Today is the day...

PapaJames Posts: 12 Member
I'm taking one more shot at dieting before I seriously consider gastric sleeve surgery. I've had three doctors highly recommend the surgery, and I've done quite a bit of homework. I know that even with the surgery, it still takes will-power and determination to follow through for the rest of my life.

I'm having a hard time getting past the roadblock of thinking I'm a failure at dieting and am resorting to extraordinary measures to make up for my failure. I would imagine this is a fairly common feeling. The thought of all the benefits of losing weight excites me, but I've tried so many times... sigh.

As I write this, I'm realizing that I'm looking for some true encouragement and experienced advice.

In the meantime, today is the day to start the journey once again... my head and heart are in sync and I'm ready.

Thanks for listening...


  • Reddak98
    Reddak98 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, are you new here? I ask because when my Doctor told me my weight was my big problem I felt hopeless. Living alone I thought I wouldn't be able to lose any weight. I went to a nutritionist and she told me about MFP. I joined on March 18th and have lost 13 pounds here. I have added friends who interact with me and give me encouraging words. Also logging my food keeps me accountable. I am 60 years old and I AM doing it and so can you. Sending you a friend request.
  • mandacat79
    I'm starting on here today too.Good luck to you.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    I think I have tried most of the quick weight loss diets/products out there and I now know they do not work in the long term. The failure that you feel you are is likely what is stopping you from doing well with your weight loss, like you are sabotaging yourself because you are frightened that you are going to be a failure or you are a failure so you can't do it anyway!

    The first thing I think you need to do is get rid of that failure feeling by setting yourself some small goals that you know you can achieve, stick to and feel proud of yourself for what you achieve. Don't try to do too much too soon you will overwhelm yourself and become a failure! All the little steps add up pretty quickly.

    Sometimes the easiest way to put weight on is to try and lose weight, you feel like you are depriving yourself so you end up eating more. If you can try and put some physical activity into your day and focus on that first, every day or every week depending on your ability add a little more so you are challenging yourself enough but not too much. When I am moving I feel less inclined to over eat.

    Don't think of things in terms of 'diet' treat it as a lifestyle change and try to introduce new things into your life so you don't slip back into your same old habits.

    Sometimes it is easy to get focused on the numbers on the scale so make sure you take measurements and pictures of yourself regularly to see your progress.

    Don't put too much pressure on yourself to do everything, baby steps! Good luck - YOU CAN DO THIS!!!:drinker:
  • Gunnarbear
    Gunnarbear Posts: 186
    Feel free to add me if you wish. I have met my goals and enjoy supporting anyone who wants to make themselves better.
  • bandedkitten
    Hey there

    Regardless of how you do're still going to need to eat healthy and watch food intake and move. i had the Band put in a year ago and yes, it definitely helps with hunger, but it doesn't eliminate it and I STILL have to watch everything that goes in my mouth and I can't hide out eating like I used to. So it's not a failure to get the surgery---it just makes hunger significantly less---but it still takes a LOT of monitoring, focus and determination to lose even with the surgery. So there's really NO easy way out---only Through. :)

    good luck with whatever your decision. No judgements either way. What's most important is to be healthy and happy and be there to enjoy the people you love and to have them enjoy you.

    good luck, sir!
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Surgery or not, consider this a lifestyle change, not a diet. Give mfp your all! I have been here 125 days, am down 30 lbs. You can find great support here. Not sure if you know many people that have had any forms of surgery, but here is what I have witnessed personally. I know 8 different people that have had surgery. Every single one has lost tons immediately, but on the 5 year scale,each one has put most of the weight back on. One person I know has the band, and she throws up daily because the food gets stuck on top of the band. Surgery in the short term will cut back your appetite, but in the long run, if you do not change your mentality towards food and living, the failure rate of weightloss surgery is very high.

    So give mfp your all! And best of luck to you on your weightloss journey!
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    It's quite easy on this site MFP. The people are great and there is always someone there if you need help with anything but mowing your lawn, lol.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Hello fellow Arizonan (and hypertensive diabetic)....I too considered surgery (banding) and went for 2 orientations, read the books, asked the questions and decided yes that would work but it's not a miracle cure and I didn't want to run into potential complications (I code medical records) after the surgery, nor did I want to potentially not be able to eat certain foods. 2 of my relatives had surgery and have lost the weight (they can;t do bread or pasta) , so I too did my research.

