week three - still no progress?



  • Are you taking a rest day?

    i don't work out on saturday.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The same reason you can't spot reduce, you may not be measuring the spots that are actually losing fat.

    You are putting a tremendous load on your body and asking it to improve - and that improvement does not have weight loss as a side effect.
    You are storing more energy, glucose and water, because you are asking your body to do more exercise.
    You are retaining water in muscle that is being torn and trying to repair.

    So several reasons you would be gaining weight from all these workouts.
    That is probably balancing out fat you are losing in areas you are not measuring.

    Everyday at full steam will just cause a workout plateau too, since you aren't allowing your body to actually have a chance to repair and recovery from what you are giving it.
  • monyango
    monyango Posts: 166
    I'm shocked with what you are doing that you wouldn't be losing inches at least. That's odd. My best guess is that you are overestimating your calories burned but I dunno. Perhaps you just don't have that much to lose!
  • When I started I only did cardio every day. I don't eat back my exercise calories but a lot of people do. That is up to you. I have lost consistently doing this. I have since moved on to Zumba, 30DS and now I'm doing Insanity. I have not done weights, not yet, I want to lose more fat first before that.

    The less you have to lose, the harder it is. You aren't "overweight" so you won't see instant results like those of us who started out overweight or even obese. Keep in mind that you are definitely being healthier.

    Someone mentioned weighing food. I do that also. I do not always eat good but I weigh and portion out accordingly. I just got an HRM from heartratemonitors.com. I feel that I am more accurately getting my calories burned that way...MFP and other sites seem to overestimate burned calories. If you are overestimating and then eating back those calories it could be why you aren't seeing the results you want.

    Good Luck to you. Your profile pic is adorable! :)
  • The same reason you can't spot reduce, you may not be measuring the spots that are actually losing fat.

    You are putting a tremendous load on your body and asking it to improve - and that improvement does not have weight loss as a side effect.
    You are storing more energy, glucose and water, because you are asking your body to do more exercise.
    You are retaining water in muscle that is being torn and trying to repair.

    So several reasons you would be gaining weight from all these workouts.
    That is probably balancing out fat you are losing in areas you are not measuring.

    Everyday at full steam will just cause a workout plateau too, since you aren't allowing your body to actually have a chance to repair and recovery from what you are giving it.

    all the people i asked around me said i should be trying to work out every day, but they're just teenagers and young adults, like myself. should i be resting more?
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    #1. You're not overweight and a female so losing fat won't be easy.

    #2. You're working out A LOT and very often.

    Even if you are overestimating your calorie burn like other suggested, you're still under-eating. 1200 calories a day when you only have a few pounds to lose is NOT enough.

    Doing a quick check of your daily calorie burn based on the information you provided, your maintenance level is 2500 calories~
    On Saturday you ate 800. The days before that you ate under 1800, some even close to 1200.

    I'd say no less than 2000 calories every day if you plan on maintaining your current activity level.

    But then again, I'm just another idiot roaming the forums.
  • #1. You're not overweight and a female so losing fat won't be easy.

    #2. You're working out A LOT and very often.

    Even if you are overestimating your calorie burn like other suggested, you're still under-eating. 1200 calories a day when you only have a few pounds to lose is NOT enough.

    Doing a quick check of your daily calorie burn based on the information you provided, your maintenance level is 2500 calories~
    On Saturday you ate 800. The days before that you ate under 1800, some even close to 1200.

    I'd say no less than 2000 calories every day if you plan on maintaining your current activity level.

    But then again, I'm just another idiot roaming the forums.

    i do try to eat back those workout calories, if that changes anything. it might not. lol
  • When I started I only did cardio every day. I don't eat back my exercise calories but a lot of people do. That is up to you. I have lost consistently doing this. I have since moved on to Zumba, 30DS and now I'm doing Insanity. I have not done weights, not yet, I want to lose more fat first before that.

    The less you have to lose, the harder it is. You aren't "overweight" so you won't see instant results like those of us who started out overweight or even obese. Keep in mind that you are definitely being healthier.

    Someone mentioned weighing food. I do that also. I do not always eat good but I weigh and portion out accordingly. I just got an HRM from heartratemonitors.com. I feel that I am more accurately getting my calories burned that way...MFP and other sites seem to overestimate burned calories. If you are overestimating and then eating back those calories it could be why you aren't seeing the results you want.

