... blah blah blah ... He really is wonderful but that is all I hear.
    So here I am.
    When I meet my husband, I had a rock hard body, fit and healthy. Flash forward not even two years and I went from firm and 150lbs to flabby and 200lbs. When I hit 200, that was it for me!!!! Something had to change. No one believes me when I tell them that I was that weight. Because I am tall I guess I can hide it well, but not so well that I have people asking me if I am pregnant!!!
    To tell you what really got me on the right path was God. I know it sounds funny, but truly, He is what is getting me through it. I pray to Him for everything else, and I thought to myself. "I have never asked God to help with my weight" So I did.
    I also, Under His guidance so-to-speak, started the Medical Weight Loss program. I just started a week ago. But before I did I started to slowly work out on my own. Right now I am 194.4lbs. Not a huge accomplishment, but I am taking it!!! My clothes are still tight and still a bit flabby, but I feel good!!!!
    My goal is to loss 30lbs by mid August. Have a big family reunion type deal in Texas. I want everyone to see me the way I was at my wedding.
    So my encouragement to you is this .. Pray ...
    Give yourself credit when you lose even just 1lb.
    It starts from the inside. (Easier said then done)
    WRITE YOUR GOALS OUT!!!! Make small goals and complete them. Once they are complete, make new and bigger goals, complete those and so on!!!!
    Do not compare yourself to others and defiantly do not compare others results on the same workouts/shakes or weight loss diets. Everyone is uniquely different!
    For example :Body by V - everyone was raving on how good it was. My best friend lost 7lbs in one week, so I bought it from her and tried it ...3 months later .. nothing. Zero!!! I lost nothing!!! I was so frustrated!!!! I made myself stop working out b/c of it. I said "What is the point".
    But I got over it and moved on ... 3 months later ... here I am!!! Using this app to keep myself focused, back at my gym for at least 30 min to an hour 4 to 5 days a week. I have Accountability now which I didn't before!

    I hope this helps!!!!:wink:
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    You don't need to lose 100 pounds. You only need to lose 10 pounds, 10 times. You can do it! Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm a former WW member too, occasionally fall off the wagon, and want to lose weight while still enjoying life!

    Wow this is an amazing way to look at this! You can do this, it just time and lots of hard work. Feel free to add me!
  • TeamKOAJ
    TeamKOAJ Posts: 2
    Add me as a friend - I'm on my first week
  • imlik
    imlik Posts: 64 Member
    Just sent a friend request to you :) And if anyone wants to add me as a friend, I'm game!