    What I learned along the way is that the bands or surgery is NOT the answer (for me), my answer was being conscious of what I was eating, to track every bite that I ate or drank, to see what I'm putting into my body each meal. Amazing how many calories/carbs some food turn out to have!!! You can still overeat with the band, sleeve, roux en y etc..if you don't learn what is normal and healthy to eat you will be right be where you started in no time.

    Just eat good & log daily and don't look at the big picture, take it one day at a time, one meal at a time, one pound at a time.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    With a lot of weight to lose, it's common to feel overwhelmed by such a huge goal. I am in NA and used to "one day at a time" mantra to get to where I am now, clean and sober for 23 months. I think the same can be applied to weight loss. Just take it one day at a time. Set mini goals for yourself. Don't be drastic. Cut out small things one at a time, as doing it all at once can be overwhelming. Start by just tracking everything you eat for a week. Then the next week work on cutting things out or moderating them. Start walking, slowly. A quarter of a mile even. You'll motivate yourself as you hit your small goals and it will help you keep going. Set weight loss goals in 10 or 15 lb increments, rather than the whole amount. You can do this, one step at a time!
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    It can be done. At 57, I have actually lost 30 pounds since Feb on this site. The accountability to myself and to my MFP friends is what keeps me on track. If you had told me this would work, I would not have believed....but I've been unsuccessfully dieting for DECADES! I am diabetic 2 and high blood pressure. Both those numbers are AWESOME after just dropping the 30 lbs. It has been rough, I have failed some days and even a week or two since I started. The friends here help me get right back up on the wagon.

    Years ago I considered the lap band. Once they laid that thing in my hand that they were going to put inside me....I ran out the door. Sometimes I wish I had done it...I might be skinny now. But it just terrified me. It is right for many people, so you make your own decisiion. My mom's cousin has gastric years ago. She could not make herself eat right and only ate chocolate. If you want to know what happened to her, you can message me as I don't want to sound like I'm preaching against surgery. It is necessary for some, and the folks here won't judge your choice.

    I'll be your friend, if you like. There is also a group for diabetics. Most of my friends are not. But every one of them is supportive. If someone isnt, drop them.

    I swear I have been successful this time because of my 'friends' on this site. If you will go to the message board and look under MOTIVATION, I posted something a couple days ago called 'THE MOST UNDER-RATED NSV" NSV means non-scale victory. You might want to check it out.

    Good Luck.
  • beazmomma5
    beazmomma5 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi!!! I too had the lap band done on October 18, 2011.....but I cannot stick to the plan. I went back for a weigh in last week and gained 7 lbs. I know I can do this, but I can't get motivated. My oldest son went to Heaven on March 25, 2011, I have 4 other children and I'm struggling to not be depressed.....I'm not in a depression hole, but need motivation because I know I can do this!! Would love to have you as a friend bc you've had the band done too and hopefully we can motivate each other. Just joined MFP tonight at recommendation of my doctor. Thanks for listening. Beazmomma5
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    I enjoy giving support and encouragement here. It's helped me tremendously and I like giving back.
  • cowboysfan82288
    I'm Mark. Welcome to MFP. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • PapaJames
    PapaJames Posts: 12 Member
    Wow! Thanks to all for the wonderful responses! You've ALL made my day!
  • foxontherun03
    I would be happy to help in the encouragement department. Feel free to add me.
  • mishimouse101
    mishimouse101 Posts: 47 Member
    My bf's tips are not bringing foods into the house that he might binge on (splurge outside of the house if splurging), to measure ingredients/follow recipes for preparing foods and for portioning them out. His choices, when he does the food prep, do not satisfy me so I end up overeating. My tip is to choose foods you like best from within the healthy choices out there.

    Best wishes on your journey!
  • cruisinskier
    cruisinskier Posts: 63 Member
    James, I would be glad to provide support. I am a 48 yr old male who started on here about 6 weeks ago. I have had some good progress so far but still early on in my journey. And make sure you add Gunnarbear, he will kick your butt every time it is required :smile: