run before or after breakfast?

I feel like it's a bad idea to run before breakfast, but I usually want to eat after, generally I have been eating a little before and a big breakfast after a run, what does everyone else do?


  • RickyKruize
    I love to run before breakfast as then i get it out of the way, and i can REALLY enjoy breakfast afterwards, but if i am going out to run for longer than an hour i will have something before-hand, like a piece of fruit or a bit of toast otherwise when i get back i am far too hungry to stop myself eating rubbish the rest of the day haha.
  • callmejessica
    callmejessica Posts: 1,868 Member
    I usually eat breakfast (Special K, oatmeal, or eggs) and then go for a run. I haven't gotten sick from doing this, and I have just gotten into the habit of eating breakfast first thing.
  • jodi8785
    jodi8785 Posts: 29 Member
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    It depends how far I'm going to run! If it's under 5-6 miles or so, no need for breakfast beforehand... I can just head out the door and go. If it's any longer than that, I definitely need to eat something before running, so will eat a PB&J ~45 minutes before. That's what works for me, anyway!

    Happy running!
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    Before, normally, although like a lot of other people here, I fuel my long runs with some toast and peanut butter or something.
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    Depends how soon after eating I guess. If I'm running first thing I'll just have a cup of coffee then go running and have breakfast when I get back. If I'm running a few hours later I'll have my breakfast as normal then run later and have lunch when I get back. My stomach isn't happy iI eat immediately before running, even like 1 or 2 hours before...
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    It depends on whether or not you go at a pace that takes you out of the aerobic zone and into the anaerobic zone (your HRM will tell you, as will your ability to talk while running). Aerobic workouts are great when done fasted, but with anaerobic workouts it's best to get some fuel in you before you go. It doesn't have to be much, just enough to carry you through your workout. An ideal pre-workout "meal" for some anaerobic cardio is a glass of milk (or some whey or soy protein shake mix) and a piece of fruit.