Need a little HELP from my friends...

Hey Everyone! Today I feel like sh**t.. not gonna lie. After returning from a crazy girls weekend full of tons of fatty food and alcohol I feel totally defeated. Here I sit, unmotivated, four pounds heavier, and one week into a three week break from college and work. It seems I would be taking advantage of my time off my catching up on some much needed workouts and healthy meal planning (now that I have the time!) but here it is Monday @ 11:00 am and all I have done today is eat a plate of hash browns (which my wonderful boyfriend made before he went to work to "cheer me up") I feel zapped of energy and was hoping for a little inspiration from others who are/have been in this same state. In fact, just venting by writing this post has made me feel a tiny bit better :)

Bloated eater of hash browns


  • micheleluden
    I think we all have those days/weeks. You have to pick yourself up...and get moving! I know if you get up right now and do some jumping jacks or jogging in will feel like you are back on track! Getting back up is the hardest part.
    Stick with it and you will soon feel like yourself again!
  • raindance_maggie
    you feel like crap cause you ate like crap...youre gonna have to dig deep for this one and you will feel better...take a walk maybe with fresh air to help you shake loose the bloat in your brain? :)

    youll feel a little better and then maybe you can stop talking yourself out of the things you know you need to do.

    youve totally got this.

    signed, the girl who drank too much rum this weekend but won't give up so you shouldnt either.
  • Michelle81285
    I am in the same boat, after the weekend I gained 3 pounds, and the worst part was that I stayed under my calorie goals. Although I ate pizza and wasn't eating "clean" but I still feel like I should not have gained the 3lbs.

    But I decided I need to stop beating myself up everytime that I get on the scale and am not happy. We just need to stick to it and continue doing what we have been and hopefully one day that scale will show us that change we want to see.

  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    You didn't gain four pounds - you're retaining water. Drink plenty of water, get back on track with your goals and stop beating yourself up for living you life.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Just remember that often during these weekend binges if you are eating a lot of things you don't normally eat, or at least more than you normally do (alcohol, fried foods, carbs) you do become bloated because your body freaks out, doesn't know whats going on, and starts to store everything in a panic. the best thing you can do is realize that weight is not permanent and you will drop it off pretty quick if you just get back on the horse.

    In the meantime... ditch the carbo-loaded hash browns and eat some eggs or something ;)
  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member
    No one"s perfect. We all mess up. I ate an entire large pizza over the course of the weekend. Start new today! You can do it!
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    I know exactly how u feel....just got back from my cousins wedding in vegas all weekend and trust theres nothing healthy in i def drank more then i ate=) I knew i would be lackluster today so i decided to start out slow by taking a walk with the can do this u just have to start out small and you will feel better.....
  • mwestonp
    mwestonp Posts: 77 Member
    What matters most is not how hard you fall, but how quickly you get back up. I've definitely been there. It's okay to take a bit of a break from time-to-time. The most important thing though is getting back into your routine. Don't feel defeated...enjoy the time off and rest up so that you're ready to get back in the game! Have a great day.
  • LeslieMDoyle
    LeslieMDoyle Posts: 162 Member
    I agree with Michele. Put on your most comfortable running shoes, grab your music (if you have portable music), and head out the door. One lap around the block or down to the mailbox or up the street, and you'll find that bounce in your step. Having a bad day is definitely not the end. If it were, we'd all be ending all the time. It's just a speed bump. I don't know about you, but I have no intention of giving up my cheat days every once in awhile. The trick is to be able to bounce back from them. So, don't beat yourself up for your weekend or even your morning. Just be willing to get up and take a few steps now.

    You'll feel much better when you do. :flowerforyou:
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    It won't help much now, but you could come with a few options to suggest that your boyfriend make or do next time you're feeling omelet, fruit salad, smoothie, a back/foot/whatever massage, etc.

    Remember, , this feeling is only temporary....but will be even shorter-lived if you act NOW to get yourself out of the rut. What advice would you give a friend in your situation? It's probably good advice and what you should be doing for yourself.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    You didn't gain four pounds - you're retaining water. Drink plenty of water, get back on track with your goals and stop beating yourself up for living you life.

  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Mmmmm.... Hash Browns. ::drool::

    But really, this:
    You didn't gain four pounds - you're retaining water. Drink plenty of water, get back on track with your goals and stop beating yourself up for living you life.

