WTH? 2 wks in- being good- yet gained!

Help! I started (for real) a couple of weeks ago. I've been eating all my calories (exercise too) and not going over. I also went from no exercise to gym going 3-4 times a week with cardio and strength training. I'm sad to say that my weight has gone up by a few pounds! Could this be from the exercise- some kind of water weight or lactic acid build up? Surely kicking my old bread heavy diet and couch sitting work-out plan should earn me some lb.'s right!

Help- don't want to loose my motivation... I want to see results!:noway:


  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    if it's only been a couple of weeks? I wouldn't worry. give it a few more and then see where your at.
  • albroxterman
    albroxterman Posts: 4 Member
    You might be gaining muscle, which is heavier than fat. How are your clothes fitting?