Advice wanted 30DS for people with a lot to lose

Has anyone done the 30DS and had good results as a bigger person?? I have 90lbs to lose and I am thinking of giving it try. Im not sure if I will be able to do a lot of it but I will give it a good try.


  • candiliza
    candiliza Posts: 77
    I have a lot to lose and wasn't sure if I could do 30DS, but she has a modifier during the workout. You do build endurance as you go along, and if you have to modify or takeaway break then do it. I've had amazing results and I've only just gotten to level 3. Give it a try! You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish :)
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    You can do it, just remember to keep moving no matter what. I found that jumping jacks were hard on my knees but I modified them and still moved.( I did the arms for jumping jacks and just moved from side to side) I had great results and now that I feel stronger I can now do Jumping jacks =)
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Try it! You'd probably be surprised on how many of the moves you can do. She offers an advanced and modified version of almost all the moves. If you need to stop, take a 5 sec break, breathe, and go back to it. No matter what, keep your body moving. If you find that you can't do a certain move, find something that works for you. If I couldn't do something, I would replace it with an earlier move like punches or jogging in place.