
This is hard to admit, but this it the best place I can turn to for support with this. I already know I should stop and look at how far I have come, and that I should stop the pitty party. Easier said than done! For the last week I have basically been starving myself. I barely eat. It seems as though the only time I do eat is if I am with other people. Which is sad. I feel as though I have went from an overeating disorder to a starving myself disorder. I have lost 97.4 pounds, and should be feeling great about myself. But this past week when I look in the mirror, all I see is the old me, heavier. I also feel very ugly. I don't think I am ugly, but believing what I think is hard. Has anybody else struggled with this same thing? Going through a tough time right now. :(


  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    Look at your before and after pictures, check your measurements, buy a new pair of pants, wait until TOM passes.

    I know how you feel, that's why I fell off the wagon for 2 months, but I felt like I was doing it all for nothing because I plateaued for 2 months, makes me feel like crying. But two weeks ago I woke up and realized I was 12 lbs heavier and I would of rather been stuck at my plateau than go back to where I was.

    This is a life choice and I realized I have to do this forever, not just to lose weight but to keep it off, that's why I'm getting my scale out of my house because it messes with my head.

    Don't give up girl, you practically met your year goal in 6 months. I notice you haven't been on the elliptical as much, get back on it :-)

    YOU CAN DO IT. Go through the motions until the motivation comes back, that's what I had to do.
  • vivianahm
    vivianahm Posts: 54 Member
    You've been so great and have been so wonderful and determined, it's no wonder some of that will might wear off, this is tiring for sure, day after day after day.
    But you can do it, if you think you've gone too far, I would suggest, take a one month break (try to mantain for a month) and then come back with new energy and determination.
    Remember to keep us posted and good luck
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    Can you try something new that might kick start your journey? Maybe try a new class at the gym or join a running group (or any group that does something you're interested in)? Sometimes it just takes a little something different to get you motivated again. The more you're exercising the less you'll need to feel like you need to "starve" yourself to make progress. We all need a little jump start sometimes. Don't give up! You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • SKHaz1
    SKHaz1 Posts: 145 Member
    Weight loss has its ups and downs and there's no doubt about that. You've had a lot of ups lately and you're hitting a down now. Try something new! New exercise class, new recipe, just something new! You gotta switch it up to keep yourself sane. Doing the same thing day in and day out gets old and you start to focus on little insecurities or negative things. Don't look at it as starvation mode, look it as a lifestyle change. Buy a new exercise outfit or a new piece of equipment (HR monitor, physioball, freeweights at home) Get excited you are doing great!!
  • michellevine1
    michellevine1 Posts: 185 Member
    Hi, Take a deep breath. Know that you are supported! Agree that this is a lifestyle change but nothing in extremes is good. You can do this. You have done this. You will do this. All in moderation though. It didnt take a week to put weight on and as corny as it sounds it wont take a week to get it all off. Again, take a deep breath. Thanks for sharing. Tomorrow is a new day. A better day. :) Take care ... of YOU! :)
  • DaleArden
    DaleArden Posts: 26
    I read your post, honey, and have nothing but love and hugs for you. You've lost an immense amount of weight in a pretty short space of time and that's been an emotional journey as much as a physical one. It makes sense to me that there will be some emotional backlash, and I see in your post a fear of regaining the weight you've lost, so much so that it's making you afraid to eat anything. I might be wrong about this, but I don't think I am. Maybe I'm misreading your post, if I am please correct me. But honey, you need to eat. You can't continue to starve yourself like you have been doing this last week, for a whole lot of reasons that I'm pretty sure, deep down, you already know. I'm going to go against the majority of advice here and suggest that you get some emotional support for this, maybe talk to a counselor. Swinging from an overeating disorder to an undereating (or purging) disorder is not uncommon--both are fuelled by the same negative emotional state. You've done an incredible job of getting your body to an amazing place, your mind is telling you it needs some attention with whatever underlying issues have been dogging you. Much love to you.
  • jrogersj
    jrogersj Posts: 115 Member
    Thank you all for your help, it is greatly appreciated. I think it is just chane. I need to change the way I look at myself. Instead of seeing 97.4 pounds heavier, I need to see 97.4 pounds lighter. It is an emotional roller coaster as well as a physical one. I also have a boyfriend now, and didn't know if I was ready for that because I am losing weight, changing how my body looks, and getting more attention from guys ( which rarely happened before). And I didn't know if I was ready for a relationship until I talked to him, and he came over after work for him and before work for me and helped me talk through it. He seems to be a good guy! :) thanks for the encouragement! I appreciate you all!