newbie looking for friends

Hi! I'm 32 years old and I'm new to MFP. You could say I have been a yo- yo dieter my whole life but I'm really committed to changing my lifestyle now! I've been doing pretty good the last few weeks but I could really use some friends. I really don't have any supportive people around me. In fact, I feel like they are either sabatoging me- (constantly asking me to bring home soda, fast food and sweets when they know I'm changing my life) or judging me (watching my every move and waiting for me to fail)...anyway, I have about 150 pounds to lose and I'm looking for friends for encouragement and accountability (for when I get lazy and need a swift kick) ;)


  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    Hey girl, this is a great place for support! Feel free to add me, I'm on here every day! :)
  • Just know you can do this! I am 37 years old, three teenagers and I completely understand the food thing! Everywhere I go people are eating like mad, the graduation partys are killing me, but I get up every morning and do my "Insanity" workout (on my 2nd week) and know that I am doing this for me and no one will take that from me. It feels amazing when you work out! The hardest part was getting started for me, now I look forward to the burn, because I feel amazing everyday! Add me if you like sweetie, and stay strong! you can do this!
  • Brwnbunnie
    Brwnbunnie Posts: 2 Member
    I'm fairly new myself. I was talk into joining by a friend...This is a wonderful site for encouragement and support, feel free to add me as well
  • omobolade
    omobolade Posts: 3
    Hey Newbie - We can be friends and support each each other. I myself did not have any support at home, I moved in with my boyfriend and i swear he sabotages all my effort not only in fitness and waiting for me to fail. We have now broken up and i am more determined than ever to be successful in everything i do, if i fail, that is fine but it will not be because i never tried.

    So far i am enjoying this site as it is helping me out alot just keeping track of everything i eat. it is awesome!