    Good Luck to you. Your profile pic is adorable! :)

    i've thought about just doing cardio, but i kinda wanted to get in the habit of this stuff, so i decided to do it all. haha.
    as far as eating goes, i tend to eat what i want just within the calorie limit that was given me, just to keep me from binging on my favorite things.

    heart monitors seem to be so expensive, but i think i might have found one at walmart for about 30 dollars, which doesn't seem too bad. so if i can save up some money i'll be investing in it.

    and thanks so much!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The same reason you can't spot reduce, you may not be measuring the spots that are actually losing fat.

    You are putting a tremendous load on your body and asking it to improve - and that improvement does not have weight loss as a side effect.
    You are storing more energy, glucose and water, because you are asking your body to do more exercise.
    You are retaining water in muscle that is being torn and trying to repair.

    So several reasons you would be gaining weight from all these workouts.
    That is probably balancing out fat you are losing in areas you are not measuring.

    Everyday at full steam will just cause a workout plateau too, since you aren't allowing your body to actually have a chance to repair and recovery from what you are giving it.

    all the people i asked around me said i should be trying to work out every day, but they're just teenagers and young adults, like myself. should i be resting more?

    Yes. It will take you longer to get to that state as teenager, but your low eating should make it happen faster too. So balance there with older folks.

    If not a true rest day, at least a day that is much less stressful, so body has a chance to rebuild stronger. That's why you workout usually, for improvement. If the body can't, all you are getting is increased stress and related hormones, and more calorie burn.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    When I started I only did cardio every day. I don't eat back my exercise calories but a lot of people do. That is up to you. I have lost consistently doing this. I have since moved on to Zumba, 30DS and now I'm doing Insanity. I have not done weights, not yet, I want to lose more fat first before that.

    The less you have to lose, the harder it is. You aren't "overweight" so you won't see instant results like those of us who started out overweight or even obese. Keep in mind that you are definitely being healthier.

    Someone mentioned weighing food. I do that also. I do not always eat good but I weigh and portion out accordingly. I just got an HRM from heartratemonitors.com. I feel that I am more accurately getting my calories burned that way...MFP and other sites seem to overestimate burned calories. If you are overestimating and then eating back those calories it could be why you aren't seeing the results you want.

    Good Luck to you. Your profile pic is adorable! :)

    i've thought about just doing cardio, but i kinda wanted to get in the habit of this stuff, so i decided to do it all. haha.
    as far as eating goes, i tend to eat what i want just within the calorie limit that was given me, just to keep me from binging on my favorite things.

    heart monitors seem to be so expensive, but i think i might have found one at walmart for about 30 dollars, which doesn't seem too bad. so if i can save up some money i'll be investing in it.

    and thanks so much!

    Don't waste your money on cheap HRM for the purpose of calorie burn. It won't be anywhere near accurate as possible anyway.
    And lack of features will probably aggravate you anyway.
  • When I started I only did cardio every day. I don't eat back my exercise calories but a lot of people do. That is up to you. I have lost consistently doing this. I have since moved on to Zumba, 30DS and now I'm doing Insanity. I have not done weights, not yet, I want to lose more fat first before that.

    The less you have to lose, the harder it is. You aren't "overweight" so you won't see instant results like those of us who started out overweight or even obese. Keep in mind that you are definitely being healthier.

    Someone mentioned weighing food. I do that also. I do not always eat good but I weigh and portion out accordingly. I just got an HRM from heartratemonitors.com. I feel that I am more accurately getting my calories burned that way...MFP and other sites seem to overestimate burned calories. If you are overestimating and then eating back those calories it could be why you aren't seeing the results you want.

    Good Luck to you. Your profile pic is adorable! :)

    i've thought about just doing cardio, but i kinda wanted to get in the habit of this stuff, so i decided to do it all. haha.
    as far as eating goes, i tend to eat what i want just within the calorie limit that was given me, just to keep me from binging on my favorite things.

    heart monitors seem to be so expensive, but i think i might have found one at walmart for about 30 dollars, which doesn't seem too bad. so if i can save up some money i'll be investing in it.

    and thanks so much!

