Weight Loss and Blood Pressure

Hi All,

I just recently started to change what/when/how I eat. I've been on (mild)blood pressure meds for several years...reading were usually @ 125-132 over 75-ish range.
In the past 4-5 wks, I've lost 8 lbs. Eating more healty and smaller meals with snacks. (@1400-1500max calories/day)

In pasty 2 wks, I've noticed BP dropping...last night was lowest reading I ever had; 106/58. today more 114-117 over 63-67.

Is this normal for blood pressure to drop to those levels with change in diet. I figured it would drop eventually, but not this quickly.
Am a little concerned that BP might be too low. I have felt some periods of lightheadedness...

Yes, should probably follow-up with Dr on this, but just curious if others experienced the same


  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    As I've lost weight, my BP has gone up inexplicably, and I'm now on medication.

    I have heard that BP will decrease dramatically with proper diet and exercise, so I'm super happy for you :)

    If you're concerned, you should go see your Dr.

    Good luck!
  • TKishjr
    TKishjr Posts: 21
    I've experienced this as well, and have been steadily having my dosage reduced as I drop. I've been on BP meds for close to twenty years, I expect to be off the last ⅛ of the old dosage next month.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Mine was 104/64 last time I checked. It was always in the low-to-normal range but does seems to have dropped a bit. It's not uncommon, but if you're feeling light-headed, you should definitely see the doctor - especially if you're on meds for it!
  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    I've experienced similar results... after I starting loosing weight and got on a healthier diet Dr. took me off one of the 2 BP medication I was taking.... the freakiest thing was before he adjusted the meds there were times I almost fainted.... that was because my BP had dropped too much...
    I would highly recommend that as you loose more weight you make a DR appt
  • adr810
    adr810 Posts: 18
    I've also had similar issues. I've only been on BP meds for about 10 months (I was put on the meds during the last trimester of my pregnancy) and since losing weight I've been very light headed. My doctor wants me to go off the meds but recommend I see a cardiologist first!
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    90/60 and lower is the danger zone on low bp, so keep an eye on it. It's great that is not high anymore, but too low is equally, if not more, dangerous.
  • area55
    area55 Posts: 16
    I had stage 2 hypertension and i weighed 296. Now i am at 219 and my blood pressure is normal. just to let you know it only took a month of diet and exercise to get it back to normal.
  • lmocha
    lmocha Posts: 16
    Thanks everyone for the feedback! I'll continue to monitor this week and check in with my Dr shortly...perhaps she'll reduce the dosage..
    Eventually, I hope to be completely off this medication!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Yes! Not only has my blood pressure come down, also my resting heart rate is down to 58 bpm. :happy:
    Next time I have a doctor visit we'll discuss eliminating the beta blockers that I'm currently taking.