Does it really matter.....

Ok so I just started paying attention to my carbs and protein intake as well as my calorie intake and I am just curious how many of you stay withing the recommendation that MFP makes for you. I have just realized that I tend to go over almost everyday for my carbs. Is this bad? Any thoughts anyone?


  • jetswa737
    jetswa737 Posts: 28
    Ok so I just started paying attention to my carbs and protein intake as well as my calorie intake and I am just curious how many of you stay withing the recommendation that MFP makes for you. I have just realized that I tend to go over almost everyday for my carbs. Is this bad? Any thoughts anyone?
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I don't pay attn to that AT ALL..just stick with my cals...

  • Kimosabe
    Kimosabe Posts: 71
    Well I feel it shouldn't really matter as long as you aren't going 100's over what they recommend. That is what it is a recommendation, and that is based off of the information you put in. If you truly want to know, ask a nutritionist and see what they recommend. But I wouldn't worry too much, I only count cals not too much of the rest.:ohwell:
  • jmaltby
    jmaltby Posts: 4
    Your body uses carbs for fuel. Once it has used what it needs , the rest is "reserved" and converted to fat storage. My advice, is to monitor all three. If your workout a lot, you may find yourself really craving carbs if your not meeting your protein quota. Fuel up after a workout with a high-protein and complex carbohydate.
    If you switch to whole grain carbs, you'll feel satisfied longer and you'll fill up quicker. I personally, do not eat any carbs that are white
    ( including bread, pasta, potatoes, rice).
    Fat is importmant too ....just stay away from highly saturated fats. An excellent healthy source of fat is found in almonds, avacados and most low-fat dairy.
    I hope this helps =:)
  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    I try to meet the goal in everything but obviously it's not possible.
    I usually try to eat a balanced diet in the morning and afternoon and in the evening I have a look at carbs/protein/fat and decide what to eat in the evening.
    You can increase your protein to 20% (by default it's 15%) and decrease carbs or fat. I lowered fats so I usually go a bit over in that. Proteins are important for building muscles and weight loss so if I go a bit over I don't worry but I try to eat all of them.
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    Here is a .PDF of the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for micro nutrients from the USDA website; it'll show you how many carbs, protein, fats, etc. you need for your gender/age group:

    Here is the website for general dietary guidance: