Good Workout DVDs?

I need to change up my workouts so my body doesn't get used to the same thing. Currently i only really do cardio and some strength training at the gym, but i want to add some videos in there somewhere. What are some of your favorite videos/trainers, etc..


  • cherrydrop_amy
    I am a fan of Jeanette Jenkins- the Hollywood trainer. I got a few DVDs free in a newspaper a couple of years ago and I love them!

    These were my favourite:
    (Abs Blast)

    I haven't tried out her newer DVDs or books (haven't had a need) but here's her website.

    I guess you just have to watch DVD samples online to find a one that may suit you. I find it so difficult to find a one I enjoy and would stick to.
  • dirty_blonde
    dirty_blonde Posts: 71 Member
    I love many of the beachbody programs. I lost 50 lbs using them in 2010. I did gain almost 20 lbs back but that's because I started eating to much.
    I've done the following programs
    Power 90
    Chalean Extreme
    Insanity the Asylum
    Les Mills Pump
    Currently doing Revabs

    The only program I hated was insanity. Depending on your fitness was goals And current fitness level would determine the program I would suggest. They all come with a 30 day money back guarantee
  • little_princess
    little_princess Posts: 48 Member
    I am a big fan of Jillian Michael's dvd's! I have done the 30 day shred, 6 pack in 6 weeks, and I am currently doing ripped in 30! I have also bought killer buns and thighs, no more trouble zones and also Burn fat boost metabolism.

    If you are interested in switching it up, why not try a yoga DVD(I am currently trying some now, so i can't give a reccomendation yet lol).

    Let me know if you find any good DVDs!x