Anyone up to starting power 90 with me?

I am starting power 90 on monday June 11....Anybody want to start with me?:smile:


  • nlenz16
    nlenz16 Posts: 73
    I just ordered it today!!! They said it would be 5 days for shipping so I am starting it next Monday :)
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    I started today too!! It's not near as bad as I thought it would be. Although..push ups have always been a challenge. I'll friend ya!
  • Frag_Bunny
    Frag_Bunny Posts: 39 Member
    I just started Power 90 today! I'll friend you all so we can keep in touch!
  • Studiet
    Studiet Posts: 2
    Just purchased today. Plan on eating right till it gets here, then bamm.....gonna do it.
  • I started Power 90 this sunday and already have lost 3 pounds! ^_^ I'm excited. has anyone else lost some weight in their first week? Or maybe even some inches? I've lost an inch in almost every section of my body.
  • I've lost 9 and half pounds and 7 inches around my belly since June 3, 2012 doing P90. Plus light walking. I really like it.
  • Steph13RN
    Steph13RN Posts: 92 Member
    WOW, this is awesome you guys! Great results! I just ordered mine Thursday and it should be here Tuesday! Hey, did any of you receive any freebies that you weren't expecting?? On the BB Forums, a gentleman received 7 days of shakeology and a free month of the club (the $2.99/week thing). Wasn't sure if that's standard now. Any of you using shakeology??

    Maybe we can start our own little group in the groups section?? I'm excited to get started with others who are using the same program!
  • googagene
    googagene Posts: 32
    I'm on day 43 of power 90 and have lost MANY inches (I'm down 1 pant size and 2 dress sizes) but only lost 5 pounds. I started power 90 by doing doubles the first 18 days- I'd do cardio 1-2 every morning and in the evening I would alternate cardio 1-2 with sculpting 1-2. I've tried different things to try to kickstart my actual weight loss, but they dont seem to be working. Anyone have any ideas for me? I'll admit I've never felt stronger than I do right now, it's like nothing can stop me! but I would like to actually drop some weight eventually so my BMI stops smacking me in the face.
  • jbuzz21
    jbuzz21 Posts: 1

    I got a brand new Power 90 set off of eBay and it's currently in New Jersey, on it's way to me here in sunny California. I'm super excited to get started with it. I've lost 18 lbs so far just by tracking my food here on mfp and doing some walking in the evenings, a few times a week. I'm just not losing inches like I'd like to. You would think 18 lbs down I'd be in a smaller pant size. Nope.

    So I'm really hoping that this will be something that I can do, stick with and will see results from :)

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  • If you're not losing weight but you're losing inches, you are probably building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. I lost motivation for about a week on p90 but I started back today with the 1-2 sculpting. I haven't lost any more lbs since I stopped doing it about a week ago. Guess P90 was working for me and I've went to fast food 3 times this week. I am trying to make today my new start again.