Zumba workout info.. Help PLEASE!

When you go to log your exercise Zuba is not a choice. Would be nice to have a way to count a 60min. workout that has you socked in sweat when you are done. Does anyone have some good info. that could be added to the list of exercises so I can count my workout and know about how many calories I burned? Would LOVE some HELP!!! PLEASE and THANK YOU, Kelly


  • RussetBrunnette
    RussetBrunnette Posts: 107 Member
    Personally I would get a heart rate monitor to see exactly how much you burn and just add zumba to your database. Otherwise a lot of people use zumbacalories.com to estimate their burn. Hopes this helps!
  • KellyStanard
    KellyStanard Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks :smile: I will check it out!!!
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    I go to zumbacalories.com Not sure how accurate it is, but it told me I burned 607 calories in an hour. That seems good to me.

    Edit: Just realized someone else suggested this. Ooppss!! lol
  • ebenso1
    ebenso1 Posts: 39 Member
    zumbacalories.com is actually pretty accurate with the heart rate monitor. Once you get your calories burned you can add it as an exercise. Just make sure to check the zumba calculator once in awhile because as you lose weight you burn less calories. Hope that helped.
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    Zumba should be on there i added it months ago and have been using it since
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    I used zumbacaloires.com too...but when i got my hrm it was WAY off!! i burned way less than the site said. i guess im dogging it...
  • carreen
    carreen Posts: 175 Member
    Depends on your weight. I weigh 205 lbs. At first I was just using the "Dancing - Aerobic" exercise which says I burn 446 calories per hour, but then I started wearing a Heart Rate Monitor, and it said I was burning 552 per hour, so I created a Zumba exercise using that info. Hope that helps.
  • ambrwaves27
    ambrwaves27 Posts: 206

    Try this link. . .you enter your weight and time doing zumba and it calculates your calories...then add it as your own exercise.
  • kathetakite
    kathetakite Posts: 16 Member
    Until I bought my HRM I used high impact aerobics because the calories it gave me was in between zumbacalories.com's high and medium impact zumba classes
  • hana2291
    hana2291 Posts: 8
    Hiya, as a Zumba Instructor myself, I get my class members to wear my HR monitor occasionally. On average my class members burn between 500-600 calories per hour, but after a particularly vigourous session one lady had 782 calories!!!

    It totally depends on your instructor though, as every one is different and has their own style so the intensity can vary. Plus the calories burnt depends on your own age and fitness levels. Try a HR monitor for yourself, and get an average reading after 3 classes or so. Then make your own entry for yourself under 'cardio' and enter in how many calories you usually burn in 60 mins. This way you will have it all set up for you to add to your exercise diary, and it'll be relevant to you. The HR monitor I have is excellent and cost £20 from Argos.

    Good luck and enjoy your Zumba class! x
  • F__7
    F__7 Posts: 371 Member
    Just use your best judgement based on whatever site it says and what you think it was based on your effort... as long as you count it that is what matters... main thing is to keep that cardio/weight excercise going and nutrition in control..
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've always logged it as "Aerobics - high impact". Someone has probably already mentioned the zumbacalories web site that will estimate calories burned. I used that a few times but it was always so close to the high impact aerobics that I stuck with it.
  • nfgchick79
    nfgchick79 Posts: 89 Member
    My Zumba instructor was telling our class about how Zumba burns 1000 calories in an hour. I got a HRM and found out that I am only burning about 200 calories in the hour. MFP told me that I was burning around 400-600 calories I believe. I'm sure it is because I am used to the workouts now after doing it for almost a year and that I am 5'0" and weigh about 111 lbs (currently, not when I started). All of the workouts in general that I have looked up online have been way off compared to my HRM though so it isn't just a Zumba thing in my opinion. Just to compare I burn 200 calories in a half hour of running as opposed to the same calorie burn in an hour long Zumba class.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    It is really dependent on the Zumba class you go to. I use a HRM always. I've been to Zumba classes that only burn 300, but the one I go to twice a week is very high impact and high intensity. I always burn between 1000-1200 calories per 60 minutes. To get a really good count I would suggest investing in a HRM.
  • KellyStanard
    KellyStanard Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for all the help everyone!! The HRM would probably be a good buy for me. I have been in a half marathon training program that I started in Jan. and am getting ready to start a new one now that I have ran in 2. Added the Zumba to my weekly schedule and love it. I have a long way to go but I am loving it. Would like to loose another 15lbs. and need to get my half marathon time down to 2 1/2 hrs. Got any names for a good but not to $$ HRM?
  • shellyk972
    shellyk972 Posts: 56 Member
    I've had the garmin fr60 for over 4 years and I LOVE it.. It will send your info to your computer and upload it to the garmin site and you can see an actual graph of your heart rate for the duration of your exercise.. I researched polor HRMs, and you have to buy an extra item to transmit your info.. The one thing that a polar HRM does that the garmin doesn't is communicate with many cardio machines at the gym.. With a polar, you can be on the treadmill and see your HR on the machine without looking at the watch.

    I do also recommend one that has the chest monitor with a watch.. I've read that the watch only HRMs aren't as accurate.
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    I log it under dancing because that is really what zumba is... a dance workout
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    Personally I would get a heart rate monitor to see exactly how much you burn and just add zumba to your database. Otherwise a lot of people use zumbacalories.com to estimate their burn. Hopes this helps!

    This is what I do. I also subtract out the 10 minutes used for warming up and cooling down, and never go above the medium selection for calculating calorie burn. To make it easier, I usually just log it as aerobics and input the time and cals myself from the other site.