Florida Mom Desperate to Lose Weight

Hello All,
I am a 31 year old mother of two and I am almost as heavy now as I was when I gave birth to my second daughter. I lost most of my pregnancy weight but found myself to be a stress eater. Over the past year I have been under lots of stress and my comfort was/is food! I look at myself in the mirror and I am disgusted by what stares back at me. I was never skinny, but was never this bad. My husband tells me that I look fine and he loves me anyway but I know that he would like for me to look like I did back when.
Would love to chat with other moms, dads or just anyone looking to lose weight and make lifestyle change.

I don't want to diet but rather to change my habits and become healthier. I have high blood pressure, migraines etc...


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hello All,
    I am a 31 year old mother of two and I am almost as heavy now as I was when I gave birth to my second daughter. I lost most of my pregnancy weight but found myself to be a stress eater. Over the past year I have been under lots of stress and my comfort was/is food! I look at myself in the mirror and I am disgusted by what stares back at me. I was never skinny, but was never this bad. My husband tells me that I look fine and he loves me anyway but I know that he would like for me to look like I did back when.
    Would love to chat with other moms, dads or just anyone looking to lose weight and make lifestyle change.

    I don't want to diet but rather to change my habits and become healthier. I have high blood pressure, migraines etc...

    Welcome! MFP is a great site full of great people, many of whom are also trying to change habits and their lifestyle rather than just "diet." Lots of support on here - there's a search function on the message boards so you can search through topics people have already posted. There are various support groups that have formed on here - groups of people that check in with each other on a weekly (or daily) basis - you might benefit from finding one that you fit with.

    Sounds like you have a great attitude, wanting to make a permanent change for life. Good luck with your journey!
  • 135gratitude
    Welcome! This is it - you are going to get rid of this weight!

    I was in the same position as you - weight to lose after a baby (and my baby was 2 yrs when I started!). I've lost most of my weight now, and feel like a new person.

    It was so easy to do - just follow the program. I plan my meals each morning, so that I can eat everything I want, just in the right portion size. Today for example I ate fajitas with my family, but I skipped the tortillas, and that way I never felt full or bloated, but enjoyed a tasty treat!

    Good luck - you will be successul!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    WELCOME to MFP ! This is NOT a diet but a LIFESTYLE! Please eat and LOG every bite to be honest on the calorie consumption, DRINK 64 ounces of water everyday, exercise for an hour everyday so you can eat more calories! You can eat pretty normal food, they are in the food database! Stay reading and posting because it really helps. Go under the topics to the success and you will read and see pic's! This is absolutely the best site to get you to your goal!!! I wish you the best!!!
  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    I am 32 with a 10 month girl and trying to get preggas again.
    When I first had her I went to gym and worked out really hard for 60 min and was not too strict about what I ate but I used to be so exhausted at the end of the day. Then I quit gym and didn't track calories for a month and put all the weight back on. Now I started again but I am only doing 30 minutes on exercise bike at home and not going over on my calories and I have lost all the weight back and then some and I don't feel worn out. I think being a mum I thought I could do everything and now I think for the first time I am doing this slow and steady even if I only lose a pound a month it's still a pound. Sometimes at the start I used to get depressed because a lot of people lose weight so quick on here, but this time I am taking it easy.
    Don't be too hard on yourself you have 2 little ones. A lifestyle change sounds like a good plan and I'm sure you will get there! Goodluck:smile:
  • CinthyNair
    Hi Florida Mom!
    I know exactly how you feel. I had gained so much weight during my 1st pregnancy, and had lost some of it after the delivery. However, I had gained it all back, and then some more! My heaviest was 260lbs!

    The MFP is an amazing site, lots of tips on weight loss and exercise. You have come to the right place. Since joining MFP in Sept, I have lost 24lbs. I have another 70+ to go, and I am excited over losing it in the next 6-8 months (my target deadline).

    Good luck, and ask the members if you have any questions, everyone is very helpful :flowerforyou:
  • wolt98
    wolt98 Posts: 62 Member
    welcome to MFP I am just getting serious with my new healthy lifestyle like you! I also am the same weight I was when I had my second child though that was two years ago! My biggest motivation has been to try and get my migraines under conrtol! I need to loose at least 65lbs. but am taking it one pound at a time. My first new healthy choice has been to give up pop and artifical sweeteners, way harder than I thought it would be! would love to keep each other accountable as we get this journey!
  • saabrock09
    Thanks Everyone for the warm welcome.
    I think my biggest challenge is going to be getting to like myself again, and not beat myself up when I slip. I see that this board is very supportive and I am excited that I did so well today in my eating... Best part is no binging, under the max calories allowed in my food diary and I don't even feel hungry. I know that this is only the beginning and that I have to take this day by day because every day will bring a new challenge for me. I have to chose whether I want to eat my stress away or deal with it and move on.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Thanks Everyone for the warm welcome.
    I think my biggest challenge is going to be getting to like myself again, and not beat myself up when I slip. I see that this board is very supportive and I am excited that I did so well today in my eating... Best part is no binging, under the max calories allowed in my food diary and I don't even feel hungry. I know that this is only the beginning and that I have to take this day by day because every day will bring a new challenge for me. I have to chose whether I want to eat my stress away or deal with it and move on.
    Your welcome! I am glad to read you had a good day! You can not controll everything but YOU can controll what goes into your mouth and when you feel stressed get on here and vent, we will try to help support and encourage you! Have ONE more good day !