Bike riding to lose weight

can anyone please recommend how much daily biking I should do to lose about 1-2 lbs a week,
Also would love to hear stories from others who bike ride to lose weight.
Thank You:)


  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    That will vary depending on your size, amount you want to lose, amount of food/calories you consume....etc. There is no magic number unfortunately...You just have to get out there and do it until you start getting results.
  • Sharmender
    Sharmender Posts: 133 Member
    30-60 minutes a day is what I do.
    Riding my bike (combining with jillian michaels) helped me to lose weight like crazy when I started (at least 1kg a week which is a little more than 2 lbs.).
    Just use it to get to work, or friends, or the supermarket.. whatever! And make sure you get your heart rate up!! Don't focus on how long a day you have to be on your bike, that will be very demotivational! Just use it when you can and you'll notice you can spend a lot of time on it sometimes!
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    The bike riding will have nothing to do with the weight will be the calorie deficit.
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    I agree with curvykim78. I ride my bike most days for about an hour. It depends on your terrain your height weight etc. I strongly suggest you invest in an HRM. MFP says i burn almost 15-1800 cals everytime I go out. with my HRM I am burning around 600-1000. this makes a HUGE difference in your daily eating etc.

    Just start riding what you can when you can. My terrain is Mostly Hills now that we live on the mountain side. I have started to ride to work which is 13 miles 1 way. When I first started it was 3 miles then done, now I can actually do 25 miles in 1 day.

    NEVER tell yourself you cannot do it. You totally can.
  • seanorawe
    seanorawe Posts: 137 Member
    I ride to work and back everyday, then at weekends I try to get out and do a bigger ride. But during the week its just a 6 mile round trip. To lose weight soley from riding, you need to be doing rides of 10 miles plus. Riding is good to buils stamina and its good for loss because your heart rate will stay in the fat burning zone for longer. But you need to put the time in.

    I ride and do the couch to 5k running programme.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    bike riding is one of the hardest things to estimate calories from because it really depends on how you are riding. For example, 2 people on the same route could burn wildly different amounts if one person was spinning and the other was using the gears to their advantage and coasting when possible.

    I would suggest getting a heart rate monitor and wearing it when you ride. That way you aren't fooling yourself about how much you burned.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    Assuming you're eating your TDEE, you need to bike 500-1000 calories a day.

    To be more exact than we'd need to know your caloric intake, how many calories you burn when you ride, etc.
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    Ride as much as you want and can, I started with 25 mins to and from work and built it up from there till I could ride for hours on end, but there is no magic number to how long for losing certain amounts of weight. it's like saying how many stamp do you have to lick before your tounge goes dry?
  • WEB3
    WEB3 Posts: 121 Member
    The bike riding will have nothing to do with the weight will be the calorie deficit.


    But definitely get a heart rate monitor and use that to gauge how much you are burning.
    I try to go out 3 times a week. 12km with little coasting, and a hilly road to boot!
    I burn 360 calories in 40 mintues. That is better than doing 40 minutes of Insanity for me, and nothing beats being outside!
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Depends on how many calories you burn on a typical ride. Are you cruising on the beach, doing intervals on the road or climbing mountains. Get yourself a Garmin Edge 500 (Google it), you won't be disappointed.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    Just get on it and start moving! But you can't just depend on it to lose weight for you. As others have said accurately, your activity plus your eating (I call it fueling) must equal a 500 - 1000 calorie DEFICIT daily for you to lose weight. Warning though: DON'T GO BEYOND THE 500-1000 DEFICIT or your body will think it's the Ice Age again and start holding on to all energy. It will think you are starving and won't release the fat. Because of that, no matter how good you feel with your physical activity, especially as you get stronger, you have to diligent about staying on that narrow fat-burning bridge until you have lost the excess weight.

