Kinda new to MFP(Looking for motivational people)

Hey...I have been going to the gym for the last two months doing strenght traing and clothes are fitting better....feeling stronger but no change on the scale...Whats wrong? Starting to feel so confused .....Any thoughts out there ...of why this is happening.....I am open to any pointers, tips, or explanations!!


  • vinneeminnee123
    You are burning fat and building muscle! muscle weighs more than fat so your clothes are fitting better for that reason, loosing the excess around places like your belly, upper arms, and thighs. after you plato on your muscle building you may start to see a change on the scale, may be up or down. also it depends on how much weight you are starting out with. smaller people loose weight very slow, because they don't have as much to loose :)
  • vinneeminnee123
    I also just checked out your diary and if you are going to the gym for strength you may want to consider adding more protein to your diet
  • amberleighM04
    As the other poster said, you're gaining muscle mass and losing bmi. You're doing great, just keep it up! Feel free to add if you need more friends :)
  • alettep
    alettep Posts: 56 Member
    I think in part due to gaining muscle....I also had the scale stuck but was losing inches. Now it is finally going down when I am truly dedicated to watching my diet & writing everything down. I think before I would justify little treats because I had "worked out".
  • tanthony2009
    Yeah I know that most likely I am gaining muslce..But I really need to lose weight as well. Kinda dissappoint when the scale is not going anywhere..Thinking about lowering my calorie intake.. to see if that will make a difference.....thanks for everyones comments I appreciate the feed back....please add me if you would like I will do the same (Needing a good support system ...and willing to do the same for others on the site