New to the site...where do I start?

Hi everybody, I'm new on here and I wanted to know what tips you had for getting started on your weight loss journey. I've never really tried to lose weight before so I don't know where to start. I'd like to start off with some small things I can start doing so I get used to it. Thanks in advance for any tips you may share!


  • TheOriginalGinging
    Welcome! I've lost 11 pounds in just about 8 weeks -- and I have a long way to go but my focus has been on "balanced nutrition and fitness" rather than "diet and exercise". Learn as much as you can about nutritional balance. is a good start. There are charts for each food group that will tell you how much you should have each day for your age group. Plan as many meals ahead as you can--take control! Fill your fridge with as many fresh fruits and veggies -- I find I have to stop every other day or so but well worth it. Slow and steady wins the race. I have a daughter who is 23 so if you'd like a mom type friend--feel free to add me!!
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    Welcome aboard! Like the poster above, I initially focused on getting on track eating habits-wise. Stocked up on healthier snacks so I wouldn't be tempted to grab cookies and chips everytime I opened the pantry. I also focused on increasing my water intake and decreasing and eventually eliminating sugary drinks.

    Once I was comfortable about a month in, I added exercise to the picture and joined a gym. My advice is to not try to do everything all at once, take baby steps and you'll figure it out. Best wishes!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Hi everybody, I'm new on here and I wanted to know what tips you had for getting started on your weight loss journey. I've never really tried to lose weight before so I don't know where to start. I'd like to start off with some small things I can start doing so I get used to it. Thanks in advance for any tips you may share!

    Best advice- go to the top of the page, read all the stickied threads, then read them again :)

    Welcome and good luck.
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    One day, one meal, one food decision at a time.

    I had to start by reacquainting myself with food. Establish a healthy relationship. Then start focusing on the calories. I only recently started throwing exercise in. Do one part at a time. You need to fully understand this system for it to be a lifestyle.

    Best of luck!
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    First off please refrain from calling it a "journey"! Second there are a lot of forums here that will help with whatever you wish to achieve. Many people here are willing to help and few are just trolling around to start issues. When trolls attack just ignore them and do what you feel necessary!
  • DonnaCW
    DonnaCW Posts: 24 Member
    I am no expert and I struggle myself. But I did learn a few things:

    1)Stay away from junk food and soda (don't eliminate it, just pare it down to once in a while).
    2) drink water, as much as possible
    3)up your fruits and veggies and lower your carbs
    4)take a vitamin everyday
    5)have something with calcium in it every day (yogurt, cheese, milk) Calcium helps you lose weight
    6)start excercising slowly, even if its just a walk around the block
    7)drink decaf coffee and tea, caffeine takes away from your water intake.
    8)avoid processed or fried foods and cook from "scratch" whenever possible.
    9)avoid toppings or use substitutes. (Molly MCbutter for butter, etc.) Toppings especially salad dressing adds TONS of calories.
    10) forgive yourself for having a weak moment. Get back on track on the next meal.

    And best rule of all, do this for YOU! Enjoy your journey!
  • thepard
    thepard Posts: 4
    hello! am new to the website too, but not new to dieting! lost 3 stone 4 years ago and have put 2 and a half of it back on so....back to square one. i think one of the big things to help me last time was factoring in "treats". i could never have the willpower to give up all my favourites but as long as i was sensible i could enjoy a couple of glasses of wine at the weekend or a chocolate bar after a cold rainy walk and still stay on track without feeling like i was missing out.i wish you all the best in your weight loss,hope to hear how you're getting on.
  • harrypotterrocks13
    Thank you guys for all the great tips! After tracking my food for today, I can already see where I need to start cutting back. I will definately start drinking more water instead of so much soda. And I am going to go out to my local farmer's market this weekend and stock up on some fruits and veggies.