  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    If you use a smart phone, Endomundo is a free, nice app that will track your rides and speeds and estimate a calorie burn for each ride. I don't know how good the estimate is. They seemed realistic for me.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I started out losing weight just by walking. (up to 550 miles since jan) and I've lost almost 40lbs. I bought a HRM and had to add biking as exercise because I broke my foot. The HRM shows that I get my HR up a LOT higher than when I was walking so I know I'm burning more. I prefer the biking now because I can get my HR up faster and keep it up longer than I can while doing other things. I hope to get this foot healed so I can get back to walking though because it is a big stress reliever for me. I broke the foot when I tripped over my dog while working on C25K so it was hard to switch up my exercise routine but it can be done.
    Just try it for a few weeks @30 minutes a day or so and see what happens. As long as you enjoy your exercise, the fat will melt off if you keep doing it. If you find out that you don't enjoy biking, try something else. Anything that makes you sweat will do it!
    Oh yeah, and stay within your diary goals! Good luck!
  • tearkay
    tearkay Posts: 5
    Which Jillian Michaels ( I assume DVD) are you using? I am running every day and would like to add Jillian to my work outs. I am just not sure which one of her DVD's I should get. I am sure all are helpful, just looking for a little advise. Thx
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    If you use a smart phone, Endomundo is a free, nice app that will track your rides and speeds and estimate a calorie burn for each ride. I don't know how good the estimate is. They seemed realistic for me.

    I love endomondo, but like MFP the calories burned are very high.
  • WEB3
    WEB3 Posts: 121 Member
    Just peeked in your diary as well. It's very incomplete!
    Track everything that goes in your mouth, figure out your TDEE and eat at a deficit.
    Here is a good site that calculates it for you and tells you what to eat based on your activity level.
    You will lose weight, I guarantee it!
  • tearkay
    tearkay Posts: 5
    30-60 minutes a day is what I do.
    Riding my bike (combining with jillian michaels) helped me to lose weight like crazy when I started (at least 1kg a week which is a little more than 2 lbs.).
    Just use it to get to work, or friends, or the supermarket.. whatever! And make sure you get your heart rate up!! Don't focus on how long a day you have to be on your bike, that will be very demotivational! Just use it when you can and you'll notice you can spend a lot of time on it sometimes!

    What Jillian Michaels ( I assume DVD) are you using? I would like to incorperate her workouts, with mine. I am just not sure which is best to use? I am running now so getting cardio, looking to tone and strengthen. I am sure all of Jillians DVDs are helpful, just looking for advise. Thx
  • Sharmender
    Sharmender Posts: 133 Member
    30-60 minutes a day is what I do.
    Riding my bike (combining with jillian michaels) helped me to lose weight like crazy when I started (at least 1kg a week which is a little more than 2 lbs.).
    Just use it to get to work, or friends, or the supermarket.. whatever! And make sure you get your heart rate up!! Don't focus on how long a day you have to be on your bike, that will be very demotivational! Just use it when you can and you'll notice you can spend a lot of time on it sometimes!

    What Jillian Michaels ( I assume DVD) are you using? I would like to incorperate her workouts, with mine. I am just not sure which is best to use? I am running now so getting cardio, looking to tone and strengthen. I am sure all of Jillians DVDs are helpful, just looking for advise. Thx

    I started out with 30 day shred, it's really good for beginners. Than Ripped in 30, after I finished that I did some six week six pack videos and 'banish fat boost metabolism'... Now I'm redoing the 30 Day shred again! I think that series helped me in my weightloss the most :)
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    I have recently taken up bike riding and LOVE it! Yesterday morning (before it dot oo hot) we took the kids and rode an easy 5 miles. Then last night me and the hubs went back out for another harder 5 miles! LOVE IT!!!
  • WandaJean1564
    WandaJean1564 Posts: 93 Member
    thank you very much everyone:) my diary is incomplete because I fell off the wagon and I just had surgery so not on much and Im on soft foods..I have lost a couple of pounds just since last week. I am hoping to get back at it as soon as I am feeling 100% better.
    I will have get get myself a HRM...again thanks for all the advice/help...:)