    Don't waste your money on cheap HRM for the purpose of calorie burn. It won't be anywhere near accurate as possible anyway.
    And lack of features will probably aggravate you anyway.


    thank you guys so much, because this has been so stressful.

    maybe once i get back to college and can try to get a job, i can save up for a better quality HRM, thanks for warning me about that.
  • anitsyrk
    anitsyrk Posts: 8 Member
    Muscle mass is key, no you dont need to get bulky but you need to incorporate some resistance training with your cardio, start out withlight like 3-5lbs hand weights or use therabands ( yellow or green to start)

    remember physical activity recommendations (CANADA) 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity in bouts of 10minutes or more with 2 days of resistance /wk
  • EmpathyBot
    EmpathyBot Posts: 78 Member
    I think it might also have something to do with the quality of what you are eating. It looks like you eat out/order in a fair bit, as well as eat a lot of pre-packaged foods. Those can pack a lot of bad fats, excess sodium, and unwanted chemicals. Maybe try to eat a bit more "clean". You might see a bit more of a difference there.
  • When I started I only did cardio every day. I don't eat back my exercise calories but a lot of people do. That is up to you. I have lost consistently doing this. I have since moved on to Zumba, 30DS and now I'm doing Insanity. I have not done weights, not yet, I want to lose more fat first before that.

    The less you have to lose, the harder it is. You aren't "overweight" so you won't see instant results like those of us who started out overweight or even obese. Keep in mind that you are definitely being healthier.

    Someone mentioned weighing food. I do that also. I do not always eat good but I weigh and portion out accordingly. I just got an HRM from heartratemonitors.com. I feel that I am more accurately getting my calories burned that way...MFP and other sites seem to overestimate burned calories. If you are overestimating and then eating back those calories it could be why you aren't seeing the results you want.

    Good Luck to you. Your profile pic is adorable! :)

    i've thought about just doing cardio, but i kinda wanted to get in the habit of this stuff, so i decided to do it all. haha.
    as far as eating goes, i tend to eat what i want just within the calorie limit that was given me, just to keep me from binging on my favorite things.

    heart monitors seem to be so expensive, but i think i might have found one at walmart for about 30 dollars, which doesn't seem too bad. so if i can save up some money i'll be investing in it.

    and thanks so much!

    Don't waste your money on cheap HRM for the purpose of calorie burn. It won't be anywhere near accurate as possible anyway.
    And lack of features will probably aggravate you anyway.


    thank you guys so much, because this has been so stressful.

    maybe once i get back to college and can try to get a job, i can save up for a better quality HRM, thanks for warning me about that.

    Very good point!! I have a Polar FT7...and I love it!! it cost me $75 but it was well worth it. I have heard the same about the cheaper models. Less features, not as reliable...plus you really want one with a chest strap (I don't believe the cheaper models have them).
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    Your body might be telling you "NO MORE!". It may be time to stop focusing on weight loss and focus on toning.

    Just a suggestion.
  • I think it might also have something to do with the quality of what you are eating. It looks like you eat out/order in a fair bit, as well as eat a lot of pre-packaged foods. Those can pack a lot of bad fats, excess sodium, and unwanted chemicals. Maybe try to eat a bit more "clean". You might see a bit more of a difference there.

    i have been making an effort at eating clean, however, as i said before, my mom isn't only cooking for me and has to satisfy my brother and dad. another thing is i just try to find the product on MFP that as closely fits what i'm having as possible. i have noticed that a lot of things in my diary have some brand names at the side, however all the veggies (for example) i eat are home grown. my schedule has been off a bit lately, as well. i don't usually eat out more than once a month.

    once i get back to school, this should be a bit easier, as i do my own grocery shopping and can get more fitting things.

    so jelly that you have the train insane tank!
  • NearlyThere2011
    NearlyThere2011 Posts: 29 Member
    I agree with EmpathyBot - I've learned the tough way (after stalling with 10lbs to lose for about a year!), that 100 calories of junk is STILL JUNK!! I'm trying so hard not to put unhealthy fats in my body, and also I never ever ever DRINK CALORIES!! Your tummy needs to feel the bulk in calories to recognise you getting full, so to spend 150 calories on a can of soda when there are 0 calorie sodas out there, for me, is crazy! But then I'm a Diet Coke freak. :wink:

    Healthy cereals and 1% or 0.1% milk for breakfast, along with fresh fruit, thick vegetable soups or measured pastas for lunch (or fish), and protein/carb balanced dinners help me sustain my workouts (I do a lot of cycling, at least 1hr every day - indoor if the weather's horrible, outdoor and indoor if the weather's dry as I'll cycle to my spinning class :heart: - Love spinning!!)

