Feeling discouraged.... :-(

nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
Honestly feeling down this morning and a bit frustrated because i'm trying to do alot better with my eating (and i think i'm succeeding at least most times)...drinking tons of water...and even managed to get in 2 days at the gym last week...and it seems every time i step on the scale....there watching back at me is a new record for "highest weight ever"...it's so demoralising because I have such a long way to go yet everytime i check i'm a few steps further away from my goal...sigh...i know that I have to push harder but I really didn't expect this...even if i lost no weight with my effort...didn't think i would be making retrogade steps every week...I feel like screaming! What should I do?????


  • liquidjem
    liquidjem Posts: 138 Member
    Don't give up is what you should do....! I had the same problem...gained a few pound then go so frustrated, I said "Fudge it"...it was like a 5 lb. gain. One day I said though...start trying again, and I lost 3 of the 5 so far, so I know it will work itself out again. Keep doing what you are doing and it will work out in the end.
  • missredk8
    missredk8 Posts: 9
    How often are you jumping on the scales?
  • ReinaLorenz
    ReinaLorenz Posts: 88 Member
    I have lost the same 3 lbs. twice now.....everyone does it....push through and make it your motivation
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    As long as you stay on track the weight will come off..
  • CeeJourney
    CeeJourney Posts: 149 Member
    We all get discouraged BUT the key is to never give up! I'm just returning from a four day business trip where i didn't get any exercising in nor did i have many options to eat right BUT today after work I'm gonna step on that scale, see how much i gained, take it AND MOVE ON!!!! Today is a new day and I'm determined to get back on track! :smile:

    You say you got to exercise 2 days last week, challenge yourself for four this week! PROGRESS :flowerforyou:
  • susansofia
    The scale can be so evil! Measure yourself, chest, hips, waist, biceps, etc...it will give you a more accurate view of what you are truly loosing. Remember that muscle weights more than fat so you may be loosing fat and gaining muscle.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Take a break from the scale. It doesn't tell the whole picture. You might be retaining water, you might be tightening muscle, or something else. Have you been measuring? (Waist, hips, thighs, arms, chest, etc) Sometimes the scales can just frustrate us.

    Make sure you're getting enough to eat, as well. Sometimes we get too gung-ho and cut our calories too far. On the other hand, if you aren't measuring your food, you could be eating more than you think, which could also give you trouble. Fill up with plenty of veggies and lean proteins, fruits, and some whole grains. And don't give up. Even if you aren't seeing results on the scale, eating better and being more active is going to be good for you.
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    It is tricky finding the right combination of diet and exercise to meet your goals and can be extremely frustrating. I know for me I am up and down every day, but every few weeks both my high and lows on the scale go down - so overall I am on the right (albeit painfully slow) path and, more importantly than the scale weight, I look a lot slimmer and more muscular.

    It will be easier for people to make helpful suggestions though if you make your diary public. That said, and without knowing your nutrition, I would say make sure you are getting 30 minutes of vigorous (exercise that makes you break a sweat) at least 4 days per week and doing challenging (i.e., barely taking out your last rep for each set) weight training two days OR doing circuit training 4-5 days per week that combines both cardio and weights. As for food, cut out highly processed foods, make sure you are hitting your macros (I think default is 40% carbs/30%protein/30%fat) and focus on getting your carbs from high fiber veggies and to a lesser extent fruit.

    Good luck!
  • kmkizziar
    kmkizziar Posts: 11
    The scale can be so evil! Measure yourself, chest, hips, waist, biceps, etc...it will give you a more accurate view of what you are truly loosing. Remember that muscle weights more than fat so you may be loosing fat and gaining muscle.

    Well said, a while back I had an 8lb weight gain for no apparent reason, I meaured and foud that I had lost 5 inches overall, now I force myself to stay off the scale and only weigh in once a week, the daily up and down can get to be very daunting and discouraging. Don't give up, just know that if you are being honest with yourself and truely sticking to you plan, you will reach your goal! Even if it is 2 steps forward and 1 step back, you will still make progress!
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    First of all, breathe. Losing weight doesn't happen overnight. You are doing great! Think about one thing you change this week. Then next week another, while still doing the other thing. It will happen.

    On Saturday I was feeling low. My niece was graduating (out of state) and I was feeling bad that I couldn't be there. I skipped my 9am exercise class and stayed in bed all day....eating terribly. I weighted yesterday (Sunday is my weigh in day) and I gained 1lb. I felt defeated, as the week before I lost 7lbs. the week before. I ate better on Sunday and also planned my meals for the rest of the week.

    I have laid out a workout schedule for this week. I'm on vacation, so I have NO EXCUSES for not going to the Y. My concern is when I start working again. I have to get into that night habit of going now, before school starts full swing.

    Feel free to message me. Be encourage, you can do it!
  • nikig7
    nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
    How often are you jumping on the scales?

    Just about once per week....at first I thought it was TOM...then TOM left and left the weight gain behind! Then this morning I stepped on and it was even a bit more! Gosh...
  • nikig7
    nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
    Thanks you guys...I will admit I haven't been logging my food consistently ( finding the time at work can be challenging and because I live in the Caribbean our local/indigenous foods are not in the database so it can be time-consuming and a little frustrating trying to find close substitutes)...and I haven't measured....but I am going to go out and look for a tape today and start keeping track of the inches and try to be more conscious about what goes into my mouth...there's definitely room for improvement as far as eating my veggies and the exercise are concerned...i just hope things turnaround soon!
  • jsmith1352
    I get it! Times when I feel like I'm trying my hardest, nothing happens on the scales. Pay attention to your clothes and how they are fitting. One time i didnt lose any weight on the scales, but i was able to fit into jeans i hadn't worn in 2 years! I would say don't weigh for like 2-4 weeks, so that you don't get discouraged.
  • lax75
    lax75 Posts: 118 Member
    Hang in there! One thing - you don't have to rely on finding substitutes in the database. I know it would take some time at the beginning, but if a local food isn't in there, try looking it up on one of the online nutritional databases (I've used the one at self.com, because it ha a lot of information and handy little graphs) and then you can add the info into "My Foods" on MFP. Once the food you eat frequently is entered, you'll find it gets easier to log and to log accurately, so worth the effort up front.