Looking for motivating friends!

Hi, Lyndsey and I'm relatively new to MFP. I joined a long while ago and then forgot about it, but started again and I've logged on for over 2 weeks now. I have a very good friend who uses this consistently and she's down over 60lbs and she's very motivating to me as we were college friends always battling weight together. I'm so proud of her to be doing so awesome! I was a member of weight watchers for 4.5 months in 2011 and lost 25lbs. Then put a couple back on (less than 10) and maintained that for a year before joining here. I'm down a total of 30lbs from my heaviest right now a year and a half ago. I have about 50 more to go to my desired weight/shape.

The difference now is that I've really changed my lifestyle since Weight Watchers. WW worked but I was eating crap for my points. And I wasn't exercising. It's since been confirmed I have a higher chance of blood clots, a hereditary issue, and there is no medication for it. The best way to prevent a clot is losing weight and staying active. I also had a major shift in healthy eating and started cutting out most packaged foods, I make most everything fresh, shop the perimeter of the grocery store and I eat much cleaner. I started yoga once a week and I've always been a periodic jogger.

Now I do yoga twice a week and I'm jogging 2-3x a week working towards my first 5k this September. I can jog the 5k, just working on speed now.

I'm getting ready to hit my 200lb goal (4.5lbs away) and I'm very excited as I haven't seen that number since I was a freshman in college many years ago (and 2 kids prior). I'm itching for a new outfit/summer dress and it seems like a perfect incentive for myself. Anyone seen any cute ones lately?

I'd love to find some more friends to motivate and keep me motivated, this website has been awesome so far for me. I can see me going strong with the support on here! 50lbs is nothing right now that I'm already down 30? So add me as a friend if you want and lets motivate each other!


  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Welcome and Congrats on your accomplishments so far! Yoga and running are part of my regular exercise as well. Feel free to add me for support!
  • ThomasFMendiola
    ThomasFMendiola Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome, I'm new too and motivational support always helps!
  • pjd21
    pjd21 Posts: 1
    I don't know how to add but you can add me and I am not really sure how to do much as I just started a week ago-talk me through it. I am doing couch to 5k really really slow as I have fibromyalgia and get hurt easily and it lasts for forever but I work through it.
  • Niniof9
    Niniof9 Posts: 2
    Hi Lyndsey!
    You're AWESOME! You can jog 5K. You have inspired me. :) I too have done WW off and on for years. It works every time. I just get bored with it or distracted and find myself sliding up the scale again. Exercise is key and I hope you're choosing the healthy foods instead of the junk food. The healthy foods will enhance your jogging performance and the junk food will make you jog tright o the couch for a nap. LOL At least that's what junk food does for me. Makes me very lethargic. Good luck to you!! Keep logging and jogging. :)
  • kcurtis24
    kcurtis24 Posts: 1
    Welcome! Today is my first day and need a motivating friend. I am at my heaviest weight and need to make a change. I am a massage therapist which is physically demanding, but not enough to shed lbs. I need to exercise more and reduce my portions each meal, and not eat at night. Please be my cheerleader?
  • lroberts5
    lroberts5 Posts: 26
    Thanks everyone! I think I've added everyone.