    Overestimating exercise calories and underestimating consumption is very common. In my experience, 1hr of hard high intensity cardio will burn between 400 - 500 calories. 1hr of body pump (lifting weights) will burn appx 200 - 250 calories, and 1 hr of pilates will burn less than 200 calories.. For me, it's all about the cardio, as i've gone from being totally sedentary to extremely active and I love it.

    Good luck with your journey - any of us old timers on MFP will know exactly the frustration you're feeling right now, but run with it - when you get the measurements of your food and calories right, the scale and tape measure will have no option but to reduce.

  • I agree with EmpathyBot - I've learned the tough way (after stalling with 10lbs to lose for about a year!), that 100 calories of junk is STILL JUNK!! I'm trying so hard not to put unhealthy fats in my body, and also I never ever ever DRINK CALORIES!! Your tummy needs to feel the bulk in calories to recognise you getting full, so to spend 150 calories on a can of soda when there are 0 calorie sodas out there, for me, is crazy! But then I'm a Diet Coke freak. :wink:

    Healthy cereals and 1% or 0.1% milk for breakfast, along with fresh fruit, thick vegetable soups or measured pastas for lunch (or fish), and protein/carb balanced dinners help me sustain my workouts (I do a lot of cycling, at least 1hr every day - indoor if the weather's horrible, outdoor and indoor if the weather's dry as I'll cycle to my spinning class :heart: - Love spinning!!)

    Overestimating exercise calories and underestimating consumption is very common. In my experience, 1hr of hard high intensity cardio will burn between 400 - 500 calories. 1hr of body pump (lifting weights) will burn appx 200 - 250 calories, and 1 hr of pilates will burn less than 200 calories.. For me, it's all about the cardio, as i've gone from being totally sedentary to extremely active and I love it.

    Good luck with your journey - any of us old timers on MFP will know exactly the frustration you're feeling right now, but run with it - when you get the measurements of your food and calories right, the scale and tape measure will have no option but to reduce.


    i've always enjoyed diet drinks much more than regular, they taste sweeter to me. lol. but i have mostly just switched to only drinking water and skim milk. also, whenever i eat bread (which is not often due to this) i only 100% wheat bread (which i hate). i also try to monitor what kind of fats are in foods, i know trans fats and saturated fats are the bad ones. i wish MFP would try to get the calorie thing right, but i guess nothing can be perfect. lol

  • elenakristine
    elenakristine Posts: 29 Member
    Muscle weighs significantly more than fat. So chances are you're losing the "fat weight" and replacing it with muscle wieght. Its not about the number on the scale when you're trying to tone your body. If you feel stronger and are happier with what you look like in the mirror, the number is just a fact. So in reality you're getting there on your goal, your scale just doesn't show it.

    Really? You're on MFP and you still think muscle weighs "significantly" more than fat. Based on what?

    1 lbs muscle and 1 lbs fat weighs the same. The VOLUME is different though. You should read about this before you try teaching it out to people who are desperate to see change. Telling people they're not losing weight because muscle is somehow "heavier" than fat tells me you need to read up on this :)

    OP, as other people said, what you eat really matters even if your calories are low. If I eat 60% carbs (or just plain junk) even if I stay within my calorie goals, I won't lose weight for a loooong time. I retain water and it won't go off until I quit the carbs for a while. I think you should stay at a level of calories where you feel full, don't want to eat junk, and still stay at your calorie goal. Weight lifting is awesome btw, if you get the opportunity to do it at some point, it will do so much for you:)
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    Just now coming back to this.

    Looking at your exercise and food log here are my observations.

    IS the calisthenics your logging for the pilates you do? If so I feel that the calorie burn is way over estimated. I do pilates and yoga at the gym with a pretty tough trainer and i have used my HRM to get a more accurate burn and around what MFP says it is about 175-200 calories in one hour.

    As for your food, although you are not tracking sodium alot of the foods in your log I know are VERY high in sodium, work on getting your sodium down to about 1500 mg a day which would mean you need to cut out any of the convenience foods and try to get in more veggies.