Any bingers in recovery?

Hey there everyone, I've been struggling with my binge addiction for over a year now. At first they were really bad. I just couldn't stop. Then there was improvement..from every other day to once a its happening twice a least. I just need some friends who really understand what its like to isolate yourself and knows what its like when the urge comes..especially if its so strong it feels like you can't fight them. Someone who doesn't judge on diaries, who never gives up on friends when they do binge. So if your in recovery..please add me. My name is Suzanne btw :happy: :drinker:


  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi! I have not been formally diagnosed with binge eating disorder, but as a behavior analyst, I have read articles and studies on binge eaters and know I fit the category. It's funny because I was actually about to log on and report my binge I just did...sugar free ice cream. There are certain foods I CANNOT have in my apartment or else I will binge. Or I have to individually portion and freeze them (increase the effort needed to get to them). One is ice cream, sugar-free or otherwise. I'm going to stick to the individual cups. Other foods include peanut butter (I buy it in single serving portion containers), nuts, bread, pasta. Feel free to add me as a friend; I need someone to encourage me to log in everyday and report EVERYTHING; even if I do binge.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I try and do the same, not keeping any triggers in the house..but my thing if I want it bad enough, I will go to the store and buy the snacks myself.
  • I've been struggling with the same thing for over a year now. I could really use some support/understanding. It's most difficult since I can't control what is in my kitchen (since I'm living with other members of my family). Yesterday I had a setback and am still very unsure as to how to deal with them. I eat cleanly about 95% of the time when not bingeing and I exercise regularly, but the binge attacks just sap all of my willpower. It's unbelievably frustrating.
  • foremate
    foremate Posts: 38
    i would eat like that but I understand now that if i give myself those foods all along I wont seem like i am depriving myself. It helps like right now i keep walking by a bag of white cheddar popcorn and everyday it keeps calling me....calling me....
  • MollDoll81
    MollDoll81 Posts: 43
    Ugh. *raises hand* Me.

    To the point where I'd hit two or three separate drive-thrus so the folks at each wouldn't know that I was buying all that food.

    Did a short stint with a cognitive behavioral therapist (VERY helpful).

    Worked through a book on my own (also helpful)

    Try not to keep triggers around, but have a 10 year old son and he deserves his snacks.

    I don't binge often anymore. I'm managing stress better. Haven't yet made it to the point where I'll work out when the desire to binge hits, but that's my goal.
  • nursenelson
    nursenelson Posts: 295
    I'm actually not in recovery...yet! Working on that though!!
  • Eh sort of
  • If you don't mind me asking, was there any general advice that specifically helped you get over it?
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Me :)

    Been binge free for 6 days. Counts right?!

    Any and everyone feel free to add me :)
  • sugarytwinkle
    sugarytwinkle Posts: 1 Member
    Yep, hi there. This last year I was diagnosed with binge eating disorder which was first caused by anxiety and depression where I turned to comfort eating before it became an addiction, a year after a battle with the anorexia demon. I know that recently I need people to keep me on track because I keep looking in the mirror and hating what I see, and the battle is to not turn back to starving and throwing up to get the weight off fast. I'm doing better at eating healthy but then I go to the shop and buy everything I can afford and just eat and the self loathing/healthy eating/bingeing cycle

    So yeah, we're here.
  • HealthyLivingKathy
    HealthyLivingKathy Posts: 190 Member
    In an attempt to stop the emotional eating which leads to binges for me, I put together this list of things to do instead of eating. Just finished it today so not certain how this will work. My theory is to get my mind on anything else and off the desire to eat NOW.

    I blogged the list at
  • sunnyshine1313
    sunnyshine1313 Posts: 112 Member
    I have had a couple of binges with my favorite treats around the house, and it's hard not to buy them and keep them in the house since the kids enjoy them. The other night I really wanted cookies, and went to the store at 11pm and got them :-( But still going with MFP.
  • jeannette120
    jeannette120 Posts: 65 Member
    Very much a binge eater here. I've been that way for years. There is a great book called "Shrink Yourself" by Roger L. Gould. He also has a 12 week online class to help overcome binge eating. I am in week 5 and so far it has been very helpful. Now if I would just apply what I learn.

    I am happy to be a support!
  • LadyRush
    LadyRush Posts: 95 Member
    I am compulsive overeater, I go to OA. I understand binge eating and isolating! No judgment here! Add me if you want, I can listen!
  • ccpace4
    ccpace4 Posts: 100
    I'm here. I still struggle with it some times...around middle school I was anorexic and I lost about 80lbs and then slowly but surely I started binge eating and I always would tell myself.."well I'll stop and just go back to starving mode" but that never happened and I gained about 110lbs with 3 years of I'm trying to be healthy
  • bettyacedog
    bettyacedog Posts: 6 Member
    I liked the book "Women, Food and God" by Geneen Roth.
  • I try and do the same, not keeping any triggers in the house..but my thing if I want it bad enough, I will go to the store and buy the snacks myself.

    Hi, I have been battling BED for a little over a year. I had anorexia prior to this. It is a terrible experience to go through, but everyone has the power to recover.

    Are you seeing a therapist?

    And as for driving I go get snacks, you should keep a sticky note on your steering wheel as a reminder. For example, it can say " You are stronger than your urg to binge. Go back inside and find out what is really bothering you. YOU ARE IN CONTOL. "

    Its good that you have slowed down to twice a month! I have binged almost everyday of June. I only haven't 3 days out of the whole month. It is the hardest thing that I have ever gone through.
  • Ahlamgirl
    Ahlamgirl Posts: 4 Member
    I've just started to admit that I'm a binge eater and as I'm writing this I'm crying because it's been one of the hardest admissions to make. Thank you to everyone who has shared their struggle I know this sounds cliche but I'm greatful for everyones honesty and courage and I hope that this will all help us with our daily challenges.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I try and do the same, not keeping any triggers in the house..but my thing if I want it bad enough, I will go to the store and buy the snacks myself.

    Hi, I have been battling BED for a little over a year. I had anorexia prior to this. It is a terrible experience to go through, but everyone has the power to recover.

    Are you seeing a therapist?

    And as for driving I go get snacks, you should keep a sticky note on your steering wheel as a reminder. For example, it can say " You are stronger than your urg to binge. Go back inside and find out what is really bothering you. YOU ARE IN CONTOL. "

    Its good that you have slowed down to twice a month! I have binged almost everyday of June. I only haven't 3 days out of the whole month. It is the hardest thing that I have ever gone through.

    Yes, I do see a therapist, but visiting family out of state for the summer, so won't be seeing her until September. I don't drive. I walk or ride with someone else.
  • awilke03
    awilke03 Posts: 13 Member
    me too! I went through a hospital supervised program where there was group therapy and a nutritionist, met for 3 months (if I recall) that was several years ago - it was very helpful! I still struggle, and still binge - once in a while - but going through treatment geared for BED was amazingly helpful! My Dr is the one who referred me to the program - I knew I had a problem and told her I wanted help. Help is out there - and I could not have done it without group support as well - we are here for you! :flowerforyou:

    ps - a book I found helpful at the time was "life with ED"