Tea Vs. Water

bbonito08 Posts: 12 Member
edited 5:13PM in Food and Nutrition
I know water is the best for you. But i really cant get myself to drink plain water. Even if I put in those like crystal light thingys. On the other hand I <3 tea. I have drank like 72 onces of tea today. Home brewed is good, sun tea is better. My question is, can i count the oz of tea i drink as oz of water?


  • I don't see why not, so long as its either unsweetened, artificially sweetened or you monitor your sugar intake as well.

    I'd personally try to water down my tea if that's how youre gonna add more water, also be careful of too much caffiene.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Yes, if you're counting your water, then it counts. You actually get most of the water you need from your food, so you don't really have to drink an additional 64 ounces a day. But if you're trying to do that, then count tea, coffee, soda, etc. It's all water.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I'd count it as water. it has H2O in it.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I would....log it baby :)
  • MNguerita
    MNguerita Posts: 199 Member
    I've heard mention of anything that's not straight water (ie. Stuff added to water) has a different chemical makeup and reacts differently with your body than plain water...on the other hand, tea is natural and not made up of sugar faking chemicals etc, so I would consider it closer to water than say crystal light or something like that.
  • Good post. I have the same concern. I drink a lot of water and even get home delivery but there is only so much I can drink so I end up brewing a lot of fresh un-sweetened Iced tea. I know I am upping my caffeine intake but I have to have some flavor and iced tea has antioxidants and other benefits.
  • melissa_leah
    melissa_leah Posts: 107
    I say if your pee is clear you're hydrated.... good enough!
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    i do...but i drink decaf. sweetened w splenda
  • hummerseeker
    hummerseeker Posts: 17 Member
    I always include the tea I drink in my water count. After all, it is water with some tea in it. I drink strictly herbal green and white teas, which have less caffeine. Mine is very weak, just enough to give a little bit of flavor so it's easy to get down compared to plain water.
  • Chantal34
    Chantal34 Posts: 128
    I drink a lot of unsweetened green tea. I count it as water.
  • I would count it... I like to use an herbal or decaf tea and brew it in my coffee maker with a few dried stevia leaves. You get the benefit of the herbs and water without the sugar or artificial sweetener, and can still have sweet tea! For me, one tea bag is enough for a 12 cup coffee maker.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    If it's unsweetened then I supposed it's ok, but as soon as u put that artificial sweetner crap in it, I'd say it changes and def isn't as good for u.
    I personally hated water too when I started & would constantly use those crystal light things. One day I just decided I wasn't gonna do it anymore & started drinkin plain water. I've grown accustomed to it now. I don't drink for taste or anything now, just to hydrate. It's not as bad as u think once u get used to it.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    The caffeine in tea is a mild diuretic. However, the British Dietetic Association has suggested that tea can be used to supplement normal water consumption, and that "the style of tea and coffee and the amounts we drink in the UK are unlikely to have a negative effect [on hydration]...

    I would think most likely this would be the same in the states as well...
  • bbonito08
    bbonito08 Posts: 12 Member
    I use two Stivia Packets in a 24 oz water bottle. and as for strenth I typically brew 6-8 tea bags in a 1.5 gallon plastic pitcher. Not sure if that is too strong, but thats typically what I do. I wait to sweeten the tea until I pour it into my bottle. My husband and kids like to use real sugar and they like it SWEET....it keeps us all happy.

    I am so glad that so may people have the same opinion as me. YAY!
  • As long as no sugar goes into it. If you need sweetner, add Stevia or Truvia or lemon. I drink lemon water all day, it helps cleanse your liver.
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