    Guilt is bad. Move forward. Move on. You've got this.
  • Beth_Gorman
    Beth_Gorman Posts: 35 Member
    Take it day by day. Results don’t come overnight. Change doesn’t happen immediately. Keep working towards your goals.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    The difference between success and failure is picking yourself up after a fall. If you fall down, the natural thing to do is get back up; this is the same in lifestyle change. You have spent a few days getting out of the routine... The key to getting back up is simply... get back up and do it. There are many days when I start a workout not wanting to do it but gain motivation as the workout progresses and see how much better I feel. The alcohol thing will also leave you feeling blah and down. It is a depressant... You just have to work through that. Best wishes on your success... you can do this... Just do it.
  • BelleLeeBee
    You can not live your life avoiding the "girl weekends' to avoid the fat :) Good for you for getting out and having some fun! Sometimes you just have to live! Now... well it is like going back to work after the weekend :) Make sure you get some sleep. Sleep is a powerful diet tool! When you are too tired we tend to eat for that burst of energy. Drink tons of water! Helps on multiple levels! and do get some excercise. Do something fun! You know I started this whole diet thing just bored one day and got up dancing LOL I was SO sweaty and gross after and when I looked it up on the computer...I had burned calories...ALOT of calories!

    I hope you had a great time while you were away :) and I bet you are back on your game in no time! Good luck for great success!
  • hayleeannie
    hayleeannie Posts: 45 Member
    Ok I'm convinced. I'm putting on my running shoes, grabbing my ipod and sweating all the nasty feelings out!!
    Thanks for the the advice ans support!
  • jenkidney
    jenkidney Posts: 149 Member
    You didn't gain four pounds - you're retaining water. Drink plenty of water, get back on track with your goals and stop beating yourself up for living you life.

    THIS! I can guarantee you that when I go to Vegas for a girls weekend I don't just go totally hog wild with my eating, but I am not counting calories either - nor am I turning down drinks! But I'm walking miles and miles along the Strip while I do it, and when I get home I get right back on track with counting calories and working out.

    Don't beat yourself up over it. Get back on the horse, and it will all come out in the wash!
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I did a similar thing when I first started. Dropped a few pounds, quit, gained it back, saw I had gained weight, and wanted to give up. If there's one thing I've learned in my life, nothing good comes of giving up. That goes for anything in life, not just weight loss. Get back on the horse and just try again.

    Here, have my favorite short YouTube video ever:
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    Hopefully this helps! :smile:

    To gain or lose one pound of fat, you need to eat or burn (or reduce through eating less) 3,500 calories. You said you gained four pounds over the course of the weekend but there's no way you could have gained 4 pound of *fat*--you would have had to consume 14,000 extra calories, yup, extra, than your normal caloric intake. What you have right now is just a bunch of water weight. So cheer up :smile:

    Last week I had Dominos pizza 3 nights in a row. I felt like crap and I "gained" 3.5lbs. I felt awful physically and mentally defeated. But then I decided to ground myself. I knew that there was no way I consumed 12,250 calories, even if Dominos is horrible for you. So I took charge--I upped my water intake over the next few days and stayed at or slightly(!) under my calorie goals. Within about 4 days of the last day of eating that crap, I had dropped back down to my weight before I startd eating the pizza. Again, there was no way that I consumed 12,250 calories less in those 4 days to drop those 3.5lbs. It was just water weight and bloat.

    So breathe deeply, clear your head of a fun weekend and leave it as just that--fun with your girlfriends. Over the next few days drink more water (you should be getting 8 glasses in daily so if you are, I'd recommend drinking 10+) and stay at or *slightly* under your calorie goals. To clarify slightly--I'd say about 100 calories less to make up for the extra calories consumed over the weekend, without actually cutting out so many that you aren't getting enough that your body needs. While you probably did consume more caloires than you normally do if this weekend consisted of abnormal eating for you, I would still be surprised if you gained even 1 actual pound of fat.

    I really hopes this helps you to feel better, Miss bloated eater of hash browns :wink:
  • jdhalberg72
    I agree with everyone who says it is water! Take it easy on yourself and go do something fun, go for a walk or a hike or go weed the will feel better!